Ebay Auction Item with MJ Poem inside


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
Los Angeles
Oh boy, this is creepy... I once wrote a poem (that I'm trying to find now) with the similar words to;
"What I've Never Had I Cannot Lose."

My poem was about why we feel sad over losing someone we never had; Loving someone without ever confronting out love for that person.

So I look at it like Michael is saying something like:
"I never truly lost you if I never had you.
And the person that I now have is just someone that came along.
But still I'm trying to find the truth.
If one day you could love me to."

That's at least how I look at it.
But I guess you can look at it from other angles also.

Would be interesting to hear what you guys think it's about.

EDIT: Thanks for posting that ebay item, I'd love to bid on it but I'm paranoid when it comes to authenticity of ebay stuff.
Oh boy, this is creepy... I once wrote a poem (that I'm trying to find now) with the similar words to;
"What I've Never Had I Cannot Lose."

My poem was about why we feel sad over losing someone we never had; Loving someone without ever confronting out love for that person.

So I look at it like Michael is saying something like:
"I never truly lost you if I never had you.
And the person that I now have is just someone that came along.
But still I'm trying to find the truth.
If one day you could love me to."

That's at least how I look at it.
But I guess you can look at it from other angles also.

Would be interesting to hear what you guys think it's about.

EDIT: Thanks for posting that ebay item, I'd love to bid on it but I'm paranoid when it comes to authenticity of ebay stuff.

I want it to be real. The auction closes today! I wish I found it earlier. I wonder what other stuff this seller has from Neverland. She seems to be selling her EX-BOYFRIENDS stuff. Drama!
do you think its real? writing doesn't look like his...

The handwriting looks like his IMO. It is not rushed like the fan letters I have seen but this one he could take his time on...

The closed auction went for $6000. I wonder how much the box will go for. The poem is powerful.

I wish I had both of them. I wish I had the money to try and get it.
I personally wouldn't trust the item. The seller doesn't even know what auction house the item came from (a valuable piece of information for authenticating items), just what the certificate states. Some 'certificates of authenticity' are as worthless as the paper they're printed on. Further, when pressed about it, the seller cannot confirm via the estate or the auction house how she knows Michael painted or wrote the poem, just that the item allegedly came from Neverland. So even if the item is from Neverland, there's no proof that Michael painted it or wrote the poem (lots of people have "MJ" initials). . . . And what's up w/ the bit about it being her ex's and her auctioning it off w/out his consent? Does that mean it's stolen? So if the ex takes her to court and won, the winner would be traced and probably be forced to return the item. . . . Anyway in case you missed it, someone asked about the authenticity of the poem and of Michael painting it, and below is the vague response about its origins. Unless the item is from a reputable auction house, I would never buy something allegedly owned or signed by Michael or anyone.

Q: hi , how do you know for sure michael painted it and wrote the poem , i am greatly sad over is death each day is hard , i would love this clock Aug-31-09
A: The only information I have to provide is that the certificate of authenticity indicates that the item was removed in accordance with state & government law from the Neverland Valley Ranch Estate on November 21st, 2008. Wikipedia also indicates the title to Neverland was transferred to Sycamore Valley Ranch company in early November 2008 which triggered a brief repossession period of several items at Neverland. The initials 'MJ' are painted on the exterior of the clock carriage and are also hand written on the interior carriage which is a clear indication of Michaels' artistic talents. Unfortunately this is all the information I have on this item. If there are any other questions please let me know.
Wow. . . that is so cool!

Is this something that Michael has done before? Writing a few poetic lines on his possessions? Or was this a gift to someone?

BTW, I don't like how this woman is auctioning off Michael's things as if they are her own and she is pocketing the profit instead of the estate. I find it suspicious that it was her ex-bf's MJ memorabilia collection and that he is not returning home to pick up his things. This seller is making a killing! She got $6000 for that item liveonboca posted which is the jewelry box with the quote underneath.

Does someone have the backup story to why some of Michael's personal property is up for bid on ebay? I've heard so many stories about Michael's property from Julian's auctions, to the Jackson family auction/lawsuit, warehouses being broken into and stuff stolen, etc.
I found a closed auction. This also had a message on the "bottom" of the jewelry box. Michael was so poetic!


"The past is history, The future is a mystery, This moment is a gift, 4-15-01, MJ"

That was absolutely beautiful!

Arghhh, I'm still contemplating if I should bid on that first item.
That piece is unique in that sense that Michael both painted the exterior and wrote a poem in it. - That's if the item in deed is authentic.
45 more minutes. I wonder if it is going to jump up in price like the jewerly box. This poem is awesome alone, but this clock lets you think that there was something special there?
Yeah I mean, Michael painted the actual clock also... this is a really rare memorabilia and if it goes for under $2000 then anyone who buys this has done his best deal ever.

But I don't know why I get thrown off by this girls auction, it seems to me that if I owned some MJ stuff and broke up with my girl then I sure wouldn't leave it there with her:

"Up for auction is the sixth item from my ex-boyfriends Michael Jackson memorabilia collection.
As it appears he is not returning home for any of his items I am auctioning them off one by one to the highest bidder."

Winning bid:US $1,625.00

That must dirt cheap if it's in fact an authentic piece.
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Wow. . . that is so cool!

Is this something that Michael has done before? Writing a few poetic lines on his possessions? Or was this a gift to someone?

BTW, I don't like how this woman is auctioning off Michael's things as if they are her own and she is pocketing the profit instead of the estate. I find it suspicious that it was her ex-bf's MJ memorabilia collection and that he is not returning home to pick up his things. This seller is making a killing! She got $6000 for that item liveonboca posted which is the jewelry box with the quote underneath.

Does someone have the backup story to why some of Michael's personal property is up for bid on ebay? I've heard so many stories about Michael's property from Julian's auctions, to the Jackson family auction/lawsuit, warehouses being broken into and stuff stolen, etc.

I agree this is just soo heartbreaking ...seeing people make money of off Michael's personal stuff...once again....If this does prove to be Michael's things the profit should go back to the children