Earliest Known Jackson Five Studio Recording Found


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May 21, 2006
Earliest Known Jackson Five Studio Recording Found

by Philip Montoro

From the collection of Gilles Petard

Perhaps you've already noticed this story elsewhere on the Reader's site—we're not exactly being coy about it—but in case you keep up with us mainly via RSS reader, Jake Austen has an amazing feature this week about the discovery of an unheard Jackson Five studio recording. This tape predates the session for the group's first single—the session that for 40 years was thought to be the group's first—by four months. Even more amazing, it was found as a direct result of Austen's research.

Personally my favorite angle concerns guitarist Larry Blasingaine, who played guitar on the newly discovered recording, cut at the studio of One-derful Records in July 1967. At One-derful the Jacksons recorded "Big Boy," and their first single, released by Steeltown in early 1968, also included "Big Boy," but from a different session that Blasingaine didn't know about—for all this time, in other words, he's mistakenly believed that he appeared on the first Jackson Five record. Though it was heartbreaking to imagine how he must've felt when he learned the truth, it was at least as heartwarming to imagine how he must've felt when he learned that the tape he actually did play on had been discovered after all this time.

No one's had the chance to actually hear the music on the tape yet—as you might imagine, certain precautions must be taken with an artifact like this—but you can be sure the Reader will stay on top of the story.

The Chicago Reader Blog

The Jackson Find

This was supposed to be the story of the Jackson Five’s first single, cut in Chicago in 1967. But while writing it, Jake Austen picked up the trail of a tape nobody knew existed: the earliest known studio recording of Michael Jackson and his brothers.

By Jake Austen


Jackson Five photo from the collection of Jake Austen; photo of tape by Jim Newberry - The Jackson Five; the "Big Boy" reel from One-derful Records

When the world paused this summer to look back on Michael Jackson's extraordinary career, one chapter was missing from all the retrospectives, which skipped straight from the Jackson Five's formation in Gary, Indiana, to their explosive rise to stardom on Motown Records. Though every last recording by Elvis and the Beatles—the only other pop stars of Jackson's magnitude—has been meticulously documented, not even the most obsessive collectors have the whole story behind "Big Boy," the Jackson Five's first single.

Die-hard fans know it was recorded in late 1967 and released early in '68 on Gary's Steeltown Records. But most of the rest of the information out there is flawed or incomplete. The 1992 miniseries The Jacksons: An American Dream fictionalizes the session, placing it in 1966 and pretending, probably for licensing reasons, that the Jacksons recorded a cover of "Kansas City." Even Michael's 1988 autobiography, Moonwalk, gets most of the details wrong—not surprising given that he was nine at the time. And to my knowledge no published account has ever mentioned that "Big Boy" was cut in Chicago.

What you're about to read is not only a detailed account of the Jackson Five's Steeltown session but also convincing evidence that by then the group had already been in development with one of Chicago's most important black-owned labels—an episode previously completely lost to history. More compelling still, this label's efforts included an even earlier recording session. My efforts to jog the memories of the people closest to that session have resulted in the discovery of what many of the King of Pop's fans will consider the ultimate artifact: a studio master, by all appearances recorded by the Jackson Five, that predates the sides that for more than 40 years have been considered the group's earliest. In other words, Michael Jackson's first professional recording.

Anyone attempting to fill in some of the blank pages of the Jackson Five's early history will shortly find there are few facts upon which any two witnesses agree. Virtually everybody who encountered the group during its formative years, for instance, claims to have discovered Michael. Some claims are reasonable: Roosevelt High teachers Genevieve Gray and Yjean Chambers showcased the Jackson brothers in momentum-building talent shows starting in 1965. Others are ridiculous: Motown exec Berry Gordy fabricated Diana Ross's 1969 "discovery" of the group to whip up hype. Steeltown Records co-founder Gordon Keith, 70, is the man with the largest body of tangible evidence to back up his claim: he estimates that "Big Boy" sold more than 60,000 copies.

Many have made and lost millions on the backs of the Jacksons, but Keith's fortunes have remained largely unchanged since the mid-60s, when he founded Steeltown with four partners: Ben Brown, Ludie Washington, Maurice Rodgers, and Willie Spencer. The former steel-mill worker still lives at the Gary address that's printed on the first pressing of "Big Boy." These days most conversations he has about the Jacksons turn toward bitter reflections on the "double cross" he says took them from him—Joseph Jackson and Berry Gordy are the worst of many antagonists in these stories—yet he still sees their appearance on his doorstep as divine intervention. God, he says, gave him the gift of a group that was ready.

By 1967 Steeltown had released several singles without scoring a hit. Keith had seen enough Jackson Five show placards around town to convince him that the group was hardworking—he figured they might be the rare young act that combined talent with discipline. He got the family's number from a group that studied with the Jacksons' music teacher, Shirley Cartman (another reasonable claimant in the Jackson Five discovery sweepstakes), called patriarch Joseph Jackson, and was invited to the family's home for a private performance.

Before they'd even played a note Keith saw something that convinced him Michael was extraordinary—something he says he'd never seen before and never saw again. "They were setting up in the living room," Keith recalls, "and Michael walked over to Tito's guitar cord, which was stretched between the guitar and amplifier, chest high to Michael, and I seen him flat-footedly jump over that guitar cord . . . not a running jump, flat-footed! I was pretty sold right there."

The boys' performance lived up to Michael's acrobatics, and Keith decided to negotiate with the Jacksons' management to take over their contract. Even then the question of who managed the group was complicated—Joseph would strike deals, often overlapping, with anyone he thought could help the boys get ahead—but two of the major players were WVON disc jockeys Pervis Spann and E. Rodney Jones.

In late 1965 or early '66 a triumphant Jackson Five talent-contest appearance at Chicago's Regal Theater had so impressed Spann that he and Jones offered to manage the act. (Spann also frequently takes credit for discovering Michael.) Keith remembers Jones (who died in 2004) claiming to have spent tens of thousands of dollars promoting the group to no avail. Keith thought that was odd, considering how polished they were and how influential Spann and Jones were, but he was thrilled to sign them anyway.

Gary had a recording studio, run by Bud Pressner, a saxophonist who in the course of a 50-year career as a performer and engineer worked on everything from his own Buddy Pressner Orchestra tunes in the 40s to raunchy late-80s house music. But Keith decided this recording deserved big-city gloss, and arranged for the boys to head into Chicago.

So after school one afternoon in November 1967, Michael, 9, Marlon, 10, Jermaine, 12, Tito, 14, and Jackie, 16, piled into the family Volkswagen with Joseph and rode across the state line to Chicago's West Englewood neighborhood, parking in front of Sunny Sawyer's recording studio on West 69th. Today that address is a vacant lot overrun by six-foot weeds, neighbored by the last surviving commercial buildings on the block—a tavern called Mitchell's that's attached to Rainbow Food and Liquor and a boarded-up pharmacy. But in the late 60s it was at the heart of a busy business district...

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The Chicago Reader
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What??? 0_0

Confused here... So Big Boy was not their first recording..??
Thank you for posting. That was extremely, extremely interesting. I've never heard all of this backstory before.

This sounds amazing-->

Before they'd even played a note Keith saw something that convinced him Michael was extraordinary—something he says he'd never seen before and never saw again. "They were setting up in the living room," Keith recalls, "and Michael walked over to Tito's guitar cord, which was stretched between the guitar and amplifier, chest high to Michael, and I seen him flat-footedly jump over that guitar cord . . . not a running jump, flat-footed! I was pretty sold right there."

How the heck did Michael do that?!?!

Click on the Chicago Tribune link. The article is like 7 pages long and what's posted here is only the first page!

From Page 2:

Despite the kids' professionalism, the session was grueling, in part because the Ampex's dead track meant they had to stop more often to mix down and free up space on the tape. As the night wore on the boys grew weary. "I remember looking at the clock—it was 10 or 11 at night—and looking at these young kids up that late who had been at school earlier," says Bridgeman. "I left the studio and went and brought sandwiches for them, because they hadn't eaten since I don't know what time. They had been too intense with the recording to stop to eat."

Wasn't there any child labor laws?!?!? Man, Michael wasn't exaggerating when he said that they were worked like dogs. . . and then to not have eaten! They probably didn't eat since lunch!

From page 3:

Silvers's excellent arrangements shine through the slightly murky mix and showcase the somewhat raw, soulful vocal style Michael had developed watching R & B veterans from the wings of the Regal. Though Keith contends that nine-year-old Michael was "a better singer then than what he ended up to be," it's clear from this recording that Motown's infamously rigorous training regimen still had something to offer him. All the same, his slightly nasal, borderline flat singing and odd enunciation (fairy tales is pronounced "fairy ta-wos") add to the single's considerable charm.

Umm. . . okay. I think Michael ended up to be a pretty great singer after some more experience and training. This guy must be smoking something.

It wasn't the first time someone had called Berry Gordy's attention to the Jackson Five. Several Motown artists, among them Gladys Knight, had already been singing their praises. But Gordy wasn't interested in dealing with a kiddie act—not until after he saw that audition film, where Michael turns in a dazzling impersonation of James Brown (who also said he discovered the Jacksons). Gordy signed the group away from Steeltown, and Taylor became their first producer at Motown.

LOL at James Brown claiming he discovered J5. According to this article, everyone and their mother discovered Michael and the J5.


This exhausted the pre-Motown recordings of Michael Jackson and his brothers—or did it? Though it's proved to be a less popular pastime than discovering Michael, you don't have to dig too deep to find people who say they've discovered a "lost" early recording by the Jackson Five. These claims are both encouraged and confounded by the fact that the Jacksons' 1969 breakthrough was followed by the emergence of hundreds of kiddie-soul groups, many deftly imitating Michael's vocal style. "Every aspiring kid singer wanted to be like Mike," says Ken Shipley of Chicago reissue label the Numero Group, whose 2007 compilation Home Schooled collected highlights of this subgenre. "He set off a copycat shock wave."

Ohhh yeah, Mike set off a copycat shock wave for like 40 years!


The decades to come may well bring a wealth of unreleased Jackson songs, on par with the from-the-grave output of Hendrix or Tupac. But most observers expect this onslaught to consist principally of overproduced late-period jams, many of them unfinished at the time of Jackson's death and augmented posthumously. The possibility that the first unreleased track to surface will instead be a decades-unheard recording of the Jackson Five's first studio endeavor—a stripped-down 60s R & B tune, cut without adult ringers at a better studio than their debut single—is almost too good to be true. The One-derful session is worlds away from the slick and calculated work the Jacksons would soon do for Motown. It captures an eager, unjaded nine-year-old only months away from the end of his childhood, a childhood he would pursue for the rest of his life: Michael, a big boy now, soulfully lamenting that "fairy tales and wishful dreams are broken toys."

Incredible, just incredible!
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Bump because this ended up being a history lesson of the Jackson 5 pre-Motown!
What??? 0_0

Confused here... So Big Boy was not their first recording..??

At the very least, according to the article, the released recording of it was not the first one.

Thank you for posting. That was extremely, extremely interesting. I've never heard all of this backstory before.

U R very welcome...I'm glad you enjoyed :cheeky:
Thanks for this I got to keep it in my Archives. Great story of Michael's early days. I can see Joe being a Slave master here..He slould of at least let Mike have a childhood. All work and no Play made Mike a sad sad boy..I guess being gifted means that you have to pay the ultimate price.
Thanks for this I got to keep it in my Archives. Great story of Michael's early days. I can see Joe being a Slave master here..He should of at least let Mike have a childhood. All work and no Play made Mike a sad sad boy..I guess being gifted means that you have to pay the ultimate price.
Why is Mike always picked out? Did the other 4 brothers have a better time? The only sibling that had a fairly regular upbringing is Rebbie, and even she took dance & clarinet lessons.
Why is Mike always picked out? Did the other 4 brothers have a better time? The only sibling that had a fairly regular upbringing is Rebbie, and even she took dance & clarinet lessons.

I think that Michael was more affected because

1 - he was SO young
2 - he had a more sensitive nature
3 - he was the lead singer...
4 - therefore, he was under the most pressure

So yes, the others being a little older, under less pressure and probably not as sensitive as Michael, didn't have as difficult a time with it all. But clearly, it had to be tough on all of them.
Michael was nine, the lead singer, the "star", and the only one they paid attention, that's why it was harder on Michael. I think it was those early years (1966-1969) that affected him the most.
Thanks for posting!:flowers: it was a great read.

@troublman: umm-hmm. I agree. Our early years affects all of us the most.
Michael was nine, the lead singer, the "star", and the only one they paid attention, that's why it was harder on Michael. I think it was those early years (1966-1969) that affected him the most.
In some ways Marlon had a harder time, at least in the beginning. He was the brother that didn't learn the steps as fast as the others, so got whipped more by Joe. He also had the deceased twin brother. Actually Mike was younger than 9. Remember, they were performing for a few years before making a record.
I think that Michael was more affected because

1 - he was SO young
2 - he had a more sensitive nature
3 - he was the lead singer...
4 - therefore, he was under the most pressure

So yes, the others being a little older, under less pressure and probably not as sensitive as Michael, didn't have as difficult a time with it all. But clearly, it had to be tough on all of them.


I also think that Joseph made it clear that the family's livelihood and welfare were resting on the slim shoulders of little Michael.

Michael said that Joseph thought of him as his 'golden child' and was therefore harder on him than the rest.

For example, why did Joseph bring Michael to the audition alone in that article? That's a lot of pressure for a little boy.