Earth Hour 2010


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Switch off the light on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm to show that you care about climate change.
Here you can sign up.

Last year it was almost one billion people who joined it.
I believe there are at least one billion people who like or love Michael Jackson and we know he cared for this planet.
Switch off the light on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm to show that you care about climate change.
Here you can sign up.

Last year it was almost one billion people who joined it.
I believe there are at least one billion people who like or love Michael Jackson and we know he cared for this planet.

Thank you for posting this! :flowers: Very important!
If we all come together we can and will make a change! :yes:
:(((( where is romania?????? :(((( we all love michael soo much.....

If your country isn´t there you just close the smaller picture with the map and behind there is a global site coming.I don´t know when the site is ready but there is almost 2 months left to earth hour so there is time.
Earth Hour is coming up soon? I'll have to go out and buy some incandescent light bulbs, a bunch of heaters, an air conditioning unit to offset the heaters, a few rubber tires to burn in the backyard... better get cracking.
I signed up and posted a link to my Facebook but then got this annoying response from someone:

I'm sure you've heard that climate researchers have been caught fudging their numbers to make it look like the earth is warming? The scandal is called "climategate". The earth's average temperature actually peaked about 10 years ago, and has been slowly dropping!

I'll do it but....
1) Is Global Warming real?
2) (I think it is) But is it what we all make it out to be? (A man made mess?) Or just natural?
It´s getting closer.
There are 103 countries involved so far.
I'll switch off too..its for an important cause.
Just too bad that the site is not working well.
Hopefully as many as possible participates and signs up for Earth hour this year and through that let politicians know that we care about climate change and need them to make international commitments in order to reduce climate change and global warming!
According to a report done by Global Humanitarian Forum, 300 000 people die each year as a result of climate change. In 20 years the number of people suffering from severe consequences of climate change will raise to 600 million, according to this report. These are mostly people living in the poorest countries of the world, who have done the least to cause climate change. Please participate and show that you care! We only have one planet. :girl_butterfly:

As Michael said: “There is nothing that can´t be done if we raise our voice as one!”
For our inspiration I´d like to add my favorite of Michael´s live performances of Earth Song. :flowers:
Moonlight beats electricity any given night and tonight more so than ever.
I participated. Well, truthfully, I left my TV and computer on (because I'm kind of scared of complete darkness) and with 15 minutes left in the hour I gave up because there was something I needed to finish. But I tried. :)
I participated as well as I could. My parents don't think too much about the environment and they had to see the evening news on tv but at least I sat in my dark room for a while :lol: And I did switch everything off from other rooms (where my parents had left everything on as usual even though they weren't in the room anymore).
I participated but the other 2 people that lives me didn't want to do that. So I shut my tv and some of the lights off in this house for one hour. I even unplugged my laptop and ran it on its battery. But my mother and her husband had an absolute fit when I did that. I told them how important Earth Hour is. But they did not care. And my mother is suppose to be so big on the eviroment. Well at least I thought she was. If she really did care she would have shut all lights off for one hour. It wouldn't have killed her to put on hold of whatever it was she was doing for one little hour. And she was doing laundry like she couldn't have wait for one hour to do laundry.
Me and my friend did it, so we just went out for a walk, looking if others did it. Some did, some not.