Don't use mouthwash... Warning


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hollywood Blvd With My Boy Ryjin .. Las Vega's
i got warned about this on heath heathens and thought id pass it on here not that you lot need it

It's the first time I remember having seen a major Aussie news site warn people from the using a specific commercial product. It is safe to assume there's merit to the story otherwise they wouldn't take the risk of destroying a huge market and being held responsible.

Read the story here...
my fiance's a dentist and while he says you shouldn't use the alcohol-based mouthwashes it's b/c he says it drys out some membranes n whatnot. I trust when he tells me the cancer claims are baloney. He said if you used them like 3 times a day for much longer than the recommended amount of time then u may have a problem but not many ppl do that...

he suggests *and uses* the fluoride cavity prevention rinses for what its worth...
The aussie news site isn't warning against the use of the mouth wash but is just reporting on the division in the dental community on the effects of mouth washes (in this case particularly alcohol based ones).

I'm not exactly very trusting of ethanol based products anyway (heck I wont even use ethanol blend fuel in my car).

They're claiming that acetaldehyde is what is most likely to be the carcinogenic agent in the mouth wash, but it's a normal toxic byproduct of alcohol... (hellooo liver damage and alcohol abuse related cancers).... so whilst it could be a problem i don't think the alcohol content level in mouth wash and the being swished around in the mouth is any more dangerous than Friday night at the pub swishing down a few beers.

I'd rather see more campaigns explaining the effects of alcohol altogether (most people aren't aware that it is actually toxic against their system) as opposed to looking at mouth wash, oral care is kinda important, it's linked to most other health related issues in life, especially later life.
My science teacher talked about this today and she seemed verrrrry passionate .... About the mouthwash .... :ninja: ... Yeah... :unsure:
that study is not credible at all. It's a joke.
at best this is an unproven hypothesis the media has picked up on. The fact is products like listerine have been around for decades they are always being tested. The FDA the dental associations all recommend. It's just a theory.
true like i said i just passed it on from one forum to another just another topic thread to me


i brush my teeth twice a day sometimes 3 times all depends how im feelin if im sleepy u can forget it :lol: its just twice a day i never use Mouthwash becoz it makes me throw up after for some reason so if this was credible i wouldnt have to worry about it much

another thread of many to come
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