Driving licence (permis de conduire)

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
Hi y'all. I live in France and i am 21. In france the driving licence can be very expensive. Are there any french fans here? I am thinking of obtaining my driver's licence in another country to pay less money and then drive in France. What country should i choose? I think i can do it in Europe but what country should i choose to obtain my licence fast and at a good price?

Thanks in advance
wont it just cost money to go to another country and in the end will cost you the same?
Loool well actually that's why i mentioned Europe. In France obtaining a driving licence can be difficult and i think it is possible to obtain your licence in Europe and drive in France. As you said in the end it might cost the same that's why i am trying to find an affordable trip and licence. I do not know i will find what i am searching for, chances of success are slim but i prefer to search for an alternative before paying so much money.
how much is a licence in france. and if u take your test in another country wont u have to learn totally different road rules and laws. tbh can u even take your test in a country your not living in?
About 1100 euros, but it can be much more expensive, i know people who paid way more.It sometimes depends on how quick a learner you are or if you have to take the tests again.
it costs that just to pay for the test? or is that for everying lessons etc?
For everything,the whole package,but it depends on where you live. I know people who spent way more. As i said i think i'll settle for it, i am just trying to find an alternative.
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For everything,the whole package,but it depends on where you live. I know people who spent way more. As i said i think i'll settle for it, i am just trying to find an alternative.

€1100 is a reasonable price. It's what we pay here in Holland (depending on wether you decide to take extra lessons, or wether you need to take a second driving test).

Going abroad will cost you more for sure. There is no driving institution that is going to be able to get you driving lessons for x days in a row, so you will end up staying abroad for a few weeks which I can guarantee you will cost you more than just getting your licence in France.
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