Everybody seems to forgot about Vitiligo ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Québec, Canada
Is it me or the media dont talk about his skin desease ?

Its not speculations, its was proven in 1994.

I dont get it.
Well they never really acknowledged it while he was alive, either. So far (and I haven't been watching much) but the only real mention of it I've seen was on some bbc coverage, and they didn't ever mention the word vitiligo, they just said a couple times that Michael ' always said he suffered from a skin disorder' and kind of made it seem like a flimsy statement that wasn't worth discussing. They showed a tiny 3 second clip of the Oprah interview where Michael says 'I suffer from a skin disease which destroys the pigmentation' and then they quickly cut it there before he says 'called vitiligo'.
An autopsy would definitely tell what kind of skin disease he had.. Im sure the coroner have written down what kind of condition his skin was in.. I just doubt that kind of information will ever come out.
I know, but they even talked to fans in Encino and asked them how they felt about Michael 'turning himself from a black man to a white man', did they feel betrayed. They said..something like 'yes somewhat but...' I can't remember what they said but even they didn't mention vitiligo, and these were people who had been big fans for like 20-30 yrs..

If I was there I would have definitely put the reporter in her place