Double standards between men and women within society and the media


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First things first I wanna say that this post isn't anti-women and I don't hate women. The problem i have is the double standard that goes on between men and women within society and the media.

I'm gonna list of a few double standards that I have noticed.

1. Years ago I read in some news paper (Can't remember which one) about a 34 year old male school teacher going on vacation with his 14 year old female student. That news paper called that man a creep and a pedophille. Then maybe a few weeks later a similar story came out but this time it was the story of a 30 year old female school teacher sleeping with her 15 year old male student. Did that news paper call her a creep and a pedophile? No, they just called it ''an affair''

2. I've seen lots of adverts in my time that have women hitting men and that's portrayed as comedy but when you have an advert about a man hitting a women then it's a serious PSA ad about domestic abuse. Why is it funny when women hit men but not funny when men hit women? It's wrong to hit anybody regardless of what gender they are

So those are just a few of the double standards that I've noticed
First things first I wanna say that this post isn't anti-women and I don't hate women. The problem i have is the double standard that goes on between men and women within society and the media.

I'm gonna list of a few double standards that I have noticed.

1. Years ago I read in some news paper (Can't remember which one) about a 34 year old male school teacher going on vacation with his 14 year old female student. That news paper called that man a creep and a pedophille. Then maybe a few weeks later a similar story came out but this time it was the story of a 30 year old female school teacher sleeping with her 15 year old male student. Did that news paper call her a creep and a pedophile? No, they just called it ''an affair''

2. I've seen lots of adverts in my time that have women hitting men and that's portrayed as comedy but when you have an advert about a man hitting a women then it's a serious PSA ad about domestic abuse. Why is it funny when women hit men but not funny when men hit women? It's wrong to hit anybody regardless of what gender they are

So those are just a few of the double standards that I've noticed

Well, coming from a female's point of view: I agree with you, and you're absolutely correct. Me and some of my fellow students in debate club were talking about that this morning at school. They were talking about a similar article, one was of this teacher and his 16 year old female student. I guess he took her to the beach to hang out, and they did absolutely NOTHING sexual, and automatically people labeled him a pedophile. The next article was of Mary Kay Letourneau, and how she slept with her 12 year old student. No one in that paper called her a pedophile or anything like that at all. In fact, they made it seem like some Romeo and Juliet story.

And you'll never believe it but I was the ONLY one in my class that noticed and went against it. Double standards are just plain STUPID to me. Like seriously? So a man is a creep, and he did nothing, and the woman raped the kid and it's okay? :no: society is sick for this..for real.

And the domestic violence-- I've seen that too. I mean, yeah, a lot of men hit women. It's very sad to know, but it's true. But how come there are no advertisements of women being the abusers instead of men? They're capable of beating on their husbands too. I don't care what anyone says, no matter what gender you are you don't hit your partner, or anyone else for that matter!

There are a lot more double standards I could get into--but I'll have a full blown rant book by the time I'm finished lol
You are right and I agree ...women wanted to have the same rights as men over the years , now they have, it is about time to treat them the same!
Do not complain when you put the garbage outside woman!!! ;)
Well, I can say that wherever there is a smaller group in power over a larger group, there will always be "two sets of rules". Always. The people (or groups of people) in power almost always end up feeling like the rules don't apply to them, so as a push-back (either directly or passive-aggresively) the larger group comes up with their own exceptions in an attempt to re-balance the scales. This never works and always ends up looking like a clusterf-ck lol. But hell, it is what it is I guess lol... :unsure:

As far as gender differences go, it all depends on the value system of the society that you're looking at. Many societies are patriarchal (men are the most valued citizens/decision-makers) women are viewed as "less than", a woman's value is determined by the men in charge. Since feminism caught traction, there have been push-backs in areas where women have felt marginalized.

Like with the male teacher taking his female student on vacation for instance. Under patriarchy, a young girl's most valued possession is her untarnished virginity, so any threat to that (even if it's just perceived or imaginary) is not taken lightly. Boy's aren't held to the same value system, so the "possible threat" of an adult woman with a male child in some eyes, simply does not exist. Or a woman beating up a guy, women aren't seen as being potentially physically volatile because through patriarchy, we're taught that men are the ones with enough strength and physical prowess to inflict harm on others, and that women are almost always the "victim" or "damsel in distress". In my opinion, men and women alike have the potential to be dangerous equally, so I'm not saying that I agree with this school of thought, I'm just saying that this is how our societies have been conditioned to think...
I agree female child molesters have different treatment than men who comitted that crime, specially when they're labelled as "hot teachers". If they had sex with minors and they agreed, the comitted statutory rape either way.

This thread made me remind how that fat cow Oprah in 2003, if I remember correctly had a sleepover with little girls from her school saying how wonderful and fun it was. In the meantime, she wasn't a weirdo pervert who used her fame to harm children.
Now, let's flip the coin on men.

When women have multiple partners, no matter if they're married or not, they're regarded as whores. If men have multiple partners, they receive a round of applause. :angry: I've never condoned cheating from anybody but it pisses me off only women are the ones who get the blame and the stigma from societies.