Eddie Griffin Defends Michael Jackson IN A BIG WAY!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think its kinda old, from when MJ was alive I think. But it is very funny.


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"He might be :censored: you wifes" :toofunny: :yes:

hahahaha he's awesome!
My favorite part of that TMZ clip has always been that random guy on the street who backs him up.
tht guys a LEGEND!!!!
hes funny too the only bad part about the first video was tht stupid reporter laughing man i wanna punch tht guy in the face but he knows what eddie was saying was right so haha
^ the above video was probably before he "saw the light". Doesn't negate what he said. But I do know in later years Eddie seemed to change his tune quite a bit towards Michael WAY BEFORE Michael even passed. Hell he even attended the "first arraignment" during the trial. So yeah, I think despite what Eddie said in the past that he actually did change his thoughts on Michael. Again it doesnt negate what he said before, but it does matter when someone actually changes his tune, which I truly believe he has.

Another example of a comedian changing his tune is Bill Maher, he believed all the '93 BS but then he read the article 'Was MJ Framed" from GQ and he even mentioned it on his show 'Politically Incorrect' when it was still on and he firmly stated that he thought the whole thing was untrue (not his words but that's what pretty much was said). Again it doesnt change what was said, however it matters that THEY changed.

That's all I'm saying and I think you can apply that to Eddie. Hell he even called into HLN I believe the day of or the next day after Michael passed and said that with all the celebs coming out saying how much they loved Mike, etc. he questioned where were they when Michael needed them the most? (during the trial) and he made mention of the fact that he went and attended in person in court, that he was one of the very few out spoken celebrity supporters. He wanted to know where all his "friends" or "celebrity supporters" were then. Which is what I was saying as well, and still to this day do ask. Now of course Mike's FRIENDS like Liz and Chris Tucker, they were always there, and it wasnt necessary for them to speak out publicly. However, when you had celebs who used to be all about Mike before the trial who then go and either give a no comment to questions about Michael, or who are vague about him or even who change their tune about him in interviews it's nice to see someone out there speaking up and saying, 'Look guys this is total crap and I will stand by Mike through this.' That's what ALL OF HOLLYWOOD should have done, not shy away from it or whatever. I can name quite a few two faced people who cared more about others perceptions of them and their careers instead of standing up and standing tall and speaking out in support of their "so-called" friend.

Eddie has my respect and I think the guy is funny. I loved when he was like, 'Man if I wasnt a Christian I would kick your ass.' LOL!
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Eddie talks about aliens and rips on Michael, funny?

This was, in fact, ****ing hilarious.

Do some of you guys understand the difference between seriously bashing somebody and stand-up comedy? Just wondering. And don't start the "a REAL comedian doesn't HAVE to blah blah blah blah" crap. Different comedians have different styles, just like different anything in any business. He didn't even bash Michael that hard. Worst thing he said about him was that he looks like an alien (didn't MJ play up this joke himself in MIB II...?) and then proceeded to do a funny sketch parodying MJ's persona. Perhaps the "worst" line was "they said you played with the boys, daddy!", but even there he didn't actually infer that the accusations were true. He just said that people were saying he did it, which is true. This guy does crass comedy in general. You shouldn't watch ANYTHING he does if you're that sensitive to this kind of material.

His commentary about whether or not Michael's kids are "really" his kids was admittedly uncalled for. I can't completely tell if he one hundred percent meant that or was playing that up for laughs/controversy as well, but honestly, I don't even really care. This is a blip on the radar of how hard these types of stand-up comics bash celebrities.
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I think the funniest part of MIB II was when MJ was on there and the fact that he was poking fun at the whole 'MJ's an alien thing...' is spot on. I always found that story or stories like that to be outlandish and stupid.

Again I didnt like how/what Eddie said about Michael's appearance or about Mike's kids, that was just trash, but over all the guy is funny and especially as of the last several years he's come to Mike's defense, so I prefer to infer that he has changed his tune quite a bit.

Eddie is crass and not everyones cup of tea, I have to be in the mood to watch him, but the dude is hilarious. The fact that he stands up for Mike and all that Jazz is awesome in my book. I give the guy props.
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I think the funniest part of MIB II was when MJ was on there and the fact that he was poking fun at the whole 'MJ's an alien thing...' is spot on. I always found that story or stories like that to be outlandish and stupid.

Again I didnt like how/what Eddie said about Michael's appearance or about Mike's kids, that was just trash, but over all the guy is funny and especially as of the last several years he's come to Mike's defense, so I prefer to infer that he has changed his tune quite a bit.

Eddie is crass and not everyones cup of tea, I have to be in the mood to watch him, but the dude is hilarious. The fact that he stands up for Mike and all that Jazz is awesome in my book. I give the guy props.

Thank you for clearing that up. The second video played was really hard to watch after the first one and I thought it was the most recent of him. Sometimes it's hard to get certain humour. I don't care how ppl felt about him before but how they feel about him now.