Dreamworks logo and Neverland logo


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
In Latoya's book, she said they got the Dreamworks logo from Neverland. The other day I came across an article about stories behind hollywood logos came to be such as the mgm lion, paramount, 20th century fox, and the columbia torch lady came to be. This article talked about how Speilberg, Jeffrey Katzenburg, and David Geffen came up with the logo. I was expecting it to mention Michael and Neverland. Not even wikipedia mentions Michael or Neverland. Does anyone know more about this??


Other than that, the rest is interesting.
The article:
It's pretty similar IMO and we know that the Neverland logo existed before the Dreamworks logo. We also know that Spielberg, Geffen, Katzenberg could know about the Neverland logo since they have been in Neverland. Michael's family (not only LaToya, but Jermaine and the 3T as well) claim that Spielberg/Geffen/Katzenberg stole the idea from Michael without ever giving him credit for it. And this is one reason why Michael was disappointed in them. Also he would have been in Dreamworks originally but after the Chandler scandal in 1993 they ousted him and did it without him. This also made Michael very disappointed.
One of the respondents to the original on-line article, mentioned that there was an old Vietnamese fable about the moon-boy. This boy was very sadly renowned for telling lies:

Here is the story from a' Vietnam' information site:


Long, long time ago there was a clever boy whose name was Cuoi. He did nothing with his cleverness but to play trick on people around him. He lived with his uncle and aunt who were usually suffered from his cheats.

Once day Cuoi came to the field and broke the bad new to the uncle that his wife had fell down from the ladder and bled. The man was so frighten that he ran to his home without saying a word. Cuoi at that time reached the house before his poor uncle by a short cut then broke another bad new to his aunt that her husband was collided by the buffalo and was going to died. The poor woman was scared and immediately ran out to the field. Suddenly she bumped to a man and recognized that it was her husband who was panting and sweating like her. The poor couple came back with anger and decided to imprison him into a bamboo cage then drifted him in the river.

In the afternoon when Cuoi was carried to the river's bank, he regretfully said sorry to them and asked them to come back home to bring him a book hidden behind the basket of rice that taught him telling lie as the last favour. They both agreed and returned home to satisfy their curiosity without saying a word.

After that Cuoi saw a blind man passed by. He then asked the man to untight the cage if he wanted to have his eyes cured. At last Cuoi was free and hid himself in a bamboo (grove) and luckily found a jar of gold. He came back and gave it to his uncle and his aunt to atone for faults while the poor blind man was waiting for his eyes treated.

Later Cuoi got married with a girl in the village and went on pulling people's leg. Once morning he came into the forest and saw a tiger mother picking leaves from a kind of tree to cure her son's wound. Immediately the wound was recovered and the tiger baby could follow his mother to continue their trip. Cuoi grasped the opportunity to uproot the tree and rose it in the garden behind his house. He called the tree Banyan and took good care to it. He always reminded his wife that the tree was magic one so it was impossible to pour dirty water or dump the garbage at its root otherwise it would fly to the heaven. His poor wife sometimes envied with the tree so she dumped garbage at the tree root once day.

When Cuoi came home he found the tree was shaking and flying higher and higher in the sky. He tried to hold its root to pull it back but he couldn't. The tree actually pulled him farther and farther from the earth until it reached the moon.

It is said that there is still image of Cuoi sitting at the root of Banyan tree and looking down to see the world and there is also a Vietnamese saying " lie as Cuoi".