Eminem? is it worth my time?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
do you think it's worth me looking into his life and joining fan forums?
i'm a fan of his music but he just doesnt live up to the same expectations I had when Micael was here...

What do you think?

I'm finding it so hard to listen to and enjoy music by other artists at the moment...

I don't like Eminem because he had his part in slandering M.J. 2.
Eminem dresses as Jackson for the Just Lose It video, and is shown on a bed with young boys. His nose also falls off and his hair catches fire.
I don't like Eminem because he had his part in slandering M.J. 2.
Eminem dresses as Jackson for the Just Lose It video, and is shown on a bed with young boys. His nose also falls off and his hair catches fire.

yeah i know but that was ages ago and he has said that it was in no way a piss take towards MJ.

and besides, Michael was a forgiving person so I'm sure he forgot about it in the end. He's had way too much shit from people i.e. Chandlers and Arvizos so why the hell should he take petty things like this to heart? lol

Yes I understand you, but anyway for ME, I wrote off Eminem. I thought and still think, it was such poor taste!
But anyway, I didn't like Eminem before!

And don't go looking for people who you can be fan of... they will come to your path.
me too, i love eminems music, hes all i listen to at the moment also since teh 25th.

Check this out

btw Michael Jackson said nothing but good things regarding eminem even after he saw that just lose it video
I heard the opposite:

"Geraldo Rivera spoke with Michael Jackson on his ‘At Large’ program on the Fox News Channel which aired on Saturday. Rivera asked the King of Pop about the Eminem single ‘Just Lose It’. “I’ve never met Mr. Eminem,” Jackson said. “I’ve always admired him. To have him do something like that, was pretty painful, as an artist to another artist. And it is sad. Because, well I think what Stevie Wonder said is true. I don’t want to say much more than that. But he should be ashamed of himself what he’s doing.
And it was wrong of Eminem to do what he did. I’ve been an artist most of my life, doing what I do. And I’ve never attacked a fellow artist. Great artists don’t do that. You don’t have to do that.”
yeah even on Em's wiki page it has a little section about the contreversy regarding the music video/Michael.

But he says hes a MJ fan and vice versa so that's all that matters I guess.
MJ owns a stake in Viacom which if I am led to believe correctly means he has the rights to a lot of Eminems (old??) recordings.

I have also heard that Michael likes Eminem too. If I can find the quote I will post.

But at the end of the day it is each to their own anyhow isn't it?
Well I mean if you want to join an Eminem forum, then why not? It's all up to you. Anyhow, I used to be an Eminem fan years ago but i've lost interest since then. It's just like the same ole' thing with him. Not interested in him at all these days.
I've never liked Eminem from the start, it has nothing to do with Michael.
Eminem dissed MJ back in 2004, because then, everybody was. He was just another jerk on the "let's all make fun of Michael Jackson" bandwagon.
Several of you guys are gullible enough to believe Em when he said he was a Jackson fan.
I know better.
Anyway, Em's music and lyrical content hasn't evolved or changed at all since his heyday (2000-2004). Dude's still dissin' Mariah Carey.
How fuckin' lame is that?

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
Eminem's old stuff is worth your time if you can tolerate his anger and violence and listen for his skills with words. Other than that, Eminem fell off and he never really said much anyway - he rapped about his own problems and never enlightened anyone.
I personally find Eminem to be a bit of a whiner. Granted he had a hard life (up until he started selling records) but all he does is whine on and on about it even now when he's living a fairly charmed life. And all Eminem does is promote hate and violence. Michael promoted love and peace. That is something far more respectful. And I'm sorry if I find lyrics about beating and murdering girlfriends and other peoples children disturbing, but that's just how I am.
btw Michael Jackson said nothing but good things regarding eminem even after he saw that just lose it video

actually, MJ said he was hurt by the video. MJ was on the verge of tears "I don't want me kids to see that". It was during the Geraldo interview from 2005.
you are right MJ wouldn't say anything bad.... in his own words he said "i would never attack another artist, he should be ashamed of himself".

If you want to be a fan, enjoy his music that is fine. But don't think it didn't effect MJ. He was hurt by it. SO THEREFORE, to me Eminem who????
I think he is a good rapper but I am not a fan. It's nothing to do with Michael, I have just never been into his music
If you like his music, then he's worth the time. That's basically all there is to it.
Yeah but think about it....

He dresses up as him, has his hair catching on fire (not something to take lightly), nose falls of, sits on bed with children next to him.....not a piss take? RIGHT!!!......right....

I do dig his music, but i've always thought it was very messed up of Em to do that.
Like Stevie Wonder said...kicking a man when he's down.
feminem sucks....after hearing his racist tapes and the mj diss i'm pretty much done with him
I'm a Slim Shady fan. I go on Em forums too. If you really want to learn about him, you should. It doesn't really matter what others think. Lyrically he is intense. Relapse didn't live to expectation in my mind, but all of his other stuff is very much worth a listen, imo. If your a hiphop-head and into lyricism / flow / creativity, than you should get into him.

Btw, Em took shots at MJ which was wrong. But he takes Shots at everyone, and its just Slim being Slim. To people who say his music hasn't evolved is pretty wrong. He greatly evolved from Slim Shady LP (1999) to Marshall Mathers LP (2000), and tremendously evolved from the Marshall Mathers LP (2000) to the Eminem Show (2002), and just put out Encore (2004).

Relapse was him returning to his original style (which on this record was decent, just not what I expected at all...he left that Mad man / Warped Cartoon Character (Early Slim Shady) persona and just turned into a Weird / Horror film - drug inspired character (New Slim Shady). Anyway, if you need a forum recomendation I would recommend:

his new work leaves much to be desired. maybe IF u do go to a forum, see if they have like a thread or section for the old em.
Apart from Just lose it I do like some of his stuff.
I think he has some beautiful lyrics for example in When I'm Gone, Hailie's song and Mockingbird. The older stuff is listenable to me.
I don't we we should read too much into that tape..he apolagised for it. And we all know we can say certain things when you are in a particular mood or situation.

Encore was horrible, except for a few good songs it just wasn't good at all.
Relapse is actually quality, when you have songs like Stay Wide Awake, and Underground? Lyrically and flow-wise amazing, truly.
i love eminem and what he says, is his opinion, Michael knows I will be a fan forever so thats it. Thats how you should think about it to, People say things at the time whether they still mean it is issues they have with themselves. If it makes him feel better saying his issues publicly then that's up to him.

Michael always forgave people you waste to much time if you don't :)