Earth hour

Its a good idea:yes:but you should have made this thread earlier:yes:
Its a good idea:yes:but you should have made this thread earlier:yes:

I came across this yesterday thanks to a friend of mine and wanted to post it on MJJC but saw this thread so I would be posting it even later. We still have 15 days left to bring this to everyones attention. This is such an easy thing to do and to make that change.

Remember everyone:
Heal The World
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Hey thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely attending. I did it last year too but I was still living with my parents then and they weren't too much into it. Now I can be totally in the dark with just me and my candles, ooh I have to remember to buy matches!
I think it´s really important with Earth hour this year
If it was an other day i would join Earth hour but tomorrow is my b-day and the house is full of guests during that time. Can't have them sitting in the dark and candles everywhere is not an option. To dangerous with a dog and little child.
:bump: Hopefully as many as possible participates and signs up for Earth hour. Earth hour is not so much about saving energy for that particular hour, but more about spreading awareness and letting politicians know that we care about climate change and need them to make international commitments in order to reduce climate change and global warming!
We only have one beautiful planet with limited resources. :girl_butterfly:
