Don't you get sick of people saying the Pepsi incident made him crazy?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I know this is from a while ago but how could John Landis who knew Michael very well call him crazy by the time they were doing Black or White? I understood Michael wasn't getting to paying John the royalties but couldn't John see what Michael had to put up with in terms of bad management and how childlike he was? I get so sick of people saying he went crazy after Thriller, more specifically the pepsi commercial burn. Others have done it too, mostly sycophantic commentators who never spent a day or mare than a brief day or two with him in years (Taraborelli). They don't see how the success of Thriller suddenly changed the media's attitude toward him but why do they want to label him in 1-2 dimensional ways? Either the amazing performer or weird and crazy? He was like all of us in that he had many persona's and they won't give him that or acknowledge it.
Yes I get sick of it because Michael wasn't "crazy" at all.
never heard anyone say that.most ppl arent even aware of it
the media turned on mj after thriller. he became to sucessful to loved and to powerful. it was ok when he was kept in his place with OTW becasue even though it was big it didnt break him through big time into the mainstream. thriller was to big and he had to be put back in his place
They never say it full out but someone does imply it on one documentary after another, but I can't believe it came from John too, a supposed friend of his. Why can't people stitch together that the stories of his "craziness" started coming after Thriller? Not to mention they never backtracked to clarify how many weren't true. It's like they could not stand the messages in his music or that a blank man had topped every entertainer singer, actor or dancer on the planet so they had to make him look crazy, but why do even friends imply it?
he is not crazy, he just had the wrong persons around. Thats the whole thing....
after all he was a good man, and I still believe that he could act normal like others.
I just get annoyed with various stories saying stuff that MJ went crazy at certain points after thriller. They make those stories as MJ became a big star with thriller.
In MJ's own words

''I broke Elvis's records, I broke Beatles records. Overnight! they called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester. They said i bleeched my skin. They made everything to try and turn the public againts me''
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but I also think that he takes some stuff he shouldn't take.
and that maybe make him strange sometimes. but I´m sure that he doesn´t know about the
things they gave him. He was to good to believe, what they´re doing with him...
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never, cause I had heard most of Michael employee & friends who worked with him and really know him for more than twenty years called him an angel, great father, great humanitarian, nicest man... I learned to ignore those media ass kissers' words. why taking those hypocrites words seriously? From what I saw in making of Black or White, John Landis suck up to Michael. now he called Mike 'crazy' after thriller? Ms Hypocrite! BTW pie fighting with this hypocrite was one of Mike's sweet memories in his PHM.
In MJ's own words

''I broke Elvis's records, I broke Beatles records. Overnight! they called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester. They said i bleeched my skin. They made everything to try and turn the public againts me''

The media has always been racist and Michael, a black man, beating white men's records certainly was a factor in the media hatred against him IMO.