Entertainment Weekly


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
yes, it has 4 pretty covers - but the content, imo sucks. Did not like the main article - mostly negative - at least to me. The picture section was only okay. Other mags better. I was very disappointed because I was looking forward to this one. Got only one cover and much as I like the others, won't spend my money because of the content. Still looking forward to Rolling Stone and hope that one is better. Anyone else read through this one?
Sorry to hear this. I was going to order all 4 covers.
Yeah. I looked through it yesterday at the store, and I thought it was very negative.
Even though the covers were good, I never even considered getting the EW magazines. EW never ever liked MJ, so I didn't want to give them my money. Their obvious bias towards him is what made me finally stop subscribing to them back in 2001.
yes, it has 4 pretty covers - but the content, imo sucks. Did not like the main article - mostly negative - at least to me. The picture section was only okay. Other mags better. I was very disappointed because I was looking forward to this one. Got only one cover and much as I like the others, won't spend my money because of the content. Still looking forward to Rolling Stone and hope that one is better. Anyone else read through this one?

you shouldn't be surprised. and i wouldn't get hopes up about Rollingstone either. let them make their money they know they'll make and get the mags for the pics, is what i say..
Well i loved the covers for EW and i wanted to frame them.
What are the covers like? I already have like 8 magazines about MJ in the last week so I'm not going to buy anymore. I'd just like to see the covers.
The copy i has wasn't too bad...but it was very biased, but not as much as TIME...

is time negative too? I'm still waiting to find it, I was planning on getting it.
It was SSOOO negative.... they flat out said something along the lines of not being able to focus on the music career, you HAVE to focus on the "weirdness"... Um, no you don't...