Elizabeth Taylor


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
Not sure if this is in the right place?
Whenever I see or hear Michaels friends referred to, my mind just immediately goes to Liz Taylor. I just don't think she could ever be thanked or given enough credit for how much she helped Michael, I think it's obvious that alot of his 'friends' have used his death to promote themselves and their career but, Liz hasn't. She's been there throughout absolutely everything and helped Michael no matter what, yet she didn't feel the need to do it publicly. I think she's recieved very little recognition by both the media and possibly some of Michael's close friends and family for the amount she has helped him. She was there all the time and I believe apart from his children, Liz is the only person that he ever did or could trust. So,although she won't be reading this.... Thank You, Liz! You stuck with Michael throughout everything and never doubted anything he said or did, you was a true friend and gave so much to him and helped him with all his troubles. So, once again.. even though it's no way near enough... Thank you.
I agree with much of this. I'd like to send my thanks out too to Liz. She was a great friend and companion to Michael for many many years and truly the "Wendy" to our "Peter Pan".

God bless you and keep you Liz.
She was his one true love, his soul mate. He said it many times.

I feel for Elizabeth, as much as I feel for his family.
I agree with much of this. I'd like to send my thanks out too to Liz. She was a great friend and companion to Michael for many many years and truly the "Wendy" to our "Peter Pan".

God bless you and keep you Liz.

That's a great way of putting it "Wendy to our Peter Pan", I really like that :D
mm.......elizabeth was Michael's best fd and she's the one knowing Mike the best.
I would like to send my thanks out too^^
Bless Michael, his family, and his best best fd, Elizabeth...

"Wendy to our Peter Pan"
I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.
2:08 PM Jun 26th from web

So beautiful, yet so sad, from Elizabeth's twitter :(
I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.
2:08 PM Jun 26th from web

So beautiful, yet so sad, from Elizabeth's twitter :(

aww thats so beautiful :( where can i find elizabeths twitter?
She was truely one of the lights in michael's life. God bless her. She must be hurtin so much right now.
I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.
2:08 PM Jun 26th from web

So beautiful, yet so sad, from Elizabeth's twitter :(

awwwwwwww :cry:
I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.
2:08 PM Jun 26th from web

So beautiful, yet so sad, from Elizabeth's twitter :(

AWww that is so sweet :cry: :wub:
Thanks guys. I've always thought of them in that light. If you remember Liz from her child star days she even looked like Wendy...but with dark hair.

If you notice my "location" you'll see that I can really relate to those two. :D LOL
aww thats so beautiful :( where can i find elizabeths twitter?

If you google Elizabeth's name you can find her twitter.

She twittered this on June 19 - does anyone think it Might be about Michael?

-Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.

Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______
5:06 PM Jun 19th from web

Sounds like something he'd do. I dont know if it was from him though, she never said - her next twitter was about his death :( And it's heartbreaking :(

I really feel for her, and it's why I followed her tweets, I wanted to see that she was alright. She hasn't tweeted in a few weeks, I hope she's ok :(
If you google Elizabeth's name you can find her twitter.

She twittered this on June 19 - does anyone think it Might be about Michael?

-Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.

Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______
5:06 PM Jun 19th from web

Sounds like something he'd do. I dont know if it was from him though, she never said - her next twitter was about his death :( And it's heartbreaking :(

I really feel for her, and it's why I followed her tweets, I wanted to see that she was alright. She hasn't tweeted in a few weeks, I hope she's ok :(

Might be something he could have said. Yeah, she was always really good to him. A great friend, one of the few true friends he ever had. I can't imagine what she's going through right now. :(
:( I've just seen her Twitter. Her life will never be the same... I don't think many people's will.
I love Liz Taylor. The only true and sincere friend that Michael had in life. She was always at his side at all times.

Yes she was right till the very end. I love and respect her so much for that as well
Oh, that totally sounds like him. Totally. I love how he always called her 'Elizabeth', never 'Liz'. So cute. =) We should get something together for her too, like we did for the family. She deserves it and I'm sure she's needing it.
It seems like Liz was a wonderful friend to Michael. I really believe she was his nearest and dearest friend. She always supported and defended him. When I saw her at MJ's burial ceremony, you could see the pain in her eyes. They were very red and you could tell she had been crying a lot. Liz and Michael loved eachother very much as friends and I know she must have taken his passing very hard. I hope she's doing well now. All the best to Liz.
I am reading now Randy Taraborrelli's book.......Michael Jackson - The magic and the madness.......how happy I am to read that during MJ's lowest point.....Elizabeth was there with him .....and she really gave her all.....to help him.......most importantly her support emotionally.........she even made MJ laugh at a time when all things were pretty bad and crazy......

ELIZABETH TAYLOR is really A DEAR and TRUE friend of MJ's. And I respect her more for being too classy and private in her mourning. The bond between her and Michael's are something that are deep , private and true....and it matters most just between the two of them.....no need to share it with the rest of the world....................