Dutch TV Alert: MJ Tribute Day on MTV!


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
It's MJ Tribute Day on MTV today! From this morning on they're streaming all his video's and I'm sure there will be some more later on.
And at 20.00u they will stream the memorial also!
aw thats awesome they are doing that where you are.

for anyone in the UK 4music are doing a tribute day for Michael showing his music videos all day, as are magic and other music channels are showing various MJ tribute show things throughout the day.
Yeah I just saw a part of it.... I'm really proud every morning when I turn on the TV MJ's on MTV and when I zap to TMF, he's also on.... that's just amazing:)
Yeah I just saw a part of it.... I'm really proud every morning when I turn on the TV MJ's on MTV and when I zap to TMF, he's also on.... that's just amazing:)
Yes indeed! But now it feels just a bit more....strange...like, on this day. I don't want it to turn to tonight. :(