Door-to-door fundraising- your experiences as fundraisers


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am about to take a turn an become a paid door-to-door fundraiser, am very excited, know all the pros and cons of fundraising in terms of money spent etc. I am interested to know if any of you worked as a proper fundraiser, what your experiences are. I hope not to be dettered by the negative ones. I hope for 20 shut doors in my face there will be the one to remember and be grateful about. I had lots of jobs but none with satisfaction that can come with this one. I do hope to make it my career. Especially after visiting Kenya...
So, anyone out there doing it or having done it? Thank you.
The only door-to-door fundraising experience I ever had was when I went to catholic school lol, we had a thousand of those, selling chocolate and holiday catalogs...but that was when I was little and cute. People didn't normally shut the door on kids but for older people...Yeah,very different. there may be a few idiots lol, as is my experience when I go door to door preaching.

Depends on the age and the topic, really.

And I really found this interesting because I didn't know people got paid to do door-to-door fundraising though, I always thought it was voluntary.
Thank you. Oh yes, it can be a paid job. You can start doing it a a volunteer if you like but you cannot afford to be a volunteer forever full-time unfortunately. And I want to do this every day for the rest of my life. It is only fair to the people whose fault is not that they live where they live.
I went as a teenager for a fundraiser that our school put together for a local family that was in a crash, they lost three of their children and couldn't afford a funeral. Even then, it was a whole lot of doors shut in our faces. Luckily we were able to raise enough money after an auction. But, door to door was no fun! I hope you have loads of patients, because people can be just plain rude. Good luck hun!
Thanx ElleBella. Oh how good was it..? U managed to help so that's all that matters.
This is what I'm dreading as well- not being able to pay for my or my partner's funeral. My friend who works at a funeral home said it is so expensive, and government help is not enough to cover the cost. Additionally, it is illegal to just dump the body as you please (as I wouldn't care really), however, so is not spreading the ashes. That is why we need to help as it needed far away but also round the corner.
The only fundraising was asking close family and online. Door-to-door stuff tends to get the short end of people's nerves for some reason. Prepare yourself for the worst insults, sad saying that but its inevitable :(

Good luck though! :D