Elvis & Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have just watched a brilliant BBc Docu on Elvis, it shocked me how similar Michael and Elvis were in some respects of their personality and also the insomnia and the many doctors prescribing medication to "help

Does anyone else see the similarities or am I just reading too much in to it ?
oh jesus we got far too many topics about that 50s guy on here, no offense to you though. there's still too many.
I have just watched a brilliant BBc Docu on Elvis, it shocked me how similar Michael and Elvis were in some respects of their personality and also the insomnia and the many doctors prescribing medication to "help

Does anyone else see the similarities or am I just reading too much in to it ?

I wanna see the documentary. :)
My apologies I had not seen the other threads, Docu was on BBC so should still be on replay, really amazing parts of it could be about michael like for like
My mother is a huge Elvis fan. We often talk how great it would have been if they had worked together and how Elvis also liked kids. They also both came from a poor background.
^very true!!!!.....at least his family could try to make one........but that'll never happen!!!

I wish people would stop comparing Michael to everybody!!!.......They only do this because they are unable to concede to the fact that Michael Jackson is incomparable.

The chances are that Michael is the single best selling artist of all time, but they'll always say that the Beatles, and Elvis have sold more then Michael, even though we haven't seen any proof of this.

And be honest, who actually owns as many Beatles and Elvis records then they do of Michael Jackson......if they have any at all???
^very true!!!!.....at least his family could try to make one........but that'll never happen!!!

I wish people would stop comparing Michael to everybody!!!.......They only do this because they are unable to concede to the fact that Michael Jackson is incomparable.

The chances are that Michael is the single best selling artist of all time, but they'll always say that the Beatles, and Elvis have sold more then Michael, even though we haven't seen any proof of this.

And be honest, who actually owns as many Beatles and Elvis records then they do of Michael Jackson......if they have any at all???

Exactly, there is always these XXX fans here who like to compare MJ to the Beatles and Elvis and XXX. WTH. Beatles did not dance. Elvis did not write his own music, he's a chuck berry copycat. They want to make comparison so as to put MJ at their level when in actual fact, MJ at a league of his own and bigger than all of them combined.
My mother is a huge Elvis fan. We often talk how great it would have been if they had worked together and how Elvis also liked kids. They also both came from a poor background.
I guess it would have been great for me to work with MJ since I like kids and animals and I came from a poor background.
When years go by, I think that quality docs like this will come, because right now everyone is using Mike for money or ratings by putting out hacked up docs with inaccurate info. :)

I agree it will come with time :yes:
Stop comparing diamond to silver. You take away from the pride of the former and the self divinity of the latter.

No one is Michael but Michael Jackson.

Michael Joseph Jackson is the sun all other artists revolve around. He is the alpha and omega.

There never was, is, or ever will be...ANY COMPARISON.
^very true!!!!.....at least his family could try to make one........but that'll never happen!!!

I wish people would stop comparing Michael to everybody!!!.......They only do this because they are unable to concede to the fact that Michael Jackson is incomparable.

The chances are that Michael is the single best selling artist of all time, but they'll always say that the Beatles, and Elvis have sold more then Michael, even though we haven't seen any proof of this.

And be honest, who actually owns as many Beatles and Elvis records then they do of Michael Jackson......if they have any at all???
I'm with you all the way:yes:

I get irritated esp. when the media compares MJ to Elvis.
Stop comparing diamond to silver. You take away from the pride of the former and the self divinity of the latter.

No one is Michael but Michael Jackson.

Michael Joseph Jackson is the sun all other artists revolve around. He is the alpha and omega.

There never was, is, or ever will be...ANY COMPARISON.

Hey hun...well i do not agree with The Bold part.:mello: God Is Alpha and Omega...:yes:

God breathed through Michael. Michael lived through God.
We could all do that...but we are not all so in touch with Life itself to be able to.

They are both the same.
i take any docu about elvis with a pinch of salt as they kiss his ass as much as a docu on mj talks s*** about him
i take any docu about elvis with a pinch of salt as they kiss his ass as much as a docu on mj talks s*** about him

Most docs I have seen on Elvis only kiss his butt when it comes to his music career. However, his personal life is up for grabs.

I have seen plenty of docs that completely blast Elvis' private life from his marriage, making it all his fault that it broke apart. How he spoil the devil out of his daughter, but he was not a good father. How he was a completely out of control drug addict who balloon and became a pathetic shell before he died. Even if some of the above is true, some of the stuff boarder on being mean spirited. I have even seen one that said that him dying was the best that could of happen to him. How mess up you got to be said say that about a person who had a freaking child.

So, Elvis get it just as bad as Michael on docs. It is only really the mainstream media who never mention Elvis' problems, but love to talk about all about Michael's.
I have just watched a brilliant BBc Docu on Elvis, it shocked me how similar Michael and Elvis were in some respects of their personality and also the insomnia and the many doctors prescribing medication to "help

Does anyone else see the similarities or am I just reading too much in to it ?

Yeah, I was surprised at the similarities too and they both had problems with insomnia , both did charity work, both were humanitarians both were controlled, and Elvis had to fight to get decent songs as col tom parker used to have control of songs and Elvis felt he was laughing stock when they gave him stuff like old mcdonald had a farm, Elvis fought to get the song, "born in the ghetto"

The other thing I found out was that John Branca was also executor of Elvis estate, how weird is that.

One the King of Rock and Roll and one the King of Pop, it all rings a bell
I didn't see all of that multi-part documentary on BBC, but I caught at least 2/3 of it. Now, I read Priscilla's book "Elvis & Me" years ago and know some things about him (although I don't like most of the songs he sang or his voice and generally can't understand what the big deal is, lol), but I learned a lot from this docu. Like the part about how he would say that God has given him all this fame and these fans who are so devoted, so shouldn't he be able to do something good with all this? And Priscilla said he just never wrapped his head around what to do with it. It was interesting.
While I agree that Elvis cannot hold a candle to MJ as an artist (despite of having a lot more pushing by the general media), but I get what the original poster's point was.

I don't think she compared them as artists, she compared rather the circumstances when they died. And I have to agree there.

I was reading an old Elvis biography the other day. And when I got to the part about his death, it was chilling, because it had so many similarities with MJ's death IMO. Insomnia, shady doctors prescribing him medicine they shouldn't have and then overdosing.
I love both MJ and Elvis i just wish people would stop comparing the two and just ENJOY THE MUSIC people who compares artists should really get a grip of themselves and stop the ass kissing
While I agree that Elvis cannot hold a candle to MJ as an artist (despite of having a lot more pushing by the general media), but I get what the original poster's point was.

I don't think she compared them as artists, she compared rather the circumstances when they died. And I have to agree there.

I was reading an old Elvis biography the other day. And when I got to the part about his death, it was chilling, because it had so many similarities with MJ's death IMO. Insomnia, shady doctors prescribing him medicine they shouldn't have and then overdosing.

Elvis did not die of an OD. He died from long term drug abuse, not because he took one too many. Also, Elvis was taking far more than sleeping pills. He was taking alot of painkillers and a medicine that was just like heroine.

Michael died because his doctor screwed up and he didn't have a chain of doctors like Elvis did. Michael would most likely would still be alive if he could had slept. Can't really say the same thing about Elvis.