Earthlings ( WATCH this documentary)

Jan 17, 2004

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby .

Yesterday i saw this movie, and several times i got teary eyed, it really is shocking and i had to look away a few times. A few parts were just too much. I am starting to become DISGUSTED with the human race and ashamed to be one actually, and i am being 100% serious here. Of course what you see in this doc is not how it is everywhere but i really DO believe that it happens ALOT , to this day.

This movie is NOT telling you that you MUST become a vegetarian, it simply tells aware of this, watch out and don't support this kind of mistreatment on animals. The real animals are not the ones being tortured here, the real animal is the human being here.
25 views, no replies. Anyone fully watched the documentary? Its very good and will open your eyes. It's exactly these things that MJ was talking about in Earth Song, they way our other species...animals get treated is beyond horrible. The doc starts with saying we are ALL creatures, all species, yet we place ourselves FAR above animals and use(abuse) them for whenever we want, we don't respect but disrespect them.

Not talking about people WHO DO care for animals and are great for them of course. I am talking about the people that you see in this doc, and i know for sure there are LOTS of those miserable people.
Very very good. I really want to make that change as well, and i'm really going to try but i hope i won't fail. I love meat alot, i like eating it but at the same time i feel guilty as hell, especially after watching this. I just need a good replacement for meat. We got vegetarian meat here in the supermarkets but apparently it tastes like shit. I'm gonna have to do some real research to find out what its be vegetarian.
Very very good. I really want to make that change as well, and i'm really going to try but i hope i won't fail. I love meat alot, i like eating it but at the same time i feel guilty as hell, especially after watching this. I just need a good replacement for meat. We got vegetarian meat here in the supermarkets but apparently it tastes like shit. I'm gonna have to do some real research to find out what its be vegetarian.

I eat Quorn, Linda Mccartney and asda meat free stuff

It's really not that hard but good luck whatever you do
I'm partly vegetarian because I still eat meat at lunch a few times a week I don't like cheese much and so I don't know anything else to eat with bread. Except for egg salad or stuff like that.
But the stuff you can buy at AH (dutch supermarket) is good stuff and a big assortment. Quorn, Valess, alpro soya and they have their own brand. I agree not all the vegetarian stuff is tasty but what I use is really good you just have to try and find out.
Very very good. I really want to make that change as well, and i'm really going to try but i hope i won't fail. I love meat alot, i like eating it but at the same time i feel guilty as hell, especially after watching this. I just need a good replacement for meat. We got vegetarian meat here in the supermarkets but apparently it tastes like shit. I'm gonna have to do some real research to find out what its be vegetarian.

I'm sure you will find soon.

Googling will be helpful, I guess
I'm partly vegetarian because I still eat meat at lunch a few times a week I don't like cheese much and so I don't know anything else to eat with bread. Except for egg salad or stuff like that.
But the stuff you can buy at AH (dutch supermarket) is good stuff and a big assortment. Quorn, Valess, alpro soya and they have their own brand. I agree not all the vegetarian stuff is tasty but what I use is really good you just have to try and find out.

Ooooh good good, so AH has Quorn as well? I'm gonna try that out then. I was kinda expecting that i had to go to certain stores for vegetarian stuff, but apparently AH has plenty of it? Goood good!!!! :)
Yeah i think it tastes like it, it's been so long since ive had real meat i cant remember what it tastes like ;)

But yeah it does and you dont feel guilty about eating a dead animal that was killed to satisfy your taste buds
Exactly, thats my main point. Cause even though apparently meat nowadays is FAR from healthy, researched plenty on that. That ain't my main concern. Cause drinking Cola and what not ain't healthy neither, but i still do now and then.

My main concern are the animals. I didn't know animals got mistreated in such horrifying ways, i wasn't aware of that. And even though it might not happen everywhere, fact remains that nowadays meat is mass-produced, so these slaughterhouses can't really 'afford' to really take proper care of these animals...sadly. Animals are just a product that sense. And when i think about that, and i look at my dog...i'm like...what the hell am i doing.

I honestly am starting to build up 'hate' for my species sadly, i really do, the reason of that are ALL kinds of things...and i really don't want to start hating myself.

I looked on that Quorn site and plenty of recipes that look very very tasty. I think i'll go to the store tomorrow and pick some up and see what it tastes like. I wish i could say i am becoming a vegetarian now, but i can't. I simply can't say whether i will succeed or fail. But i will do everything i can to succeed. Normally i'd eat meat almost every day...if i start with toning that down to just twice or three times a week, and start buying the veggie 'meat' . I think i'll manage eventually.

I think the times that will be alittle difficult are when i'm with my family and we are eating dinner with lots of meat. Or what we do once a year or so..that he have a barbecue or grill-evening..that'll have to stop for me, it's that simple. Or when i go to friends and they decide to go to Macdonalds..i'm gonna have to ignore that. Or when in a restaurant ordering a pizza, i'm gonna have to make sure there's no meat on it. How do you deal with these things?
Exactly, thats my main point. Cause even though apparently meat nowadays is FAR from healthy, researched plenty on that. That ain't my main concern. Cause drinking Cola and what not ain't healthy neither, but i still do now and then.

My main concern are the animals. I didn't know animals got mistreated in such horrifying ways, i wasn't aware of that. And even though it might not happen everywhere, fact remains that nowadays meat is mass-produced, so these slaughterhouses can't really 'afford' to really take proper care of these animals...sadly. Animals are just a product that sense. And when i think about that, and i look at my dog...i'm like...what the hell am i doing.

I looked on that Quorn site and plenty of recipes that look very very tasty. I think i'll go to the store tomorrow and pick some up and see what it tastes like. I wish i could say i am becoming a vegetarian now, but i can't. I simply can't say whether i will succeed or fail. But i will do everything i can to succeed. Normally i'd eat meat almost every day...if i start with toning that down to just twice or three times a week, and start buying the veggie 'meat' . I think i'll manage eventually.

I think the times that will be alittle difficult are when i'm with my family and we are eating dinner with lots of meat. Or what we do once a year or so..that he have a barbecue or grill-evening..that'll have to stop for me, it's that simple. Or when i go to friends and they decide to go to Macdonalds..i'm gonna have to ignore that. Or when in a restaurant ordering a pizza, i'm gonna have to make sure there's no meat on it. How do you deal with these things?
If im out i just get fries, with my family i just have a different dinner but i've never been round someones house for dinner so that wuold be awkward if they cooked meat for me.

It annoys me when my mum thinks the japanese are disgusting for eating dogs and whales, but how is it any different from chicken or cow
I´m not going to watch the documentary,I´ve seen enough before.
Cows,sheeps who are locked in and starve to death,animaltransports,chickens, cats,dogs ,horses who has been treated in a cruel way.
Humans are sure the most cruel animal in the world.

I seldom eat meat, just when i`m invited to dinner and there are no alternative.I don´t wear fur and I don´t shop at all in the shops that are selling things with fur on.
I don´t buy things that are tested on animals.
I try to support those who work for animals rights.

It´s hard to make everyone vegetarian but at least we can try to do our best to work for better lifes for the animals.
There are farmers here with happy pigs- it means that the pigs can go out and they do what pigs wants to do,ecological farms-Here in Sweden in those farms the cows they are supposed to let the cows and chickens out when it´s warm enough.

But still their last moments on the slaughter-house are awful.
There are rules in the slaughterhouse they don´t always follow because there are to many animals.

I haven´t been to McDonald´s for a long time but once upon a time they had vegetarian burgers.Nowadays I never eat meatballs, i eat falafel, the sausage is made of soya

There was an animaltransport with pigs who had an accident years ago.Some pigs escaped and one of them was hard to catch.
That pig got a new home in a farm , they just couldn´t kill the brave little pig.

By the looks of it it certainly looks tasty, i'm really gonna check stores here if they got this. Does it even taste like meat, even though its not? :)

Their "meatballs" are my favorite when it comes to pasta sauce. Yup. :D
Just throw those babies in there and let them cook for an hour, you can't kill them, tastes great, nicely seasoned.
It's pretty easy to eat vegetarian food at restaurants now a days. So that doesn't have to be a problem. About Mc Donald's I can't help but still eat a burger when I'm there but that is really occasionally.

And I started with a few days a week too and my experience is that after a while you get a little disgusted by only seeing meat at the supermarket. When I see meatloaf for example I really don't feel like eating it anymore. It does take a little getting used to the vegetarian stuff.
I had watched this documentary is very hard to watch :( and makes us think deeply. I'm not a 100% vegetarian because I eat fish, is the unique flesh that I eat, but I want to stop eating fish. There are other ways to find all the vitamins and nutrients we need for our body without having to killing animals. Pamela Anderson is promoting a new campaign of PETA today in Montreal.....


I know she and Brigitte Bardot are great defenders of animals. :clapping:
I didn't eat at my own place today so i haven't bought it yet, but i did do some shopping. I checked the stuff out at the supermarket, it really IS quite pricey. Its no problem though cause like i said..i'm not gonna be eating the vegetarian 'meat' every day. So when i buy a box of something from Quorn , i can use it for two days probably. I know its for a very good cause though.

I remember that about Pamela yeah, and even though she might seem like a attention whore and what not, i always apreciated this about her. 100% against fur and meat, really good.