Don't Fall For The 'IQ Test' Scam.'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I took a "What's Your IQ?Quiz," on the internet, and at the end of the test, they said,"We will text you your test results on your cellphone. Just give us your cellphone number."
I got suspicious, so I gave them a bunch of random numbers. No way was I giving the internet my real number. They then asked for my mother's maiden name. :bugeyedI saw red flags and got off of the website.

There is no reason for a "fun" quiz to ask for your cell phone number and mother's maiden name. I had taken fun IQ tests before on the internet and my results were given to me immeadiately and didn't ask me for my cellphone numbers to "text" my results to me or ask for my mother's maiden name, so I knew something was wrong with this website, hence why I hightailed it off of the website.

Turns out I was right. There is an Anti-Scams website that says a lot of "What's Your IQ? Quizzes?" are scams to get your personal information, and that by asking for your cellphone numbers, they can make some kind of sketchy deal with other third-party people to charge a whole bunch of calls to your phone number, which later shows up on your phone bill.

Don't ask me how they use your number to call other nunbers. I'm not a scammer, so I don't know. Also, they make you take a bunch of expensive "offers"(scams) and you can unwittingly take a "deal" that makes you pay hundreds of dollars that you didn't want to spend. They also, without your permission, send your cellphone number to other scammers, who make you take even more "offers"(scams). You could end up paying 20,000!

Also, the scammers could steal your identity!:bugeyed

Hmm. Lots of money to spend for a "fun quiz", huh. Do not fall for the "IQ Test" scam!
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Indeed, and the sites these quizzes are on could also have viruses/spyware. I may as well mention that none of the "IQ tests" that can be found online are valid in any way, shape, or you're basically wasting your time, at best, and falling prey to viruses/spyware/scammers in the worst case scenario.