Dr Steven Hoefflin Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison


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Home > Celebrity Justice > EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison

By Jimmy
Created 09/17/2009 - 5:05pm

Dr Steven Hoefflin, Michael Jackson’s former plastic surgeon, has released a statement in response to the lawsuit being brought against him by Dr. Arnold Klein for defamation of character, claiming it’s part of a larger conspiracy. In addition, RadarOnline.com has obtained secret documents revealing the behind-the-scenes war between Hoefflin, various lawyers and Klein.
The documents include nasty email exchanges between Hoefflin and lawyers and also what purports to be a handwritten note from Katherine Jackson authorizing Hoefflin to talk to the press and correct false information. Other documents from Katherine’s people say she never gave that permission.
Click here to read the documents
There’s even a handwritten note from Michael Jackson in 1999 authorizing Hoefflin to use the pop star’s medical records to dispel misinformation.
Click here to read Hoefflin’s letter filled with outrageous charges
Hoefflin claims to have had his life threatened because “members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence [regarding the Jackson death] that is going to put a lot of people in prison.”
In his lengthy statement Hoefflin claims people are colluding, with the police “to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael’s death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities.”
He claims Colin Powell is a friend of his, and that he has called and left messages at the house of the retired General and former Secretary of State, asking him to “engage a congressional investigation into all of the LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriff Department Law Enforcement Corruption in Los Angeles that is taking place in the Michael Jackson and other important investigations that is ruining our city.”
Hoefflin says that he is an established Government Witness in the Jackson death investigation and that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are “attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein.”
Hoefflin claims that Klein’s lawsuit against him is frivolous and that he expects the Attorney General of California himself, Jerry Brown, to end the lawsuit.

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Source URL (retrieved on 09/17/2009 - 5:36pm): http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/09/exclusive-documents-michael-jackson%E2%80%99s-doctor-says-he-has-evidence-put-people