Empty Neverland pic..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
Did you guys see the photos of an empty Neverland on TMZ? The inside house looked so cold and scary.. Its like one of those real abandoned amusement parks that look haunted.. Its even more sadder now that Michael is gone..

What will they do with Neverland? What would you want them to do with Neverland? I just cant bare the thought of them leaving it like it is.. I wish some Jackson family member would move in and make it come to life again!!!!
I don't want it to be sold now..... It has to be a Jackson place forever now, like Graceland is owned by Presley
Does Graceland have Elvis old authentic furniture and private possessions there to view? I havent really read about his home/museum..

Neverland looks so so empty and abandoned.. Even if they decide not to make it a museum, they should make it a memorial place and make it in to life again... Let Neverland shine again..
I don't know details about Graceland, but my parents are Elvis fan... I may ask if they know some more details.
neverland is just clay and stone. Michaels spirit is no longer there