Edward (Twilight) and Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Im sure there's many Twilight fans here..but does anyone else notice any resemblance in Michael's persona to Edwards? Their demeanour is so alike it's quite scary! I think that's one of the reasons why I fell so in love with Edward's character.
yup! My best friend is a Twilight fanatic but I also noticed his pure and innocent character resembles a bit Michael's. :)
That Pepsi Offical Article that was just posted, that made me really think about the similarities..
I don't believe Michael was an abuser. Unlike Edward is. Sorry reading the twilight books, and was up to book three, and I always thought Edward was an abusive asshole. And that Bella evolved her world around a man.
Although I never thought about it before, I can see where you find the similarities.

On a side note, as much I liked Edward in the books (well, the first book, really), my image of him has been tainted by Robert Pattinson. :(
I cant believe Twilight managed to make its way here...well ya I can...its everywhere, connected to everything, even the Egyptian pyramids have some deep connection to Twilight *sigh*

Kidding aside, I dont see the connection between Edward and Michael EXCEPT for they are both old skool gentlemen. Keep in mind, Ive only read the first 2 books, and Im not sure I can talk myself into reading any more in the series, I didnt really care for them.
i love twilight and another resemblance is that they both are huge fans of clude debussy :)
The 'Old Skool Gentleman' similarity is precisely what I see and absolutely adored in Michael. His politeness and mannerism, even on stage whenever he thanked someone, the way he used to nod his head was with pure respect and love for others.

Anyways I thought it was an interesting fact to share maybe to lighten the mood. :)
Kidding aside, I dont see the connection between Edward and Michael EXCEPT for they are both old skool gentlemen. Keep in mind, Ive only read the first 2 books, and Im not sure I can talk myself into reading any more in the series, I didnt really care for them.

Trust me, you don't want to read the rest. I loved "Twilight" and "New Moon", but I definitely did not like the direction it took in "Breaking Dawn".
Please don't compare Michael to Twilight. It is the worst book I have ever read (well, half read, as I couldnt bring myself to torture myself more by finishing it) and also one of THE worse films ever made.

In answer to the original poster. No.

Please don't compare Michael to Twilight. It is the worst book I have ever read (well, half read, as I couldnt bring myself to torture myself more by finishing it) and also one of THE worse films ever made.

In answer to the original poster. No.

couldn't have put it better myself.
I agree it was a terrible terrible movie, but can I just state for the record I did not say Edward and Michael are exactly alike, I simply stated a mere similarity in demeanour and taste :)