End Child Sex Slavery in America


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
End Child Sex Slavery in America
By Jenn Bale

Target: U.S. Congress
Goal: End the sexual exploitation of children by increasing penalties for the predators, not the victims

Child sex slavery is commonly thought of as a problem that only takes place in third world countries. However, unfortunately it takes place right in the U.S. as well!

One such case included that of a 47-year-old man, Dennis Pittman, who, along with a few other men, ran a swinger’s club in Mineola, Texas, where the performers were children as young as five. The children were taught to dance provocatively and were given Vicodin-like drugs, which the adults told the kids were “silly pills”.

It is sad to think that such an act still takes place right here in America, a country that is supposed to be about freedom and opportunity. In fact, the average age girls enter into forced prostitution in the U.S. is thirteen. In addition, over half of girls living on the streets in the U.S. engage in commercial sex slavery.

Sometimes someone the child knows and trusts, such as a parent or family friend, will make it seem as if they care about her and will “promise” her a better life, but instead sells her to a pimp, where she will be forced to have sex with as many as 20 grown men in a day and will be brutally beaten and raped. What is worse is that often the child is arrested for engaging in prostitution instead of the pimp or other adult who sold them.

Approximately 150,000 children are exploited by the sex trade in America each year, while one million children are exploited internationally each year. Sex slavery is an epidemic that desperately needs to end immediately.

These kids should be enjoying slumber parties, playing tag and hide-and-seek, and simply being kids, not being forced to endure the horrors of the sex trade.

Please sign the petition below to speak out against the terrible crime of child sex slavery in our country and to demand punishment for the predator, not the victim.
