Dr. Oz talks vitiligo


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
For those not in the USA, Dr. Oz is a health advice TV program. Today he mentions vitiligo and how it works. He also said this is what MJ had and it is on his autopsy report. A lady on the show who has it is getting some kind of new treatment for her vitiligo.
Wow, I am watching this right now. It was so heartbreaking to hear that beautiful woman refer to herself as "a monster." :(

I found it really interesting to hear that her white patches appeared quickly within a year. I didn't know it could happen that extensively in such a short period of time.

I love Dr. Oz and I'm so glad he devoted a segment to explaining vitiligo. And I'm so glad he said that "there is no debate" that Michael had the disease.
Thanks, I love Dr. Oz and always record his shows but usually wait until the weekends to catch up. Will watch this episode today.
Wow, I am watching this right now. It was so heartbreaking to hear that beautiful woman refer to herself as "a monster." :(

I found it really interesting to hear that her white patches appeared quickly within a year. I didn't know it could happen that extensively in such a short period of time.

I love Dr. Oz and I'm so glad he devoted a segment to explaining vitiligo. And I'm so glad he said that "there is no debate" that Michael had the disease.

Probably an effect of what the media did to Michael, that probably got her down like that. Because they depict people with this disease as freaks. :( I hope she can see that she's pretty.
i'm in the usa, and i don't know anything about this program, what time it is on, or what channel...is there a link?
Here is the link to Dr Oz's website for the show. He is a heart surgeon and his talk show focuses on health, wellness, and nutrition. I really enjoy it and learn a lot!


They put some videos up but I'm sure sure if this one will be uploaded.

Here in New York, the show airs on Fox 5 weekdays at 3pm and then the same episode is rerun the next day at 11am. If the show reruns in your market you should be able to catch it tomorrow. The lead topic is the psychology of female murderers if that helps find it in your program guide!
I can only imagine the psychological effects a disease like Vitiligo has on people and in Michael's case it was probably even worse, as he was a public figure whose appearance and looks were scrutinized and ridiculed :(
I am in Australia and we get the Dr Oz program on Saturday--or Sunday, afternoons.
It might be several weeks behind the USA though.
Just watched the episode. That new micro-skin technology is pretty amazing. The guest dermatologist mentioned Lupus as one of the many possible causes of vitiligo and that this lady and Michael's extreme cases are very rare.
vitiligo runs in my family im definitely watching this later tonight ..
i'm in the usa, and i don't know anything about this program, what time it is on, or what channel...is there a link?
I think it's a syndicated show, so it's not on a particular network. The channel & time depends where you live.
Here is the link to Dr Oz's website for the show. He is a heart surgeon and his talk show focuses on health, wellness, and nutrition. I really enjoy it and learn a lot!


They put some videos up but I'm sure sure if this one will be uploaded.

Here in New York, the show airs on Fox 5 weekdays at 3pm and then the same episode is rerun the next day at 11am. If the show reruns in your market you should be able to catch it tomorrow. The lead topic is the psychology of female murderers if that helps find it in your program guide!
Thanks for the link. :) I'll keep an eye on the site.
I am so sorry Michael had to go through this. I pray for everyone who has vitiligo and I hope they realize that they are still beautiful. I hope to catch this show on YouTube or something soon. Love Dr. Oz.
And I'm so glad he said that "there is no debate" that Michael had the disease.
Well that comment made me more sad than happy cus that "debate" should of ended more than a decade ago but they chose to sweep MJ's comments and his disease under the rug for that long until the autopsy report came out in february of this year.....
Well that comment made me more sad than happy cus that "debate" should of ended more than a decade ago but they chose to sweep MJ's comments and his disease under the rug for that long until the autopsy report came out in february of this year.....
And even AFTER the autopsy report, some numbskulls still want to hold on to the myth that Michael MADE himself turn white.
I can only imagine the psychological effects a disease like Vitiligo has on people and in Michael's case it was probably even worse, as he was a public figure whose appearance and looks were scrutinized and ridiculed :(
Yeah. It's not hard to imagine the hurt Michael must have felt when people judged him and said he was bleaching his skin to become something other than what he was.
Dr. Oz is a Turkish and as a Turkish i'm proud of him, especially when i see many people who love him.

He made a program about vitiligo, it made me happy. i hope people could learn how bad this and understand Michael anymore.

i'm sending my best wishes and prayer who suffers from vitiligo, you all are in my heart and i hope one day vitiligo will be destroyed..

with L.O.V.E.
Oh I love Dr. Oz. I try to watch all his shows because they are always so informative. I wish he was my Dr. Good doctors like him are so hard to find.
slighty OT but channel 4 in the uk is doing a documentry about someone with vitiligo and following them around. saw a reques tfor ppl to take part on the uk vitiligo society site. go on those sites sometimes as they talk about mj and jr. funny how the media are only intrested in talking about it now