Dreams That Bothered You.


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2008
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
I saw this on another board I post and thought it would be different for here.

Have you ever had a dream or a nightmare that just bothered you for whatever reason for the rest of the day or longer? Or have you ever had a dream and felt as though God (or someone) was trying to give you a sign?

Personally, my dreams always seem to be bizarre and random. But there was one dream a month ago that really did bug me for awhile. A close friend of mine, I hadn't heard from in a few months. Well I had a dream that we met up somewhere and the next thing I knew she was dieing and I was carrying her in my arms and I felt her grip on me get weaker and weaker. I guess I was trying to get her to the hospital or something.

Well I woke up and it scared the crap out of me. And I'd say it was a good week or so before I did find out that she was fine and all.

So has there ever been a dream that just bugged you and made you wonder? It doesn't have to be negative.
I've had this dream of a snake going around my neck and biting my neck. It reoccurred 3 times in different situations. I got so scared to the point where I had to leave my state and go see a (credible) dream interpreter in Detroit. :lol: He came to the conclusion it had to do with stress coming from money and business issues.

So, if you ever have a snake biting your neck, you'll know what's up. :p
The dream that I've had like 3 times is: I'm in a car, driving it up a hill. The hill becomes almost vertical so I can see nothing but the sky and I'm afraid that the car will fall, because it's like driving up a mountain. So I press the pedal like crazy.
browneyedgirl - Yeah that probably would really freak me out if I kept having it. I've had dreams similar that have reoccurred but usually just as whatever bites me or whatever, I wake up. Hmm... interesting that the guy said it came from business issues. I should seriously consider seeing a guy like that concerning some dreams of mine.

raingirl - Are you like adventurous or something? Maybe thats why you have dreams of driving up mountains and stuff. Iono.

I can say that for the 3rd straight night I have had this dream about this one girl. I hung out with her once, in the summer at the beach during senior week. Ive known her through highschool but was never really that close with her or anything. She has a boyfriend and I have no interest in her. But the past three nights I have dreamed that she is interested in me and she comes and holds my hand and says how cute I am and stuff like that. :smilerolleyes: Its really bizarre considering I dont think of her at all and boom, shes all of a sudden my girlfriend in my dreams lol.

But its hard to complain because at least its something positive compared to some of the others lately. Whats really odd though is that for about a month now, I've had dreams of me dating someone so I'm not sure what that is all about.

The sub-conscious mind is the weirdest thing.
Once I had a dream where I was floating on a sea and I was heading to edge which meant I would die. Anyway I started to swim towards the coast and I survived, but my mother was furious because I had offended God's will.

It was very weird dream and bit scary too..
The freakiest dream I can remember is the long assed one I posted over at Horror Vision's dream thread :lol: .... it's a novel cause I just remembered it so vividly for days after it actually felt like it was something I had been through a few days ago as opposed to just being a dream...

I wont post it here though because it's kinda graphic and some people might not like what they read (it's about a car accident) ... but if you're curious here's the link for the post:
ive had dreams that have creeped me out that I wasnt sure if they were real or not like my parent dying and phoning them to make sure everything is okay lol
The freakiest dream I can remember is the long assed one I posted over at Horror Vision's dream thread :lol: .... it's a novel cause I just remembered it so vividly for days after it actually felt like it was something I had been through a few days ago as opposed to just being a dream...

I wont post it here though because it's kinda graphic and some people might not like what they read (it's about a car accident) ... but if you're curious here's the link for the post:
I don't have permission to access that topic :no:
The freakiest dream I can remember is the long assed one I posted over at Horror Vision's dream thread :lol: .... it's a novel cause I just remembered it so vividly for days after it actually felt like it was something I had been through a few days ago as opposed to just being a dream...

I wont post it here though because it's kinda graphic and some people might not like what they read (it's about a car accident) ... but if you're curious here's the link for the post:

Yeah the link doesnt seem to work for me. Just share it and put a bold warning for those that may not want to read it. :yes:. For some reason I'm curious.
I've had many dreams that have bothered me for days. I remember one dream when I was framed for something I didn't do and no one would believe that I was innocent. I remember another dream about Michael, back when his trial was on. He went into the court room and he was quite ill. The accuser saw how sick Michael was and admited that he had lied about the whole thing and that it was all made up for money. He apologies to Michael and his family and then Michael kind of smiles and slowly dies. It was so weird. In another of my dreams, I was at my mother's funeral which bothered me for weeks. I remember seeing her getting lowered into the ground, it was really freaky. I also dreamt about my dog after we put him down. We were in an empty room together and I tried to pick him up but he was disolving in my hands. I've had a lot of dreams that have scared me or made me think. Sometimes I wake up and can't remember for the life of me what I had dreamt, I can only remember little bits and peices of a dream. And other times, I remember every little thing that happened in my dream, in vivid detail it's almost like it's implanted in your brain as a memory and you remember it forever. I don't know how that works or why we can remember some dreams and others we can't but it's rather interesting and I would love to find out.
oh sorry guys didn't realise the link wouldn't work :(

ok I'll post it but please note...

Warning: The following dream contains scenes that may disturb some people.

I had the freakiest dream last night. I had a dream I was driving to work and I was kinda running a bit late. Anyway I'm racing along sitting just over the speed limit and I'm watching these people driving ahead of me and then i see all the break lights of the cars go on.
So I think "Gee I'm going to be late, all the cars merge to the over taking lane of this freeway that we're on and appear to be going around something.

I continue on and get to the thing they're driving around, and it's a car accident. 3 cars are all mangled and smashed up against the barrier on the shoulder of the road.... in the middle of the wreck is a horse float, and it's on it's side. I'm thinking "Holy shit!" It's clear to me that the car at the front has cut off the car towing the horse float and that they've all ended up smashing into each other and then collecting the side of the barrier.

I pull over and there are a few passengers standing around in daze and shock and panicking. I grab one guy who appears to be ok and tell him to direct traffic. "move them into the other lane and get them away from the accident"

there's screaming and crying and I can hear sirens in the distance. I run to the first car (which is the car at the back of the others) and I look inside, there'sa woman sitting behind the wheel she has her head back and she has her nose smashed from hitting the steering wheel, her car is old so i assume there was no airbag, I ask her if she's ok and she just slowly nods and says that she'll be fine. Her daughter is sitting in the passenger seat and she's about my age and I ask her if she's ok and she's just staring in horror at her mum's face. The girl ignores me and she's pawing at her mother's shoulder. I'm getting frustrated cause I know I have to work my way through the carnage so I yell to get the girl's attention "Hey are you ok?" She stares at me and stars crying but tells me she's ok but but her mum her mum and I tell her to help her mum out of the car and onto the grass away from the road. I tell the mum to keep her head back and that the ambulance is on it's way.
I check the backseat, it's empty except for christmas presents all over the place. I look back at the guy directing traffic, he's doing a good job and I can't help but feel really angry and frustrated, no one is stopping to help, they're all just driving past!!

I can hear someone screaming and crying so I run to the next car which had the horse float. I have to run around the horse float and I see a horse which is sorta sitting (you know the way they sit with their legs tucked to a side)... and the owner is screaming and crying and there's a guy standing with her trying to calm her and she keeps staring at the horse. I ntoice the horse's front leg is broken and there is blood everywhere, somehow they must have gotten it to crawl out of the upturned float and onto the grass... the grass was so red and full of blood. The woman was screaming and kept trying to go to the horse and the guy kept trying to hug her instead.

I ran past them and went to help the people in the first car. The driver was hangin out of his side window and he looked to be on really weird angles.
The female passenger had crawled out of the car onto the grass and was throwing up and crying and screaming all at once.
I run to the car and I notice the guy isn't moving and I figure the jolt must have shot him out of his seat and through the window there's a massive dent in the door frame where he must have hit first... his neck is all stretched and unsual looking I check for a pulse and there isn't one. I look into the car to see if his legs are trapped under the sterring wheel or something to prevent him from coming the whole way out the window... and I see the freakiest most scariest thing... there is what is left of a baby... The baby had come from either the back seat or was in the woman's arms on impact... eitherway... it must have smashed into the windshield which had the biggest circular spray pattern in the glass... like something had hit it.... the baby was all squished and didn't really look like a baby anymore, but just a bloody pulp and mess of legs and arms and head.. just sitting there on the center console next to the gear stick. I know full well that both baby and man are dead, they probably died on impact. I feel so sick, I hear a voice from behind.."Miss, miss?"

I look it's an ambulance member, "Um I think these two are dead..." The guy nods and tells me it's ok and leads me to the grass where I start to apologise "I'm so sorry I thought I could help everone" and he's telling me I did a good job, that the man they found directing traffic said he never saw someone move so fast but I'm only half listening as I begin to vomit into the grass. The grass was so fresh smelling, like after rain, but I couldn't help myself, the baby, the man, the horse it was all too much.

I get helped back to standing and I can hear the woman still screaming about her horse and I feel sooo sorry for her the police are trying to talk to her and her male friend is being questioned seperately I can hear the officer asking him what exactly happened? The other officer is talking to the woman, telling her that the animal guy is on his way, and that he is so sorry but that the animal will have to be put to sleep. She goes quiet as she listens to the officer, I'm about 20ft away but I can hear and see their whole exchange. she asks him "are you sure she has to be put to sleep?" The young cop looks so sad and he says yes and repeats the fact that the guy is coming to take her horse away for her. She starts to cry again and then she stops and looks at the young cop and I hear her clear as a bell through all the other noises around me "Oh I can't have someone else do it, please can you let me do it?" the officer looks unsure and unceratin and she starts to beg him "please, please I've been with her for so long, let me be the one she's suffering can I please borrow your gun I know just what to do I've had horses for many years" My brain catches on fire. The young officer looks at the horse I can see him looking at the wound and the blood and then the woman crying but holding her hand out. He hands her the gun and I start running to them... "NO!!! don't give it to her!!!" as quick as I can I'm not quick enough, she smiles at the gun and then the officer and then holds it to her head and shoots.... everything goes in slow motion her head opens up and blood is everywhere, she falls to the ground and the young officer stands there in pure shock... I'm skiddding to a halt and I look around, cars keep driving past, the emergency crew all look in horror at the source of the loud sound and the last thing I see before wake is the look of sheer horror on the poor young officer's face as he realises his mistake.
OMG that was horrible dream, L.J! :bugeyed

I would be in shock for days after seeing that kind of dream.. I hope I never will!
raingirl - Are you like adventurous or something? Maybe thats why you have dreams of driving up mountains and stuff. Iono.
No, not really at all. I think it has something to do with trying to get to your goals and being afraid that you can't.
Once I had a dream where I was floating on a sea and I was heading to edge which meant I would die. Anyway I started to swim towards the coast and I survived, but my mother was furious because I had offended God's will.

It was very weird dream and bit scary too..
:D Crazy...
Two days ago I had this awful dream, I was dressed in black and I was in teras 'cause I was attending a funeral but I don't know who was the person I was mourning. I was walking on a path and my grandfather (who passed away 16 years ago) was talking to me, trying to comfort me. When I woke up I realised the dream I had had and I've felt weird, sad and almost in shok for the rest of the day. This was the first time I've dreamt about my grandfather in 16 years and I am still wondering why I 've dreamt about him in such a sad situation.