Dr Who Fans.....come on in - its bigger on the inside :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Southern England

I was wondering if we have any Dr Who fans here at all??!!

I LOVE David Tennant as Dr Who and if people ever ask me "who was your Dr" in the future, I shall say him!


So who is your Dr?? Fave moments and eps?
What do you think Matt Smith will bring??

This thead is all about THE DR!!!

I can only share this much... Dr.Who, (the original shows) got me into electronic dance music. Yes, I'm talking about that dum dumdum - dum dumdum - dududud dum dumdum track they used in the intro. lol :D
Those shows were pretty cool. Kind of eerie sometimes. I was very young when I saw them.
Beccabubbles - I was studying in London last year and I fell in love with Dr Who!


Christopher Eccleston did nothing for me but David Tennant just brought some extra special to that role. I shall miss him!

Matt Smith ... hmm, I dont know ...

Now that I am back home I have no access to watch it and I have not seen the Christmas special or the Waters of Mars episode.

Will have to get back to you about personal faves but I will say the stuff with the Ood was very powerful. I bawled like a baby in the episode when Rose got sent to that parallel universe.

Glad to find someone on the board who shares my passion!
Beccabubbles - I was studying in London last year and I fell in love with Dr Who!


Christopher Eccleston did nothing for me but David Tennant just brought some extra special to that role. I shall miss him!

Matt Smith ... hmm, I dont know ...

Now that I am back home I have no access to watch it and I have not seen the Christmas special or the Waters of Mars episode.

Will have to get back to you about personal faves but I will say the stuff with the Ood was very powerful. I bawled like a baby in the episode when Rose got sent to that parallel universe.

Glad to find someone on the board who shares my passion!

Aww, i'm not alone :D

I love Dr who , its such a good show! And I love the Ood, one of my faves :)

Cant belive you havent seen waters of mars and the last episodes - poor you!!!

Does youtube work where you are?
Heres a link to waters of mars : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hU5oBwS9kY

The quality is not good but its better that nothing!

If you think the episode when Rose got sent to that parallel universe was bad ( i cryed so much then too) You wait till you see the finale - "The end of time" OMG. I was in floods - I cryed so much lol!

Here is the link to End of Time - but I'm warning you - you will need to stock up on the tissues! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUuHOiKdidk&feature=PlayList&p=78AE3983BC47E214&index=18

Let me know if you watch them!




Thanks for the links. I am finishing up some work right now so I will put off watching them for a bit. I want to have a quiet, undisturbed time when I watch! Saying goodbye to David Tennant .... I get misty-eyed just thinking about it!

Will let you know how it goes!

Thanks for the links. I am finishing up some work right now so I will put off watching them for a bit. I want to have a quiet, undisturbed time when I watch! Saying goodbye to David Tennant .... I get misty-eyed just thinking about it!

Will let you know how it goes!


Ok Nancii!

I hope you enjoy them - get tissues at the ready for the last one lol!


I'm a Doctor Who fan, yay!

I used to watch them on TV but they never seemed to be in order, or I was never in to watch them, so I have bought the first 4 series on DVD, yay :)

I have finished watching the 1st series with Christopher Eccleston (and I really liked him) but I much prefer David Tennant (there's just something about him!) I'm watching them all with my boyfriend at the moment though so it's a slow process as we only get to watch 1 episode every few days.. But we're getting there slowly!

I have watched one though that scared me half to DEATH when I saw it on TV. I'm sure you'll know which one I mean.. "DON'T BLINK, DON'T EVEN BLINK!" The crying angels one is weeeelll scary!!! :bugeyed

I never used to watch Doctor Who at all but I have a passion for it now.. I don't know whether it will be the same withouht David Tennant (although I have a while to go yet!!) but you never know what this new guy will bring I guess :) I thought it wouldn't be the same without Christopher Eccleston!!

I can't even watch The Weakest Link without being freaked out :bugeyed Lol!

It's weird though, imagine if this stuff really DID go on all the time but there are people out there who protect us!! :yes:
I'm a Doctor Who fan, yay!

I used to watch them on TV but they never seemed to be in order, or I was never in to watch them, so I have bought the first 4 series on DVD, yay :)

I have finished watching the 1st series with Christopher Eccleston (and I really liked him) but I much prefer David Tennant (there's just something about him!) I'm watching them all with my boyfriend at the moment though so it's a slow process as we only get to watch 1 episode every few days.. But we're getting there slowly!

I have watched one though that scared me half to DEATH when I saw it on TV. I'm sure you'll know which one I mean.. "DON'T BLINK, DON'T EVEN BLINK!" The crying angels one is weeeelll scary!!! :bugeyed

I never used to watch Doctor Who at all but I have a passion for it now.. I don't know whether it will be the same withouht David Tennant (although I have a while to go yet!!) but you never know what this new guy will bring I guess :) I thought it wouldn't be the same without Christopher Eccleston!!

I can't even watch The Weakest Link without being freaked out :bugeyed Lol!

It's weird though, imagine if this stuff really DID go on all the time but there are people out there who protect us!! :yes:

He he - DONT BLINK!!!

That is well scarey lol!
So what do you think of the new Doctor??

Well, not really seen enough of him to say yet, but i'm gonna give Matt a fair chance!
Lets face it - i'm still gonna watch it - its Dr Who!!!

Matt Smiths first scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vefRoFMURzg



But First impressions - not bad -
We'll have to wait and see!!!

But for me, I dont think any1 will be able to beat David Tennant, he was just the Best!!!




The pics of the new doctor SCARE me. And I am not ready to let go of David Tennant. And I was never in to Eccleston. Did not like him AT ALL.
The pics of the new doctor SCARE me. And I am not ready to let go of David Tennant. And I was never in to Eccleston. Did not like him AT ALL.

I liked Eccleston, he was alright - but David Tennant is amazing :D

You will cry when you see the last episode - its heartbreaking! :cry:

But amazing at the same time :yes:

aaah DAVID TENNANT! I will miss him sooo much. He and John Barrowman--co cute together.

I Love John Barrowman as Captian Jack!
He is brilliant, and the episodes where they come together are brilliant!
I love torchwood too, its so fun and lil bit more naughty than Dr Who lol!!

Heres one of my fave piccies of the two of them together -


:D ;)

I actually saw John Barrowman in person when I was in London. Incredibly he is even more handsome in person. Such beautiful, flawless skin. *sigh*
I only ever saw the last season of Torchwood and LOVED it. It was gripping, intense and incredibly touching.
I actually saw John Barrowman in person when I was in London. Incredibly he is even more handsome in person. Such beautiful, flawless skin. *sigh*

I only ever saw the last season of Torchwood and LOVED it. It was gripping, intense and incredibly touching.

Aww, you are lucky!
I was gonna go meet him but then was poorly and didnt go :(

You can watch all torchwood on you tube btw :D

Becca - let me know how Mr Smith turns out. Still dubious. Gonna check out the youtube links for Torchwood. John Barrowman - yummy!
I went through a Dr. Who phase. But that was way back when Tom Baker was Dr. Who. I didn't know it was still on tv.
Becca - let me know how Mr Smith turns out. Still dubious. Gonna check out the youtube links for Torchwood. John Barrowman - yummy!

Guess what - I'm going to see John in Concert on his tour this year! Not till October though, long long way off. I've brought a ticket for my friend as a surprise, she's gonna freak lol!!!
I'm gonna give Matt a chance, see what he and the new production team have to offer - after all, it is still Dr Who! But it wont be the same without David xxx

I went through a Dr. Who phase. But that was way back when Tom Baker was Dr. Who. I didn't know it was still on tv.

It was re-launched with huge succsess in 2005. Since then there has been 3 doctors - the 3 at the bottom in the pic shown below are Christopher Eccleston (2005) then David Tennant (2005 - 2010 and he's my fave, he'll always be 'my doctor') and the new doctor who debuts in 2 weeks time is Matt Smith......yes I know, I'm a nerd lol!


That is not a good picture of David Tennant...... this on the other hand.....


........ is much better :D

And the TARDIS in the background - very cool!

Well, I finally watched Torchwood (seasons 1 & 2). Some episodes I kinda enjoyed but for the most part I did not like the show. I guess that is because I saw 'Children of Earth' and I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Nothing in the previous seasons came even close to that. Shame really.
Well, I finally watched Torchwood (seasons 1 & 2). Some episodes I kinda enjoyed but for the most part I did not like the show. I guess that is because I saw 'Children of Earth' and I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Nothing in the previous seasons came even close to that. Shame really.

Awww, thats a shame - I like it all!!

But yeah - they really did go to for it on Children of Earth, and they blew a whole seires budget on that one special - i think that helped lol!

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So Did any one see the new episode of Dr Who this weekend?

The Eleventh Dr has been let loose! What did you think of it?

I L.O.V.E Doctor Who (and don't L.O.V.E the fact that this has turned into a David Tennent fan thread :p) lol

But yeah Becca, I really liked the new episode. I think that Matt Smith is going to bring something new and exciting to the role. I think Tennents character went as far as it could have to be honest (in contrast to Eccleston, who I WISH had done another series). Smith seems like he's going to be a bit more badass (did you see him holding that gun and pointing it? Tennents Doctor refused to touch guns!) so yeah, I trust the writers, and I know its going to be an amazing series :-D
I L.O.V.E Doctor Who (and don't L.O.V.E the fact that this has turned into a David Tennent fan thread :p) lol

But yeah Becca, I really liked the new episode. I think that Matt Smith is going to bring something new and exciting to the role. I think Tennents character went as far as it could have to be honest (in contrast to Eccleston, who I WISH had done another series). Smith seems like he's going to be a bit more badass (did you see him holding that gun and pointing it? Tennents Doctor refused to touch guns!) so yeah, I trust the writers, and I know its going to be an amazing series :-D

Lol at the David Tennat thread :lol:
I still cant belive that Eccleston only did 1, he should have done more, he was brilliant at the role!

I agree! I was pleasantly suprised by the new episode, and i think they are gonna still give us wicked viewing! (but fishfingers and custard - YUCK!!!)

I'm looking forward to seeing how Smith takes the roll and where he takes it but its looking good! I too noticed the gun - I think he actually fired it so I was like - WOAH wen I saw that. Still got the comedic edge which I love. Looking forward to some more :)