Entertainment Is Dead For Me NOw


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm not even exaggerating, it really is gone for me along with Michael. Somehow the world of entertainment seems a little less magical for me. I know that MJ was pretty much retired for years but I was happy knowing he was around. No one really excited me like MJ did. I'm glad we still have Prince 'cause he is my 2nd fave artist, but MJ was my ultimate and I feel like like things are different now that he's gone. I don't care about entertainment anymore--not seeing new movies, music, video's, nothing. Michael was the best at all those things and no one will ever get me as excited as he did.

All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

I just feel sooooooooooooooo empty. Anyone else feel like this? If it wasn't about Michael, then really I wasn't that interested and now that he's gone I don't know what?! I will never be into another entertainer/artist/singer/celebrity the way I was into Michael. Music industry and entertainment will NEVER be the same. This is such a HUGE loss. I just hope MJ has tons of unreleased songs and footage that we've never heard or seen.
OMG I so understand what you're saying here 'cause I'm feeling the same way too, nothing in entertainment interests me anymore. Michael was IT for me and now that he's no longer here, nothing will ever be the same.
I haven't played any video games since the bad news came out and I'm a huge gamer so I can relate to a certain extent. Still, I think Michael would have wanted his fans to be happy. It's hard to embrace any form of entertainment when you've lost someone you truly loved but you should try to take small steps. I've been watching videos of puppies on youtube and they've helped me a lot. Find something that brings a smile to your face and it will help you cope with your sadness. We should try to be happy for Michael's sake.
I'm a Magician so making people smile with my art helps, but I cant get my mind off of Michael, hes my hero and my inspiration, entertainment and my life will NEVER be the same again.
All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

when i hear fans saying that have never seen him in the concert i feel so lucky. because i have. and because of that i know what you're talking about. first time i went to his concert i was so blown away. i thought to myself "i wish i could stay in IT forever" because it was pure bliss. i went to many concerts since. always comparing. Never judging these performers against Michael but always remembering Michael. and they always seemed students compared to Michael. but i didnt mind.

now any concert will seem a pale look-like a concert. i dont really care about it. all i wanted was Michael. i dont want anything now.
If you think about it, there really isn't anyone out there that even can remotely be compared to Michael. I'm not saying this just as a Michael fan, but more of a realist.

None of the young mofos out there really push the envelope and make their own path, they follow the stream by working with the same producers, and get the same songs.
They work with the same dancers, get the same dances.
They work with the same promoters and get the same promotions.
They have the same management and make the same statements as everyone else.
The work the with the same video directors and get the same videos.

It's kind of like... I almost giggle by the thought of trying to find someone that can compare to Michael because everyone is so far out of the zone Michael was in that it's not even realistic.

You have to had gone through all the shit Michael went through to even come close to his presence.

No disrespect to Lionel Richie and those cats... they're good at what they do, but they really can't fuck with Michael. No one can.
yeah, i was in my friend's car a couple of days ago and he was playing some new hip/hop, rnb.. whatever you call it.... i wanted to smash the system.
its been dead since the last album Michael put out and when he was last on stage, his death is just the nail in the coffin, pardon the pun!

the music industry has been slowly decreasing.
because he puts his heart into it. no disrespect to others. it's just his heart is made of light and love

Exactly... it's like today artists are a product of the current state in the business, while the business once was a product of Michael.
(hopefully what I said makes sense, lol)

And it's funny everyone is like "yo Michael is my biggest inspiration, he's the reason I'm doing this", yet these people that claim to be a product of Michael is 6-7 times out of 10 are pretty whack, and the rest not even remotely comparable no matter how good they are.
This kind of shows you that there isn't a recipe on how to get great... it's just something that comes along once in a while like a gift from above.

You know... Beethoven, Mozart, Michael Jackson...

It's like... the legend Beethoven left behind him is exactly, if not even probably an even bigger legend Michael has left behind him, that people in 200 years can look back and reflect like "WOW, WHAT WAS THAT?!"
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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm the kind of person that always has to have music playing especially when I'm online. Itunes hasn't been used and my Ipod hasn't been touched since it happened. And when I looked back on why I love music so much i realized that Michael was really the one that sparked that passion way back when I was little. The first artist I was a fan of.

And when I was watching Lil Wayne an co. at the BET awards sunday I got so angry because i realized how sub par today's music is compared to Michael. My mother was watching and I was actually embarrassed. They had to censor most of that performance and I thought about how Michael has never had to resort to saturating his music with vulgarities, degrade women, talk about harming others, or talk about how rich he is, etc. to sell his albums and be as popular as he is. Sigh...
I'm not even exaggerating, it really is gone for me along with Michael. Somehow the world of entertainment seems a little less magical for me. I know that MJ was pretty much retired for years but I was happy knowing he was around. No one really excited me like MJ did. I'm glad we still have Prince 'cause he is my 2nd fave artist, but MJ was my ultimate and I feel like like things are different now that he's gone. I don't care about entertainment anymore--not seeing new movies, music, video's, nothing. Michael was the best at all those things and no one will ever get me as excited as he did.

All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

I just feel sooooooooooooooo empty. Anyone else feel like this? If it wasn't about Michael, then really I wasn't that interested and now that he's gone I don't know what?! I will never be into another entertainer/artist/singer/celebrity the way I was into Michael. Music industry and entertainment will NEVER be the same. This is such a HUGE loss. I just hope MJ has tons of unreleased songs and footage that we've never heard or seen.

I feel the exact same way. Him not being here anymore has completely deflated me. The only difference is I did get the see MJ briefly in concert when he did the United We Stand thingy in DC, so I did get to see him, but like you I was praying that he would bring his tour here. :(
I've just been barraging myself with Michael's music...over and over. I'm actually hearing more of his voice...concentrating on it more clearly than I ever have...more intently to the emotion and the tone, the feeling.

I'm doing better today...I still feel sad, but I know he'll forever live on, long after I'm dead and gone. His music truly is forever...that's real comforting.

I will certainly agree that what I saw on BET, I considered a serious decline in music. I bet most of the older people there were like "what is this crap?".
am i wrong to say,tht i think we will see more of his music now tht hes gone?. yes but i know what the op is saying. i only ever cared to see when mike was doing. i think now mike has gone,the blockbuster era of music has gone.
Cinnamon, I whole heartedly agree with you:

My wife and I went to a Beyonce concert here in Florida on Monday evening. I purchased upgraded tickets which placed me on stage with her as she was performing. I have been such a huge fan of Beyonce since the start of her career. I was sitting there watching her perform and I wasn't nearly as excited as I should've been. My wife asked me, "what's wrong" a few times throughout the concert. I told her everything was fine because I didn't want to ruin the experience for her.

I knew what was wrong with me. I knew that I was supposed to be in England this summer to see my idol for the first time ever. It had something to do with being in a concert setting that took me under a cloud of severe depression. I was at such a level of disparity that I actually started hoping that Michael would walk from behind those curtains. Beyonce put on a wonderful show, but she did not fill the whole that is in my heart right now.

Cinnamon, I was actually sitting at the concert and watching her perform and I said to myself "I will never, in my life, have a connection with someone I've never met like I did with Michael" which is the exact same thing you said in your post. I felt, and still feel, so hopeless.......
I never used to post here .. just read the news and stuff ... Im glad that I can read all your posts etc though and know Im not alone in feeling like the wind has been taken out of everything. I feel a bit better today but I just can't see ever being interested in other music the way I was. I used to get excited about all my fave artists but in a way cos I knew there was MJ coming back anytimes soon.
I too look forward to any MJ music that comes out in future ! I hope they do it right though. I REEAAAAAAALLLLLLY want the tracks will.i.am did with michael to ocme out as one complete album
I must be getting old because 99.999999% of the music that is played today I can't listen to because the lyrics suck. MJ and Sade are the only 2 artist that I listen to, so when I heard he was putting on a show I was beyond elated and then Sade.com sent out some info saying Sade is now in the studio making music, man talk about being on cloud 9.. Well now that one of my favs has passed (wow it took a minute to type that word) I am let with just the hope that Sade can somewhat fill that void.
MJ will forever be my number 1, no matter how many artist come and go. I hope this doesn't sound to selfish of me, but I hope and pray to the big man upstairs that whoever is running MJ's estate releases all of his tours ond DVD and some of his unreleased music. Just the thought of being able to see MJ on stage again would help me get over the fact he isn't physically present here on earth.

My heart goes out to all of you that have never seen him in concert, I won't sit here in and go into detail about it because that would be like putting salt on a wound.

Cinn, I fully understand how your feel..
luv all you fans.

There are a some good artists still out there*Sarah Mclachlan*. They are just very few and far in-between but for the most part mainstrem music is dead. A lot of the stuff that is played on the radio does not seem like music to me.

I just wonder how many "hits" of today will be remembered in 40/50 years time....
Cinnamon, I feel exactly the way you do. I can comprehend the music business without Michael on the horizon. I don't like much of anything out there now. And since his death, I feel like I just want to go and find every single video out there of Michael performing and watch it over and over again. Cause that is all I have now. I know that when AEG or Sony or whoever releases his new music, I will be the first one in line. I look forward with great anticipation to every single thing that will be released in the future from Michael Jackson.
I'm not even exaggerating, it really is gone for me along with Michael. Somehow the world of entertainment seems a little less magical for me. I know that MJ was pretty much retired for years but I was happy knowing he was around. No one really excited me like MJ did. I'm glad we still have Prince 'cause he is my 2nd fave artist, but MJ was my ultimate and I feel like like things are different now that he's gone. I don't care about entertainment anymore--not seeing new movies, music, video's, nothing. Michael was the best at all those things and no one will ever get me as excited as he did.

All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

I just feel sooooooooooooooo empty. Anyone else feel like this? If it wasn't about Michael, then really I wasn't that interested and now that he's gone I don't know what?! I will never be into another entertainer/artist/singer/celebrity the way I was into Michael. Music industry and entertainment will NEVER be the same. This is such a HUGE loss. I just hope MJ has tons of unreleased songs and footage that we've never heard or seen.
I thought I was the only one who felt that way!!!!!!!!!! My mother told me to and do something like watch a movie or red a book because sh saw how sad I was, She said "do something to get your mind off it" And I told her that I could'nt. I told her that everything I tried to do just reminded me that Michael was'nt here anymore. Everything reminds me of him.
I always said that I didn't care if the whole hollywood blew up just as long as michael wasn't there. Thats how uninterested I was with supposed celebs and famous folk. I have never cared about stars until michael. It was 30th anniversary that did it for me. I always kept hope alive that someday michael would perform again and I would see him. I had my ticket for opening night and now my dreams are shattered. The thing that bothers me most is that I can no longer have hope. There is no longer a chance for anything in this life time and it kills me. But all that aside I wouldn't care if michael never performed again. I just want him here alive on earth. With his funky pjs and whatnots. But I can no longer hope for that ever again either. Where do we go from here I don't know! Yes the unreleased footage will be nice but it still won't be the same.
I'm not even exaggerating, it really is gone for me along with Michael. Somehow the world of entertainment seems a little less magical for me. I know that MJ was pretty much retired for years but I was happy knowing he was around. No one really excited me like MJ did. I'm glad we still have Prince 'cause he is my 2nd fave artist, but MJ was my ultimate and I feel like like things are different now that he's gone. I don't care about entertainment anymore--not seeing new movies, music, video's, nothing. Michael was the best at all those things and no one will ever get me as excited as he did.

All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

I just feel sooooooooooooooo empty. Anyone else feel like this? If it wasn't about Michael, then really I wasn't that interested and now that he's gone I don't know what?! I will never be into another entertainer/artist/singer/celebrity the way I was into Michael. Music industry and entertainment will NEVER be the same. This is such a HUGE loss. I just hope MJ has tons of unreleased songs and footage that we've never heard or seen.

Hey, I feel the exact same way!!! He was simply the BEST!!! Looking around you just realize (and I always was aware of that) that no one comes even near him and that all these celebrities are sooo incredibly boring compared to Michael Jackson!!!

Not only that he was the best at what he did, but he was also the one with the most exciting personality. People (including me) would just scream their hearts out because of him, even if he would just stand in front of you, doing nothing (*remembersWorldMusicAwardsLondon2006...*)!!!

I personally would have loved him to release a new album or go on tour, but honestly I was just a happy and content girl, knowing he existed and was somewhere travelling this world.

Now that he's gone I really feel empty and the colours don't look as bright as they used to.

I doubt that I will ever really get over it. The shock and disbelief are still so deep...

Hey, I feel the exact same way!!! He was simply the BEST!!! Looking around you just realize (and I always was aware of that) that no one comes even near him and that all these celebrities are sooo incredibly boring compared to Michael Jackson!!!

Exactly! Michael could just stand on the stage and people would swoon. There are no stars right now that have this sort of commanding presence, not one.
I'm not even exaggerating, it really is gone for me along with Michael. Somehow the world of entertainment seems a little less magical for me. I know that MJ was pretty much retired for years but I was happy knowing he was around. No one really excited me like MJ did.

All my life I've wanted to see him live in concert. I've seen Prince, Madonna, Janet---all the big entertainers i've wanted to see but I never saw my favorite artist live and that just absolutely kills me. I was so looking forward to him touring and I was hoping he'd come to the U.S. so I could see him. I can just never get over that I never got a chance to see him live. I really miss him.

I just feel sooooooooooooooo empty. Anyone else feel like this? If it wasn't about Michael, then really I wasn't that interested and now that he's gone I don't know what?! I will never be into another entertainer/artist/singer/celebrity the way I was into Michael. Music industry and entertainment will NEVER be the same. This is such a HUGE loss.

I'm so pleased that Michael is LOVED by many like you and me. I really feel what you feel about Michael right now. We just need to stay strong and keep praying for Michael and his family, his children that things would turn out to be good. Cause no matter what, I know one thing for sure is the fans around the world will be always by his side, and the power of love we give each other will keep growing stronger and stronger.