Enough is Enough!!

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......
ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......
i do totally unserstand where you are coming from,but there are times,i,m not talking about michael mother releasing a book,i,m talking about certain members of his family, that make me really mad sometimes,
ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......

ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......

Thank you for this I understand what you are saying and I respect your opinion. I rarely post on here as well but I do visit here often and I see a lot of disrespect for Michael's family and while I may not agree with their actions, it is not my place to judge them.
I agree 100%. Now while I have expressed my views on occasion about certain things said and actions done by some members of the family, I have NEVER disrespected them.

I'm personally getting sick of the ENDLESS hypocritical, disrespectful, insulting drivel from some posters. And I'm also sick of the 'your either for Michael OR for his family' and 'I'm a fan of Michael, not his family so I'll just say anything, no matter how crass about the family' attitude. And don't forget the 'if you defend the family you're not a true fan of Michael'. It's obvious to me that there are those who are instigating and feeding it and others who are going along with it like sheep. I have my own opinions as to why certain ones have been instigating or taking the lead in the bashing of certain family members----mainly the ones who are not being 'good little boys and girls' and who are not going along to get along with the 'arrangement of the estate'.....

But anyway, the atmosphere is getting catty, mean-spirited. And to say "I love Michael"; but CONSTANTLY being disrespectful--not constructively criticizing--but being BLATANTLY disrespectful to Michael's family (including his MINOR nephews and even his own mother and yes his father) is ridiculous and hypocritical.

Whether some people on here like it or not, Michael was part of the Jackson family. He wasn't sent from a space ship that happened to land in the yard of 2300 Jackson St. He's cut from the same cloth, their blood ran through his veins. So to talk disrespectfully against them---is really disrespecting Michael himself. Yes, the family had and still has issues (who's family doesn't?); but they loved Michael and he loved them, and the family (including Joe) is hurting over his death and they need our support, prayers NOT constant disrespect and insults. It's one thing to express frustrations of certain things some of them have said or done; but let's face it, some posters have crossed the line one too many times.

I know there will be some comments on the way; but I don't care WHO says WHAT. Like the original poster said, "Enough is Enough"!
Freedom of SPEECH!!!!!!!!!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion............especially when it's so obvious!!!!!!
Yep everyone is entitled to freedom of speech. And it tells alot about a person when they are judgemental and critical and say ignorant things. Apparently those people really didn't have the respect for Michael since I hardly doubt he would approve. But toeach their own.
ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......

You are not MJ, how would you know MJ's thoughts on those issues? His family members are not saints, why can't they be criticized? Everyone has the right to speak out their opinions. If you do not agree with them, go ahead argue with them, but you have not right to tell others to shut up. How hypocritical.
ok I don't usually get involved in discussions to much on here, but I'm sick of reading people on here whining and critizing actions of michaels family. I think its wonderful that his mother is releasing a book dedicated to her beloved son. simple as that. But no, some of you have to find a problem with it. Amongst moaning about loads of other stuff. This whole we love and know michael more than his family rubbish needs to stop.

1) michael would not like you speaking badlly about his family.

2) who are you to know whats going on in there minds???

stop judging...and show some respect......

I agree with you. I am sick and tired from these posters too. They even found a way how to bash Katherine, his beloved mother for releasing a book about her son. How ignorant is that? But still those members seem to support shady ppl like Branca and Co. Unbelievable.
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Ok this thread is completely unnecessary. If there is any disrespect shown towards Michael's family (i.e. name calling, etc.) it is dealt with. It does not mean fans/board members cannot voice their opinions/etc. about actions, interviews, etc. given by any of the other members of the Jackson family. It can be done in a respectful manner, even if you feel they have not been respectful. Trust me there have been times when I have wanted to just go off on certain individuals, BUT I refrained and once I collected myself I posted and articulated my thoughts/opinions in a respectful way. That is a RULE on this board. I would not lower myself to anyone else's level, no matter how angry I was. If you feel that the mods have missed something/etc. PM one of us and/or report the post. Threads such as this is not necessary and posting it in a forum about MJ News is NOT according to board rules.

Thread is closed.
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