Dutch TV Alert: HIStory Tour on RTL 5 on Tuesday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dutch channel RTL 5 will air the HIStory Tour on Tuesday:
20:30 Michael Jackson Concert: History Tour (until 22:55)

(sister station RTL 4 will have specials tomorrow, and will stream the ceremony live from www.rtlnieuws.nl)
Thats amazing. I wish they would do this in the UK instead of broadcasting crappy documentaries
Are you sure? I don't see anything about it on their website.
What History concert will be aired tommorow? The one from Munich?

And what Dangerous concert is going to be shown today? From Bucharest?
Op Nederland 3 om 20.05 en daarna komt er nog om 22.55 een documentaire :D
Pickachuuu! Haha, herken je door je naam. ;)

OMG so awesome, I'm really glad I've decided to go on vacation on wednesday instead of last friday...now at least I'm able to see all these things.
Really needed those days to overthink all that's happened.
Pickachuuu! Haha, herken je door je naam. ;)

OMG so awesome, I'm really glad I've decided to go on vacation on wednesday instead of last friday...now at least I'm able to see all these things.
Really needed those days to overthink all that's happened.
Haha, ik had echt zo Pokemon periode de afgelopen jaren haha.

There will be another tribute show on MTV tomorrow at 20.00 :D
WOoooowwww, Is there someone who can record the History Tour directly to VOB or some other DVD-quality format??? I have downloaded different History Tours but most of them were ripped from VHS-tape... I can't it on DVD because I am working tommorrow the whole day including the evening. Just a sad detail... It's RTL5 which has commercial breaks.... But I hope they will not do too many breaks....
It's not on the site yet, because it was just announced within the company. It's a last minute schedule change.

I'm afraid that it will be Munich version they aired before. It had sound out of synch.
WOoooowwww, Is there someone who can record the History Tour directly to VOB or some other DVD-quality format??? I have downloaded different History Tours but most of them were ripped from VHS-tape... I can't it on DVD because I am working tommorrow the whole day including the evening.
I do have a dvd recording system, but I don't exactly know how it works. Since it's not mine and the owner is already on vacation... :(
I will try it, hope it works!
Ik ben blij dat ze zoveel concerten uitzenden op de Nederlandse tv. Helaas is het wel altijd hetzelfde, Bucharest en Munchen...Maarja toch wel leuk, we moeten er maar van genieten want na volgende week zijn de meeste hem al weer vergeten en dan zien we nauwelijks meer iets van hem op tv ben ik bang...
Ik lees net ergens dat het maar anderhalfuur duurt, van 19.00 tot 20.30u. Klopt het dat die hele memorial ook zo lang duurt dan? Die zal toch wel langer duren?
Ik wil wel alles zien. :(
seriously hitting me all over again! why show them now ? itstoo late