I personally wouldn't trust the item. The seller doesn't even know what auction house the item came from (a valuable piece of information for authenticating items), just what the certificate states. Some 'certificates of authenticity' are as worthless as the paper they're printed on. Further, when pressed about it, the seller cannot confirm via the estate or the auction house how she knows Michael painted or wrote the poem, just that the item allegedly came from Neverland. So even if the item is from Neverland, there's no proof that Michael painted it or wrote the poem (lots of people have "MJ" initials). . . . And what's up w/ the bit about it being her ex's and her auctioning it off w/out his consent? Does that mean it's stolen? So if the ex takes her to court and won, the winner would be traced and probably be forced to return the item. . . . Anyway in case you missed it, someone asked about the authenticity of the poem and of Michael painting it, and below is the vague response about its origins. Unless the item is from a reputable auction house, I would never buy something allegedly owned or signed by Michael or anyone.
Q: hi , how do you know for sure michael painted it and wrote the poem , i am greatly sad over is death each day is hard , i would love this clock Aug-31-09
A: The only information I have to provide is that the certificate of authenticity indicates that the item was removed in accordance with state & government law from the Neverland Valley Ranch Estate on November 21st, 2008. Wikipedia also indicates the title to Neverland was transferred to Sycamore Valley Ranch company in early November 2008 which triggered a brief repossession period of several items at Neverland. The initials 'MJ' are painted on the exterior of the clock carriage and are also hand written on the interior carriage which is a clear indication of Michaels' artistic talents. Unfortunately this is all the information I have on this item. If there are any other questions please let me know.