Don't let conrad murray free like a bird!

Just signed it,and will do my best to make sure that this petitiom is seen and signed by everybody i know.
Here is what i wrote as a coment:

Murder's place is in jail.
This doctor didn't just make a mistake.This doctor killed one of the most unique persons on earth!
This doctor destroyed the life,hope and dreams of billions of fans around the world.
This doctor shoudn't be a doctor at all.If he is not able to say no,if he is not able of caring,than he needs to grow up,and become a responsable person!
Jail to dr Murray so he will never do something like this ever again!
If he knew how much it hurts to miss Michael!.
I'm sure the op's intentions are honourable, but sadly a petition is not going to make any difference. As the loose ends of the case are tied up, there are bigger fish to fry. Conrad Murray will not be the only person charged with the murder of Michael Jackson.
It's sad to say it...I of course hope justice will prevail, but right now I don't care..because Michael is gone, and nothing can bring him back...But dont get me wrong here! Cause on the other hand, I havent read so much on the murray situation lately(because it's sad to read about, tragic) But the way I feel, and have read about the situation, is that he didn't do his job correct/right, he caused Michael's death, and therefore should not be a doctor. So I hope justice will win..and the truth will come out and the ones guilty will get their punishment.
Lets hope it goes to court and the jury is full of Michael Jackson fans!