[Downloads] Michael Jackson For Sale & The Jacksons Are Coming Documentaries


Proud Member
Mar 9, 2008
After Michael's death I had to move away cold turkey & kind of hid my lifetime collection, I am starting to remove rare video clips etc that I have collected over time and have just come across these documentaries which I am just not sure if anyone else ever recorded & it would be sad for me to delete these & for them never to be shown again, it is one of the jacksons moving to devon & one of Michael's items being sold at auction, I do not know if everyone has this or not but I will make it downloadable somehow if anyone wants this file, they are just under 700MB uncompressed.

:'( I still haven't gotten over the tragedy... I am depressed already just coming back here...

The Jacksons Are Coming
Michael Jackson For Sale
Will be uploaded under request once...you've downloaded the.above
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Re: Michael Jackson For Sale C4 DOcumentary - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Don't remove rare video clips! Please upload them in the 2000 watts section.
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale C4 DOcumentary - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Don't remove rare video clips! Please upload them in the 2000 watts section.

Most of the rare clips I have, I got from a special friend who didn't exactly want me to share them without trading them with other avid rare clip collectors, they are still out there with other people but I would be braking promises if I was to share them.

This documentary however is not out there, that is why I just wanted to see if anyone was at all interested in it?
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale C4 DOcumentary - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Yes, please upload it.
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale C4 DOcumentary - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Well, just send them to me then.. ;) Isn't it better that fans get to see MJ stuff than people making money by selling to MJ fans?
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale C4 DOcumentary - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Yes, please upload it.

Here is a torrent for the first documentary, use VLC to play.
http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5878048 (Removed Due To Copyright)

Anyone who has not seen this is seriously missing out.

Once you download it, please don't move the file & keep it seeding so that it is available for everyone to download at high speed.

It also has a lot about Matt Fiddes who claimed to be blanket's biological father, which visually, I would agree with. However, Matt cruelly exploits the family during their trip.
Matt Fiddes, the martial arts bodyguard is one of the main people in this documentary.

There are also previously unseen recent clips of MJ in it.

Woah ,12 people are downloading from me at once, i'm so glad that I have a good network speed with unlimited bandwith, I shall upload the second torrent tomorrow.
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Re: Michael Jackson For Sale & The Jacksons Are Coming - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

Thanks man, greatly appreciated!
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale & The Jacksons Are Coming - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

After Michael's death I had to move away cold turkey & kind of hid my lifetime collection, I am starting to remove rare video clips etc that I have collected over time and have just come across these documentaries which I am just not sure if anyone else ever recorded & it would be sad for me to delete these & for them never to be shown again, it is one of the jacksons moving to devon & one of Michael's items being sold at auction, I do not know if everyone has this or not but I will make it downloadable somehow if anyone wants this file, they are just under 700MB uncompressed.

:'( I still haven't gotten over the tragedy... I am depressed already just coming back here...

I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling this so acutely..these things can take a long long time to get over...but you will. Please don't do anything rash with your collection in the meantime (eg like deleting it). While you are feeling depressed, you may not want reminders of better times, but one day you will definitely want to see these moments again, and you will regret acting in haste when you were not fully 'yourself'.
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale & The Jacksons Are Coming - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

see, i don't see why all fans can't just share everything they have! I have a pretty impressive collection, and as soon as i have my own net connection, and the time, i will be uploading everything i have for all fans to get. This to me, is how all true fans should behave. All this hording of the rare stuff, trying to get money for it, is just selfish and, quite frankly, very un-michael like!!
Re: Michael Jackson For Sale & The Jacksons Are Coming - Does anyone need it before I delete it?

see, i don't see why all fans can't just share everything they have! I have a pretty impressive collection, and as soon as i have my own net connection, and the time, i will be uploading everything i have for all fans to get. This to me, is how all true fans should behave. All this hording of the rare stuff, trying to get money for it, is just selfish and, quite frankly, very un-michael like!!

I totally agree with you but I have made some promises, like the fire song with chris brown, I think there is a chance of it being released so why leak a good song.

I know I can't use the same excuses for rare content such as live recordings but I have still made so many promises. It's strange that MJJVideos.com has not been created yet for these.

myosotis, I have decided to put my collection on my old external hard disk, I might thank you one day, who knows, I already deleted a few things. Somehow I still don't think I am ever going to recover from this, I actually got very close to accidentally taking my own life when I heard the news by taking pills to calm myself down & take away the pain, well I think it was accidental but I did overdose & survive.
Pentum;3016029 said:
Hey, could you describe what's in the documentaries?

I can tell you that if you are an MJ fan, you want to watch it. I have not read the following so if it says anything not welcome here, do not blame me, I am tired. this torrent won't be up for long so download it now or you may never get it again.

Last Night's Television: The Jacksons are coming said:
By Deborah Orr
Friday, 28 November 2008

I don't know how, but the whole Jackson-clan-moving-to-Devon thing passed me by.

When someone mentioned The Jacksons Are Coming, a documentary about the Jacksons moving to Devon, I thought maybe it was the Jacksons from EastEnders – although that's going back a bit – or some other Jackson family that had fallen for the charms of Kirstie Allsopp. But it really was the actual Jacksons, as the opening footage of the original Five, on stage in their loon pants, and described in the voice-over as "one of the most famous and intriguing families in showbusiness", confirmed.

How did this happen? What possessed the Jacksons to imagine that they could quietly relocate to Appledore, leaving sunny California behind? And what possessed them to believe that this quiet relocation could best be achieved under the eye of a camera? Or who possessed them? A 27-year-old multimillionaire martial-arts expert called Matt Fiddes possessed them. The little git.

It all started, Matt explained, when he got a 3am call from Uri Geller, his spoon-bending friend when he was 17, saying that if he didn't drive over to Uri's house right now, he'd regret it for the rest of his life. So Matt drove over, and at 5am made the acquaintance of Michael Jackson. That, for me, was weird enough. Like tout le monde, I know that Uri is Michael's great friend. But what sort of great friend hits the phone in the middle of the night, inviting people to drop by to have a gawp at their celebrity houseguest? Inevitably, Michael was thrilled to meet Matt, rather than regretful that he'd ever known Uri, and 10 years on, Matt was on the telly, explaining that he was best mates with the whole family, and especially close to Tito, the Jackson Five's guitarist. "They're not strange," said Matt. "They're the nicest guys on earth." Matt had persuaded the family to move to Devon because it was quiet, with "less media than in the city". He wanted to show them that they could live a normal life and "fit in".

All this was explained to Jane Preston, a documentary-maker who'd somehow been identified by someone as a suitable video diarist, for reasons never disclosed. When Preston got to California to film the leave-taking, Tito revealed that he was "a boater and a fisherman" and wanted to pursue these hobbies in Appledore, with his family around him. He revered this as-yet-unseen village in much the way that Yeats did the Lake Isle of Innisfree, but without the turn of phrase.

Tito also revealed that the giraffe that used to roam around in the two-acre yard at the family home had been "a tall guy", and that his former wife Didi, mother of this three sons, had been a wonderful girl who had not deserved to be stabbed to death by her boyfriend. The man was an open book.

The heart-breaking thing about this family, or the few of them silly enough to be beguiled by Tito's enthusiasm, anyway, was that they did indeed seem to be "the nicest guys on earth", maintaining a naive capacity for trust and a polite wish to be helpful, all the way through this odd and excruciating film. As the trip, and the plan, fell apart, so did Tito's friendship with Matt. As he stared at the umpteenth "freak show" spread in a tabloid, Tito said: "I came here with peace in my heart, not to be battered."

After Tito had packed up and fled – handwashing all his pants and drying them in the sun first, because his mother had always taught him "don't bring dirty underwear home" – Matt announced that he was suing Tito, because he owed him some money he'd spent on arranging the terrible trip. The film made being a Jackson seem like the loneliest and most awful job on the planet. The problem would appear to be, quite simply, that none of them is cut out to cope with fame.

Beeching's Tracks was a much more jolly affair, since it merely investigated the semi-destruction of "the finest railway in the world" at the hands of Sir Richard Beeching in the 1960s. Simon Calder, The Independent's travel expert, started out in Portishead and headed towards Minehead, using the railway when he possibly could, and travelling by bike or car when he couldn't.

A 12-mile car trip from Portishead to Bristol took just more than two grid-locked rush hours, even though only three miles of line need to be restored to provide a direct link to the city. "Why can't this happen?" Calder asked a transport consultant. "If I had a franchise lasting no more than 10 years, I wouldn't be keen to make the investment either," he replied. The problem, Calder insists, lies with "politicians looking no further than the next election". Get off! They'd never do something as dumb as that!