enrich your life by being nice to Michael Jackson..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
ok..i no longer think i am crazy for thinking this..it just happens too often.
a contestant from american idol have won after they sang an MJ song..

a dancing with the stars contestant won just after she performed to an MJ song.

Kobe Bryant and the los angeles lakers basketball team have just made it to the finals and will receive a trophy, now that Kobe Bryant did a soundbyte being giddy over his daughter's love of Michael Jackson...

a designer is about to take off because of his association with Michael..

and a major tv network is about to fuse much more money into a sport i hate, because Michael just attended an event in that sport (MMA)

they are about to broadcast their first MMA fight on cbs tv..a major american network, this saturday.

and we all discussed the bad things that happen to people that try to hurt Michael. now i know there are other examples, but i can't think of them, just now..

now..call it timing... call it whatever you will...

i know MJ does nothing personally to affect these people but the reality is, the timing is eerie, regarding the associations.

and i am not suggesting anything except what i printed here.

so..i'll just say that if you wanna enrich your life....be nice to Michael Jackson.

what do you think?
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Hahaha wow!

What an observation!

A lot of people/organizations need Michael's status to raise them up.

See what you get by being nice to Mike? :D
:D hey sometimes there really does seem to be something to this magical thinking, even if there could be good reason behind it. I think it is just showing how much the world really does miss Michael Jackson. Now that his name has been cleared we are all free to love him again without feeling like we are supporting someone bad (talking the general population, not us fans who knew all along we were supporting someone deserving of the admiration).

oh wait... yeah some of that is more than just what I said. .. lol very cool. *sings a song for MJ and blows him a kiss* (now I sit back and watch my life get better ;) )
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I think it's just you relating it to MJ who isn't of that much signifance in these cases? would you believe the same scenario of it was Madonna instead of MJ?
I think it's just you relating it to MJ who isn't of that much signifance in these cases? would you believe the same scenario of it was Madonna instead of MJ?

Um yeah..rrright.



Rub your lucky Michael Jackson icons and you will receive good luck!
:lmao: uh...."rub" just above the photo in your siggy and... I am sorry but... I couldn't help but laugh over that one.
I think it's just you relating it to MJ who isn't of that much signifance in these cases? would you believe the same scenario of it was Madonna instead of MJ?

Lol...yah...i get wachu'er saying. It must be a coincidence...but at the same time, If Michael is working with someone, then that person will get more Press and stuff...so well, Mannn, i dont know what to think... i'll reply later after i cleanse my brain...lol:D
Ape said:
uh...."rub" just above the photo in your siggy and... I am sorry but... I couldn't help but laugh over that one.

:lol: haha I know, that cracked me up too!

There's definitely something magical about loving MJ! i think Signature will win on Britain's Got Talent too, and that has a lot to do with their paying homage to MJ. it could all be coincidental, and maybe we only see stuff like this because we're fans, but I don't know. There could be something to it. :wink:
wow good observations Vince.

I hope that my life will be good when the Video Project for Mike's bday is done! lol
Hahahahaha!!! You know you want to.


Oh my! I got in trouble a few years back for using a teeny photo of my buns with with my BAD tattoo as my little avatar. Now you put this big thingy in your signature!! Can't wait to see how that goes ......