Driving issue


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005

So I passed my driving test a year and a half ago. It took me a while to pass because I lacked confidence and I kept hesitating. But I still havent managed to buy a car and start driving for myself. I keep saying I'll do it but I just cant bring myself to do so.

Firstly my family members (mum and sister) dont drive. Thats part of the worry. I know I'll have to do everything myself. And that scares me. My other friends who all drive (my age) just depended on their parents to buy them a car and take care of all the mechanies and paperwork. They also have their parents sit with them at the start if they're nervous. If theres a problem, their parents will sort it out.

I've tried asking my friends to help me, but they're too busy and I feel stupid asking again and again. I'm just really afraid to do it though. I know its dumb letting it stop me, but the whole thing overwhelms me. I'm 24 by the way and a girl.

Any advice or thoughts would be great:)
friends will help u out.just ask them.they shouldnt have a problem if they know how u feel. your in a difficult postion cause the longer u leave it the harder it will get and u have already left it along time since passing your test so it will kinda be like stating again even though u have passed. u basically have to go for it.do u have a car that u can use now or can u only drive once u buy something? it would be a waste not to carry on if u have gone to the expense of learning. but if u feel that bad i guess u have to make a decision one way or the other. maybe u might feel driving isnt for you. as its not for everyone yet its just something ppl are expected to do and everyone enjoys and is good at it when that isnt always the case
Thanks elusive..
no i dont have a car to use and i cant drive until i buy something...

You're right..I have to make a decision..I just wish it wasnt so difficult you know?
I'm almost 30 and I don't drive, no license at all. I can't pass the test because I have panic attacks on the road. I hate it!
Oh God ^^^ thats terrible...panic attacks eh? There is this thing called rescue remedy though,which is a herbal spray you use in your mouth that is meant to calm u down.

My instructor gave me some a few times and I was much more relaxed..but its a placebo effect. The next time, I just imagined I had some, and the relaxed effect was the same...maybe u should try some meditation or calming exercise? But if you're happy not driving, then thats fine. I really need to drive at some point. 24 years of getting the bus can turn you into an angry impatient person lol.
I think if you leave it any longer that knowledge you got in the classes and test will eventually go. As elusive said you've got to make a decision soon. Not trying to look into your private life but have you thought about getting a car from a 2nd hand car dealership? Some if the bigger ones offer finance deals which are pretty reasonable. But this will all depend on your situation. But don't feel pressured into driving if you don't think it's for you :)
When you first start driving on your own it is really scary. Its all about building confidence. When I started I was did it on my own, I didn't want anyone with me as I was so petrified of crashing the car so didn't want to hurt anyone else! Gradually I felt confident enough to drive with a passenger in the seat, then as I built confidence with that it became my whole car full of people. Don't rush it, its all about building your confidence. The road is a scary place but its ok once you get used to it.
Money's not too big an issue and of course I was thinking of getting a second hand one as my first car, but I just dont know how to go about doing it..I really know nothing about buying cars or what kinds of things I need to find out....
There's loads of places you could look. Most countries I'm sure have some kind of 2nd hand car magazine, like autotrader here in UK. You could also check out local papers as they may have a cars section for buying or selling. As for what to look for you can search online for advice or join a drivers forum and get guidance from there?
Thanks thrillerchild...yeah i did manage to look on autotrader in the past, but the whole thing overwhelmed me...im gonna seriously try again though and make a goal for myself...otherwise i'll never do it..

thanks for everyone's advice