Dutch coverage about stardom Los Angeles vs. poor Gary Indiana


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
3 juli 2009
20:25 - 20:55 uur (CET Amsterdam)

'Netwerk' will show a coverage tonight about the contrary between the City of Angels and poor Gary. This will be an in depth and objective coverage as the program stands for it.

They will be pointing at the LA love/hate relationship between MJ that made him big and small at the same time.
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Re: Dutch coverage about Los Angeles contrary to Gary Indiana

The Jackson Family didn't have that much of a connection with Gary, once they moved to Los Angeles. The Jacksons has spent more time living in California then they have in Gary. The city is poor. The steel mills where Joe Jackson used to work are all shut down. Unemployment is probably one of the highest in the country. The only way that there could be some kind of tribute to Michael would be to make the Gary house a landmark of some sort. But Michael will not be going back to Indiana.
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Re: Dutch coverage about Los Angeles contrary to Gary Indiana

^ I know but it's a portrait of the ironic things about this whole media circus, stardom etc.