Dr murray update


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
sorry no link my sister send this to me by email sorry about the link she doesn't know about the link is :lol:

16th November 2009
The physician being investigated in Michael Jackson's death reached an agreement Monday in a separate child support case that kept him out of a Nevada jail.
Prosecutors in Las Vegas had sought an arrest warrant for Dr. Conrad Murray after he failed to appear for previous hearings before Family Court officers attempting to collect unpaid child support for a California woman and her 11-year-old son dating back to October 2008.
With Murray at his side, defense lawyer Christopher Aaron paid $700 cash in court and promised Murray would pay another $303 to the woman, who submitted a letter to the court saying she was willing to forgive the $15,500 Murray already owed if he began paying $1,003 a month.
The woman, Nenita Malibiran of Santa Clara County, Calif., did not attend the hearing and did not immediately respond to a telephone message seeking comment.
The arrangement surprised Clark County Senior District Court Judge Gerald Hardcastle, who briefly questioned Murray about whether the woman had been coerced into what the judge called "a pretty magnanimous act."
Murray said she had not. Prosecutor Gerard Costantian said he spoke with the woman and was convinced the act was voluntary.
"It strikes me as unfair," the judge said. "But having said that, it's her money."
At the prosecutor's request, Hardcastle set a Jan. 4 status hearing and told Murray he must appear in person to ensure he has been making monthly payments.
Aaron credited Malibiran afterward with giving Murray a break while he's a focus of the Jackson death investigation.
Aaron has said Murray, a cardiologist, had been unable to pay because he had to close his medical practice and move due to threats following Jackson's death June 25.
The lawyer said Murray was "unemployed and unemployable," and the money paid Monday came from unidentified benefactors.
"He's not a deadbeat," Aaron said. "She waived it today because she understands his circumstances."
Costantian said he had been prepared to ask the court to find Murray in contempt and jail him unless he could demonstrate an inability to pay. Any reduction in Murray's monthly child support obligation will have to be approved by a California court, he said.
Click on the links below to watch the hearing:-
Part 1
Part 2

17th November 2009
Katherine Jackson's attorney tells TMZ Michael Jackson's mom is "seriously considering" filing a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray.
Adam Streisand, who scored a victory for Katherine last week in the estate case, tells TMZ the case would be filed on behalf of Katherine and Michael's three children. But Streisand adds, the biggest factor against filing suit is that Murray is asset-challenged -- i.e., he can't even pay his child support.
Streisand said he's actually rooting for Dr. Murray to file a claim for wages against AEG, adding "At least then we'd have some money to take from him."

17th November 2009
AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.
Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.
A contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.
Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

18th November 2009
A police detective asked a Nevada judge Wednesday to keep warrant documents in the Michael Jackson death investigation sealed until January 18, 2010. This might be a very significant date in the investigation.
Los Angeles police Detective Orlando Martinez made the request by telephone before Clark County District Court Judge Valerie Adair closed the hearing to the public.
Martinez did not provide further explanation while the hearing was open.

20th November 2009
The judge has unsealed the search warrant issued against Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas ... where authorities believe Dr. Conrad Murray obtained the Propofol that ultimately killed Michael Jackson.
According to the affidavit, during the search of Dr. Murray's home and office, cops recovered a sales receipt from Applied Pharmacy. The receipt showed that on May 12, 2009, Dr. Murray purchased 4 100 ml vials of Propofol. He also purchased 3 vials of benzos. One of the drugs Murray purchased -- Flumazenil -- is actually an antidote to a benzo, used to counteract the effects of benzos.
The receipt for the drugs totaled $853, with a $65 FedEx fee to overnight the drugs.
The affidavit states that cops were on the hunt for Visa and FedEx information linking Dr. Murray to the sale of Propofol by Applied Pharmacy.
The affidavit says at the scene of Michael Jackson's death at his home, Propofol was recovered "in Dr. Murray's doctor's bag and on the bedside table." The Propofol was in 20 ml and 100 ml bottles.
According to the affidavit, Dr. Murray told cops he was not the first doctor to introduce Jackson to Propofol. Dr. Murray stated Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger had given Jackson medicine that was not working.
And there's this ... according to the docs, "Detectives interviewed Grace Rwanda (sic), Jackson's children's nanny. Rwanda stated that Jackson was currently being treated by Dr. [Arnold] Klein and the last physician to treat Jackson was Dr. Larry Koplin."
Click on the link below to read the affidavit:-

Nov 23rd 2009
Dr. Conrad Murray went back to work at his Houston, TX office this morning -- despite being the target of ongoing investigations by the DEA, the Texas Medical Board and the LAPD in connection with Michael Jackson's death.
Dr. Conrad Murray's patients aren't going to let the death of Michael Jackson keep them from seeing the doctor ... in fact, most of them couldn't be happier.
Since Dr. Murray is now back in business, TMZ called a few of his patients to see if they were just a little wary.
Jack Hammond, told us Dr. Murray saved his life twice in the last ten years ... and he "couldn't be more excited."
Everyone else we spoke to was just as upbeat. Eliza Robertson said she had already seen Dr. Murray and would "recommend him to any of my friends."
Looks like Dr. Murray isn't losing any business because of MJ. And he needs the business.
His attorney, Edward Chernoff told the Associated Press "He (Murray) has not been able to earn a living since the death of Michael Jackson. His legal fees are enormous and his debts have mounted to the point where it is unclear whether he will be able to keep his house or support his family. His intentions are to attend to these patients who have continued to support him, despite the attention and despite the threats."
Murray will be at the Armstrong Medical Clinic in Houston -- which was searched by police on July 22.
Meanwhile, Michael Jackson's children, family, friends and fans continue to comfort one another while coping with Michael's untimely and unnecessary death.

Nov 23rd 2009
The Texas Medical Board is investigating Dr. Murray.
DEA sources tell TMZ its investigation into Dr. Murray's prescribing practices in connection with Michael Jackson is still active. When the DEA investigates a TX doctor ... the DEA contacts the Texas Medical Board and that routinely triggers a Texas Medical Board investigation.
And law enforcement sources tell us the Texas Medical Board has been working with the DEA on the Conrad Murray probe.
Dr. Murray's rep could not be reached for comment.

24th November 2009
Dr. Conrad Murray has absolutely no restrictions on his ability to administer Propofol -- the drug that killed Michael Jackson.
Dr. Murray still has full privileges to practice and operate at Doctors Hospital Tidwell in Houston. We're told Propofol is available for Murray's use.
As for ordering the drug ... no problem. Dr. Murray can, if he chooses, get bottles of Propofol without special limitations.

Source: Associated Press/TMZ
WHY does this doctor have full priviledges? It was HIS NEGLIGENCE that caused MICHAEL JACKSON's DEATH!! And WHY oh WHY would ANYONE go to see such a "doctor"? If I were a patient, I'd steer clear of this quack!!
Every time I read shit like this my blood pressure shoots through the damn roof......no limitations....are they freaking crazy...and he can still order it........all this damn article tells me is that Murray will never face charges .....this pisses me off more than anything else has in my entire life.....Michael is dead and this freaking idiot can still practice...and use the drug that killed Michael...:mad:
i agree it's so sickness what the hell what he did to are heao are angel are lecgy we love so much
past years have been going to many many doctors and this year what happen to MJ i was looking up on all my doctors :yes: pulse my new one next year :yes:
i dont want to cry on this thread ..but ...
:( ...argh unbelivable ......:fortheloveof:
is sad to think of someone who whats to hurt are heao :yes: :cry: i remember that MJ was afriad that someone was going to hurt him and look what happen :cry:
"24th November 2009
Dr. Conrad Murray has absolutely no restrictions on his ability to administer Propofol -- the drug that killed Michael Jackson.
Dr. Murray still has full privileges to practice and operate at Doctors Hospital Tidwell in Houston. We're told Propofol is available for Murray's use.
As for ordering the drug ... no problem. Dr. Murray can, if he chooses, get bottles of Propofol without special limitations. " WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????

Are you MF kidding me right now? A man is cold dead in his grave and 3 children do not have a parent and will NEVER ,EVER see their father again...and this apes ass is free to practice medicine, order AND administer the exact same drug theat he killed with negligence under is care.????? I think this is CRUEL, DISGUSTING, VILE , UNETHICAL. What is wrong with this world? Then you have these cretins, these IDIOTS who are still going to him. WOW! I'm speechless..numb. I mean something MUST, MUST be done about "dr" Monster..the LAPD need to make sure they go through this mess with a fine tooth comb the finest the world has ever seen. It's all so very disturbing. I wish I never read it...then again we must know. Sick!
something's fishy no one is willing to forgive $12k that easy...
"24th November 2009
Dr. Conrad Murray has absolutely no restrictions on his ability to administer Propofol -- the drug that killed Michael Jackson.
Dr. Murray still has full privileges to practice and operate at Doctors Hospital Tidwell in Houston. We're told Propofol is available for Murray's use.
As for ordering the drug ... no problem. Dr. Murray can, if he chooses, get bottles of Propofol without special limitations. " WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????

Are you MF kidding me right now? A man is cold dead in his grave and 3 children do not have a parent and will NEVER ,EVER see their father again...and this apes ass is free to practice medicine, order AND administer the exact same drug theat he killed with negligence under is care.????? I think this is CRUEL, DISGUSTING, VILE , UNETHICAL. What is wrong with this world? Then you have these cretins, these IDIOTS who are still going to him. WOW! I'm speechless..numb. I mean something MUST, MUST be done about "dr" Monster..the LAPD need to make sure they go through this mess with a fine tooth comb the finest the world has ever seen. It's all so very disturbing. I wish I never read it...then again we must know. Sick!

is that SICKNESS