Dwayne Johnson makes Surprise appearance at WWE Monday Night RAW (Returns after leaving 7 years ago)

Guys, cant tell you what last night meant to me. One of my heroes returned, and it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of him.

Truly an amazing entertainer, I could watch the guy for hours!
:wild::wild::wild::wild::wild: :wild::wild::wild::wild::wild:
:punk::punk::punk: :punk::punk::punk:

Finally...........quality has come BACK to the WWE!!!

But to be honest, Dwayne is now a busy man and he'll probably be gone again after Wrestlemania!!!!!

Enjoy it while it lasts!!!!
So does anyone think there is any chance of The Rock Vs Cena at WM27????
I dont think so, he's just there to host.

Although there is bound to be a segment in the ring involving a The Rock and Cena, it should be one of the greatest moments in WrestleMania history.
Finally...The Rock has come back to RAW after 7 years of absence! Working on films and so on, IF YA SMEEEEEEEELLA! WHAT THE ROCK...IS....COOKIN'!
^^^^^^^The Rock has occasionally exaggerated in his promos to get a crowd reaction...........

........Remember the promo for Wrestlemania 20 when he invited Jimmy Snuka to join him and Mick Foley to fight against Evolution (Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Batista).......but Jimmy was in no real shape to wrestle!!!

It might also mean that he might become a part of Hall Of Fame (either this WM or the next one)...........

But it'll never be like the year 2000 where he did both Raw and SmackDown plus 12 U.S PPVs and 2 U.K. PPVs...........
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If you've watched it though, which im sure you have. He's totally genuine saying he's not there for money or promoting a movie he's just their for fans and he's not leaving

I know he exagerrates things sometimes but that was real i thought
I think he just means that he's never going to completely disappear again like he has for the last 7 years.

Perhaps an appearance or two once a year would be my guess.
Rock is going to wrestle again its in his blood. Might not be at this years Wrestlemania but he will. Remember Austin will be around at WM too, hes back for Tough enough.
I used to watch wresting actually all the time too, especially in the late 90's-early 2000's. I heard the Rock was going to be on Raw Monday night so I did turn into Raw for the first time in a long time. While it was soooooo good to see the Rock, and it brought back a lot of good funny memories from when the WWE was at it's absolute finest, for that same reason it made it sad. Seeing where it had been to where it is now, well was just sad and is why I don't watch anymore....

I can't even imagine that every week The Rock, Austin, DX, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, Kane-all of them were all on every week-all while there was another wrestling show playing opposite of it (and was for a time-equally as good). That was when it was a blast to watch. Everyone did then. I read once that even Michael watched and was really concerned when JR was hit by someone during one of the Raw's and Michael was genuinley concerned for his saftey...........

Great to see the Rock last night, he blew everyone out of the water and was as good as ever, but at the same time it reminded me that the WWE will never ever be as good as it was in the late 90's early 2000's.

And while I said I was really into wrestling then, that wasn't the first time I got really into it. It was the second. I started watching wrestling right when Hogan first one the belt for the first time in 1984.
Jeez, it's great to see him back.

But people are going way over board on this 'wrestling isn't as good as it used to be stuff'. It isn't, but that doesn't mean its bad now either.

I started watching in late 1998 and have loved it ever since, never stopped watching! You have to be able to see the true beauty of it.

Cena has been doing a great job carrying the company in the last 7 years, a long with HHH, The Undertaker, Randy Orton, HBK etc.

Wrestling has allways been good, its just that we were spoiled in that period from 1997-2003. It was never going to stay that good forever, wrestling goes through phases and one day it will be ultra popular again. People probably thought wrestling would die once Hogan, Warrior, Savage and the rest retired but then look what happened. New stars were generated and it was even better! That will come again someday, mark my words.
It's about time The Rock returned. His movies as of late have really sucked....and the WWE product is lacking too. Anytime he's involved in the WWE, the product and ratings go through the roof.
At Wrestlemania it will be...........John Cena Vs Miz for WWE Championship...........

A bit disappointing that The Rock won't be wrestling John Cena instead............

.......But I can't help thinking that The Rock will still be involved with this match...............let's face it.....this match needs The Rock to liven things up!!!!
I reckon The Rock as special guest referee for Miz vs Cena. Ending with Rock laying the smackdown on everyone :lol: