Eggs vs. Cheese

What's your favorite?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok, so I was eating some eggs today and I had this incredible idea for a thread :p Eggs and cheese are two things I can't live without, I've loved it ever since I was a kid, I even used to wonder if there was any way to combine them cause I loved them both so much :p But which is better? I've asked myself this question many times in the past too (I live in a small town... I get bored...), but this is the first time I've taken the idea public! :p What's your favorite? Eggs or cheese? Vote!
Definitely eggs. Cheese definitely has more variety as there are hundreds of different cheeses, but eggs can be a proper meal all by themselves. I like them boiled, scrambled, and sunny-side but my personal favorite way of having eggs is an omelette filled with mozzarella, potatoes and mushrooms (the best of both worlds, eggs and cheese). :)
I love both very much. Here are some suggestions that I enjoy.

1. Scrambled eggs with melted american cheese on top.

2. A slice of cheese with peanut butter on it.

Both are very yummy.
Cheese, absolutely. I love eggs, but I cannot live without cheese. I put cheese in or on just about everything I eat. Sandwiches, steak, eggs. For me, a meal is not a good meal without cheese. CHEESE! :p

Oh but that's quite difficult choice actually!
I'll go with eggs since I got bored to cheese more easily..
After thinking about this for a while, I'm gonna have to go with cheese :p I simply can't live without it and there are so many different variations!
Wow, good poll. I also love and adore both. But I have to say cheese is the King of all foods. I put cheese on just about everything except maybe chocolate and ice cream. Although that deserves a second thought..
cheese for me :happy: cheese on a pizza or in a sandwich MMMmmmm and even own its on babybell

i like making an omelete with onions, chopped tommatos(fine), chives, mixed herbs,salt & pepper (maybe more) and then when ive flipped it over i like to fold it half and add loads of cheese in the middle so when im eatting it and cut into all this lovely warm cheese comes out Yum Yum
cheese for me :happy: cheese on a pizza or in a sandwich MMMmmmm and even own its on babybell

Babybells are the shit!

I love love love cheese! I'm not big on eggs at all. But I can't get enough of cheese. The only kind of cheese I don't really like is American, and I especially hate it on hamburgers/sandwiches.

And I love REAL melted cheese, not that cheese sauce garbage!

My favorite things to do is take sloppy Joe meat and put it in a bowl, crush some Fritos into it, and mix in some cheddar cheese or monterey jack and colby cheese blend with it. I eat it from a bowl with a spoon instead of on a bun. Awesome :)

And I love real mac 'n cheese! I even add more to my portion. That boxed stuff can take a hike!

Let's here it for the almighty cheese! *applauds*
I can definitely live without eggs, I cannot however live without cheese lol. It's like my favorite food. I eat cheese with almost everything.
cheese is my favourite. oh its so delicious! yum yum yum

cheese for me :happy: cheese on a pizza or in a sandwich MMMmmmm and even own its on babybell

i like making an omelete with onions, chopped tommatos(fine), chives, mixed herbs,salt & pepper (maybe more) and then when ive flipped it over i like to fold it half and add loads of cheese in the middle so when im eatting it and cut into all this lovely warm cheese comes out Yum Yum

that omelette sounds sooooooooooo good my mouths watering at the thought of it
I came in here prepared to vote for eggs but then I thought of .. feta, brie, Camembert cheese, blue cheese, cheddar, cream cheese.. argghhhh I can't do it!
I like eggs but it's definately cheese. There are so many different kinds.... cheddar, colby, moz, port wine, pepper jack, feta, brie, romano, monterey.... I could keep going... I love cheese. I was born in Wisconsin which is like the diary factory of America and almost every variety is readily available.

Now I must go find some cheese and crackers....
cheese ALLLLLLL the way. I looooove cheese. grilled cheese, fondue, cheese and crackers, cheese on a sandwich, cheese in eggs, cheese with fruit. i should be a big ball of cheese, as much as i eat it
Babybells are the shit!

I love love love cheese! I'm not big on eggs at all. But I can't get enough of cheese. The only kind of cheese I don't really like is American, and I especially hate it on hamburgers/sandwiches.

And I love REAL melted cheese, not that cheese sauce garbage!

And I love real mac 'n cheese! I even add more to my portion. That boxed stuff can take a hike!

Let's here it for the almighty cheese! *applauds*

someone after my heart! yes yes YES to all you said