Ever been called out for your brashness?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have and it kind of hurt. I am trying to be an honest person at all times but so often this gets me into crap. I do not do the whole social network deal, I briefly tried twitter but did not enjoy it so deleted it but I do like to post on message forums like this one, 2 other Michael forums and about 5 or 6 other forums for my other interests. The nature of a lot of these is simply speak your mind as long as it is within the rules but lately I have gotten a heap of oversensitivity for what I see as just making suggestions or at worst constructive criticism. Maybe I am too brash at times but I mean well really it is just my culture and upbringing encourages having confidence to speak out if you feel it. The problem is is sometimes what I am typing will be taken as horrid by people and I feel this is a bit unfair as typing alone without seeing someones face expressions or hearing their tone it is hard to judge whether they are being mean or just making constructive criticism. Yet I get assumed as being horrid so I must be doing something wrong. My grammar is awful so maybe it is my choice of words that is the problem but I was hoping for tips on how to tone down my brashness or over honesty so that it does not upset anybody in the future. I feel a mixture of anger at myself for being to brash and others for being too sensitive but really want to avoid this in the future but not to the point where I just law down and agree with everything so any tips?
well this thread is a great beginning..I think it will help people understand where you are coming from a little better. So now that I know your personality and that you mean well in your posts....it will be easier for me to be more forgiving if your tone sounds a little off. :hug:
I honestly don't know what to say in regards to suggestions. I don't think bad grammar has anything to do with people's perceptions of you--most people have bad grammar and yours is not as bad as most.

In relation to so-called "brashness," at times it truly is some harshly worded statement on one's part, but at others it is simply people being overly sensitive. It is all relative to the situation at hand. For example, if one's statements are based upon assumptions of something/someone and strongly worded, the other person is bound to become less receptive to the message being delivered. However, if the utterance is regarding something/someone of whom a more-or-less good amount of facts are known, then even the strongly-worded thought will be valid, and the only ones who would dare take offence to it would be over-sensitive people.

Without actual examples of what this "brashness" appears as in relation to the world at large, I cannot truly guide you in any direction, but I have given you my thoughts nonetheless, and I hope they are at least of some use to you.
Thanks for the reply yeah it is bad that my tone seems off as if I was to speak the words I typed it would probably not sound that way. Well thanks for your understanding response that is nice of you.
Just treat others the way you want to be treated.

You just need to be able with getting in the very same, I'd say.

I personally find some 'brashness' refreshing and ok as long as it's sincere and spontaneous and not when it's more used to just stir up some drama or is only meant for attention seeking.
Just saying it generally as I didn't recognize your posts really to be that... yet. ;)
I have a good way of putting things down:yes: So the only people that take it the wrong way are the people that haven grown up yet :toofunny:
That is my feeling too Mechi I prefer to see this than just walk on eggshells but maybe that is only because I am this way so to me it is not offensive. I find though that being this way gets you the label of someone who wants to make drama even when that is not the case so maybe it is just hard to tell how I am being for others.
I am kind of the opposite, I am too quiet and often watch what I say. Someone would have to severely p**s me off in order to receive the sharp end of my tongue, but if they REALLY push it then they get it in full but I have to be pushed hard for that to happen and then it isn't pretty.

On a lighter note you can totally tone down the harshness of your tone with the insertion of a "lol" for example "You're a prize prat lol" - I might well think they're a prize prat but I'm getting away with it by making it lighthearted lol jj