Don't listen to MJ only over the internet or small speakers!


Proud Member
Apr 29, 2010
Slovenia, Europe
''That's one of my favorite things, hearing the music really loud. 'Cause I like to play music loud. I mean, it's, uh... If you play something over the Internet or small speakers, it doesn't have the same punch. That's why you have to buy it. You have to buy that CD to really hear that punch. It makes a huge difference. Huge difference. There's no comparison. Buying the CD is the best thing. There's no comparison. You can't hear all those sounds if you do it on a smaller system.''

- MICHAEL JACKSON (Get Music online interview, 2001)

So... If you don't have it yet(Big stereo) got it now or put it on the top of the buying list, because it's a totally different experience.
Gotta agree with Michael. Playing his music with a good system makes a big difference. So many layers of sounds are lost when listening with a cheap headphones. The difference is even bigger with Invincible.
Listen to music has to be an experience. That's why when I really want to enjoy an album I try not to do anything else like reading or typing.
I remember when I was little, my dad had this stereo and I used lie on the floor in the middle of these big speakers and listened to MJ laud.
The good ol days :sigh:
That's why I like listening to music in the car... you can put it about as loud as you want and the neighbours can't complain :D
or you can use a nice pair of headphones like these :D
I totally agree. There's nothing more satisfying than listening to Invincible late at night with headphones on.
Oh, how I miss that hypnotic scratch sound as the turntable spins the record......

So true....I have Thriller on vinyl, my mom bought it back in the day lol...And I've listened to Thriller on CD, cassette, mp3, etc, and I've never heard better sound quality than on vinyl...Blows everything else out of the water....Now I have the record framed :D