Driving Lessons!? :@


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am in the middle of taking driving lessons at the moment. Im 17, live in the UK :)

I have been taking them for over half a year now, and really cannot wait to pass!

I have a lesson in 10 mins, and it just fills me with stress :( I love driving but hate the lessons so much!

My friend recently just booked his test, I am extremely jealous! I asked my driving instructor how long he thinks it will be before I can do my test, and he said 'How long is a piece of string?' I also still have 2 more manuevers to learn, which just shuts down my hopes of passing soon :( Its really really frustrating.

I think the reason I hate them so much, is because its like going out doing something your not comfortable doing, with SO much pressure on you and petrified of making a mistake :\

Anyone have any advice or would like to talk about their experience learning to drive? It may help me.
I am in the middle of taking driving lessons at the moment. Im 17, live in the UK :)

I have been taking them for over half a year now, and really cannot wait to pass!

I have a lesson in 10 mins, and it just fills me with stress :( I love driving but hate the lessons so much!

My friend recently just booked his test, I am extremely jealous! I asked my driving instructor how long he thinks it will be before I can do my test, and he said 'How long is a piece of string?' I also still have 2 more manuevers to learn, which just shuts down my hopes of passing soon :( Its really really frustrating.

I think the reason I hate them so much, is because its like going out doing something your not comfortable doing, with SO much pressure on you and petrified of making a mistake :\

Anyone have any advice or would like to talk about their experience learning to drive? It may help me.

Well, I'm from the U.S. so I don't know if I will be of any help but I'll tell you that I too hated driving lessons. For me I had them right after school ended and the instructor always said I did everything wrong. Even though I thought I was doing them right.

Just take your time, and you will pass. Just believe in yourself. :hug:
I remember when I first got in the car. I was driving through the back alley ways and quiet streets for months before I ever got the chance to drive on a busy road. My mother (who was teaching me at the time) was so terrified, she had me driving at 15 km/h in a 100 km zone! Not only was that dangerous, but the fact the she was nervous made me nervous too. She was more scared than I was. Of course, after a few trips, she began to trust me, and we were driving at a reasonable speed. I remember one thing I hated about learning how to drive... the parking, especially reverse Parallel parking. But as time went on, and with a lot of practice, I started to get the hang of it.

Don't worry about learning more manuvours, because eventually you'll get used to doing them and you'll be able to do them with ease without thinking about it. I didn't think learning to drive was as hard as it was, there's so much to know and remember. But as long as you obey the road rules, and make a sincere effort to learn, then you'll be fine.
I took a little time to get used to driving at the very beginning. My instructor had me practice in the parking lot during the first lesson, then when we were finished, he said to me, "Many of the students I teach are ready to go out on the road right away. You're not one of them." :doh: I got the hang of it though, and you will too. You are probably at an advantage, since you've been taking the lessons so much longer. At my high school in the U.S., the lessons were only for two weeks before getting a permit.
Keep sticking at it mate :) It sometimes takes a while to develop confidence cause we all learn and process things differently so don't stress too much. It's worth perservering cause once you've learnt all the skills and are developing confidence you'll improve until it becomes another normal thing your able to do. :)

I didn't go for mine until I was 100% sure I'd pass (though failing is ok you can learn from your mistakes and go again). The driving test is designed so that you'll pass as long as you obey the road laws and drive safely.

Probably the best way to prepare for you test is to take all the time you need and make sure your confident in doing all the manouvers, get as many hours practice as possible and make sure you try all the things you find hard to do (3 point turns, parallel parking etc). Also Get confident using the mirrors they're the difference between good drivers and bad drivers. Good drivers know how to use all of their mirrors and they use them all the time. Bad drivers don't use their mirrors.

I didn't go for mine until the instructor was happy with my driving abilities. I'm kinda lucky because I learn through spatial and physical experience so I picked up the skills really quick.

Don't stress too much if you do fail your test because a lot of my friends failed the first time because they were nervous but got it the second time around after knowing what it's like to be in test conditions.
Oh man, I was so nervous when I took my test. My dad taught me to drive and my dad is the absolute best driver I know, so that was a plus. He was patient with me too, and I became a pretty good driver. But on the day of the test, I was just totally nervous. I've never been that nervous before, lol. Most times the instructor conducting the test are themselves very nervous because they probably get in the car with a lot of bad drivers. And mine was no exception. He made two mistakes in giving me instructions while I was driving, which didn't help me. And I made two traffic violations. One more and I would have failed, but by some miracle, I passed on my first try, lol. And I couldn't even really parallel park too well. So if you're nervous, just know it's normal and you'll get there eventually. Driving is actually incredibly simple and easy. Once you learn how to do it, there's really nothing to it. Any idiot can learn to drive, thus why you see a lot of idiots with license', lol. But it's really pretty easy to learn and get your license.
the only thing i had 2 do was do a y turn without hitting the cones (if u hit a cone its an automatic fail) then drive around the block lol and bam i was done lol
Learning to drive sucks lol, but then again I hate driving in general. I did have an awesome instructor though. The key thing is NOT to get nervous, especially when you go for the test. If you become nervous, you'll make stupid mistakes that you would never normally make. So just be patient with the learning process until you know everything perfectly and then go for it - but stay calm throughout:yes::)
When I was learning how to drive, my father taught me first. I learned on an standard (a car without automatic gears). I'd have to gear-shift, and know how to drive in the snow. We did 3-point turns, backing up, figure-8's. He used to have me purposely skid in snowy conditions, so I knew how to handle a skid if I was ever in one - and boy do we get a lot of snow here...lots of ice too. I used to practice all the time on snowy and icy roads and in school parking lots after school was over for the day.

Because I learned on a standard, I can now drive any car you can throw at me. 5-on-the-floor, 4-on-the-floor, automatic - even trucks. Hell, I drove a 5-on-the-floor moving truck all the way from Atlanta GA to Boston MA....my husband couldn't do it, cause he never learned. It was funny - you saw this big truck and me, all 5'1" of me getting out...the other truck drivers cracked up when they saw me..

It worked so well for me (I got my driving license the first time I took the test!) that I did this with my daughter. Had her go out and get into skids. I tried to teach her the standard-geared car, but she was too afraid to do that and then learn the automatic that we just stuck with the automatic. I figured I had enough time after she learned to drive period that I could get her to drive a standard at one point in her life. Besides, the US isn't selling standard cars as much anymore...in fact, not at all...

I'd say try to practice on non-lesson days as much as you can. If one of your parents can go out with you - it helps. Good luck! The more you practice, the more at ease you will feel behind the wheel.
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Could you imagine - giving MJ driving lessons? "Okay MJ - now back up"..."Okay, put the car into 1st and let's do a 3-point turn - OH NO!! Your gonna hit the neighbors mailbox!"....it'd be fun. I volunteer to do this. I know, it's a sacrifice - but hey! They could video tape it and it'd be the biggest thing to hit Youtube since William Hung! LOL!!
I had my lesson last night, and suprisingly it wasnt too bad.

I think im starting to learn that with more lessons, my confidence builds and therefore I am less nervous.

I still get nervous on roundabouts though :\ Especially if its quite busy. Im scared I might stall the car with a lot of people behind me, or I will try and go and a car will be coming round my way :|

The good news is though, he told me that next lesson I will be moving forward to learning parallel parking! Then the other manuever, which I cant remember......
I was happy to hear it because now it seems like im definately getting a lot closer to being able to do my test because after I have started them, all I have to do then is build on them and get better in every area.

My lessons are quite good really, as he make me drive to a certain point which obviously helps my all round driving in general and then when I get to the point I do the manuevers.

It feels like the worst thing in the world if I do something wrong. I dont want to sound full of myself or anything, but in general I am good at a lot of things, especially practical things. Then if I do something wrong I feel like an idiot and try to make up excuses.

Like yesterday I was driving and there was a parked car on the road, with a car coming from the opposite way. So I used my own judgement and went for it.........but my instructor was telling me to brake because it looked too tight to go through to him really. But I slowed down and went through. It looked ok to go through to me, but I guess he's the boss lol

I am hoping to book my theory test at the end of the month :) To get that out of the way.

Oh and thank you evry much for all your replies, its just good to hear other peoples troubles with driving lessons lol I guess everyone goes through it at some point :\
learing to drive is exactly the same as learing to ride you bike. its all about confidence and once u get the nack of it u think to yourself how did i ever find that difficult. u just have to practive and the confidence comes more with experience and some ppl are less confident at driving then others theres no set rule. everyone makes mistakes especially when u are learning. u dont stop stalling as soon as you past your test lol. ppl do it forever. driving is always a learning curve. u have only just begun when u pass your test.thats when the learing really begins. the most important thing is to keep at it.
Yikes I'm starting driving lessons on May.. I'm already now nervous how will I do :D
learing to drive is exactly the same as learing to ride you bike. its all about confidence and once u get the nack of it u think to yourself how did i ever find that difficult. u just have to practive and the confidence comes more with experience and some ppl are less confident at driving then others theres no set rule. everyone makes mistakes especially when u are learning. u dont stop stalling as soon as you past your test lol. ppl do it forever. driving is always a learning curve. u have only just begun when u pass your test.thats when the learing really begins. the most important thing is to keep at it.

I learnt to ride my bike when I was 3. So I cant really remember what it was like :\ lol But I will take your word for it :D

I will have to start going out in the car with my mum or dad, as well as driivng lessons. To speed up the process.