Earth Hour

I had totally forgotten about Earth Hour. What time did it start for the eastern side of the U.S.? I had probably had missed it and I am sorry that I did. Especially since I am so totally against global warming. I did took part in it last year.
I didn't even know it was Earth Hour. What was I doing during Earth Hour? hmmm.... that's right! I was here at my computer, I had the fan blowing air into my face because it was so hot, I had a incandescent light bulb switched on in my room, the TV was going in the background, I'm pretty sure I was drying some clothes in the dryer too, and I'm pretty sure at some stage I burned some tires in my backyard. Just doing my bit for the planet.
I didn't even know it was Earth Hour. What was I doing during Earth Hour? hmmm.... that's right! I was here at my computer, I had the fan blowing air into my face because it was so hot, I had a incandescent light bulb switched on in my room, the TV was going in the background, I'm pretty sure I was drying some clothes in the dryer too, and I'm pretty sure at some stage I burned some tires in my backyard. Just doing my bit for the planet.


You are an obnoxius one, but I like you anyway.:yes:
We will win you over, eventually.......

I did put out the lights, the TV, etc.......and had a quiet hour, with candlelights. And realised that this doesn`t happen often. And that quiet sometimes feels good.;D
I did this last night...only thing was, I had to turn a light on for a second to find my flashlight...and got yelled at by my daughter!! She said "Mom! The lights are supposed to be off!! Turn them off!!" and I told her "Honey, I need to see to find my flashlight - you want me to stub my toe or something??" Then I got into bed, and watched some TV - apparently TV watching was permissible. Thank God. LOL!!
Sydney Rules!!! Earth Hour started as an Ozzie initiative we turned the lights down yesterday....and did a repeat of it today at 4:45pm...massive blackout in the CBD for almost3 hours...that is 3x1 hour...180minutes extra!- proud to be living in Australia today I am :)
I did my small part. Turned the lights out for an hour and even left the computer quite alone! LOL Noticed that my little neighborhood went dark, too. Now if we could just all do this monthly, or weekly? I have candles and it wasn't really that hard.
I did my small part. Turned the lights out for an hour and even left the computer quite alone! LOL Noticed that my little neighborhood went dark, too. Now if we could just all do this monthly, or weekly? I have candles and it wasn't really that hard.
Yeah, it wasn't hard at all. I think it was only fun :)

Weekly lightless hour would be great!