Dumbest Book Characters? LOL.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In "Listen To My Heart," Chris, has a crush on a girl named Allison. Chris gets dumb advice from his "friend" michael, and actually falls for the advice1 I remember Michael gave him the advice, something like "Tell Allison that she looks fat in her dress. She will love your honesty.":doh:

Chris tells her this, and Allison is upset and gives him the cold shoulder for a while. I was not surprised to find out that Michael himself had a crush on Allison and wanted her for himself, so he intentionally gave Chris bad advice to make Chris look dumb to Allson. If Chris weren't so dumb, he would have seen the advice was stupid. :lol: :doh:

I forgot the name of the book, but a woman gets pregnant by a man who didn't want a baby. He tried to kill the baby by kicking her in the stomach. when he realized the baby was still alive, he pretended to cry and be remorselful for the kicking. She fell for it and forgave him. He thought, "She fell for my fake remorse? God, she really is dumb." :doh: