Dogs finally free after year in cages


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Humans and animals don´t have identical biology and the dogs bodies reaction to tests are not the same as humans.
Thanks brother !!!!! :)

This video is cute and sad at the same time. English is not my mother tongue so i'd like to ask, what does "calloused" mean in the follwing sentence : "the same anonymous source told us that one of the veiuns in front legs was calloused from being used 11 times a week to test toxicity levels." ?

Hope you're well, have a nice weekend. :)
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I also have a beagle... :heart: I cried with this video. :cry: I really imagine how these beagles suffered. :( They are not alone.... There must be many other animals out there around the world in the same situation. :( I hope they are happy now and receive lots of love. :heart: :angel:
Those poor animals.............

Humans really are the worst lifeforms to ever exist on Earth.............

.............It's no wonder God doesn't bother to listen to our prayers...........If I was God, I wouldn't either!!!!
More dogs rescued but there are many more in labs.I read somewhere breeders get 750$ for every dog they are selling to research.
The poor dogs are born to spent their life in cages, to make test on them
EU are hopefully going to ban animaltested cosmetics in a few years but we can choose products now which aren´t tested on animals.
Those poor animals.............

Humans really are the worst lifeforms to ever exist on Earth.............

.............It's no wonder God doesn't bother to listen to our prayers...........If I was God, I wouldn't either!!!!

It's actually this type of situations which prevent me from believing in God. People worship God despite all the tragedies that have taken place, take place and will take place. Praying ? What for ? Whatever.
Sad to know, though, that it's actually people who commit these tragedies, not God, and it's up to us as humans who are being born on earth with His blessing to make a difference in this respect. We're not supposed to be these judging legumes blaming Him for the things we do. Tragedies are 'allowed' for a reason, and that reason isn't to distance ourselves from Him; if we opened our eyes more, it'll become clear what that reason is.

But whatever.. This isn't the thread for that. ..
Where did we go wrong?
someone tell me why?
I wonder if Michael has got some answers now

"Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have promised to end the cruelty against animals and invest in more ethical ways of training doctors to save lives."
MIST;3406235 said:
More dogs rescued but there are many more in labs.I read somewhere breeders get 750$ for every dog they are selling to research.
The poor dogs are born to spent their life in cages, to make test on them
EU are hopefully going to ban animaltested cosmetics in a few years but we can choose products now which aren´t tested on animals.


And not just dogs. They also use other animals in laboratories such as mice, monkeys and others. The man is so intelligent and has the ability to create amazing things and beneficial to the world, but at the same time also has the ability to do horrible things. I really do not believe that there is no other way of doing tests in laboratories without the use of animals. There must be some other way. And worst of all, practically everything that we humans use, unfortunately, before coming to us for use, was tested in some animal in the laboratory. :(
True, Ashtanga....

Technology is so extremely advanced, ad nauseaum, actually,, so to resort to such primitive measures still is indeed unnecessary... I also think of the poor animals entertaining us at circuses, or those contests with those dancing horses, and you can see just how tired and forced they seem to be, with their tongues out and everything... Just horrible. ...
It's actually this type of situations which prevent me from believing in God. People worship God despite all the tragedies that have taken place, take place and will take place. Praying ? What for ? Whatever.

I just knew somebody will reply to my post, with such irrelevance and insecurity.........

This is a thread about the mistreatment of dogs!!!!

I will say no more!!!!!!
^^^ Hi there nice to meet u, how r ya ? :)

There's no insecurity in ma post. You the one who mentionned God first. Sorry for not believing in Santa sweetheart. :)

PS: I consider animals situation (such as the beagles') a tragedy, as a result i consider my post relevant.

True, Ashtanga....

Technology is so extremely advanced, ad nauseaum, actually,, so to resort to such primitive measures still is indeed unnecessary... I also think of the poor animals entertaining us at circuses, or those contests with those dancing horses, and you can see just how tired and forced they seem to be, with their tongues out and everything... Just horrible. ...

You're right, your post makes me wanna ask, where does a circus find animals in the first place ?
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I read a story about chimpanzees from labs, they weren´t needed anymore and would start to live in a sanctuary.
Some were really aggressive, forced to live alone, all these tests with needles ,...I hope they can recover
I was going to write about them here but I didn´t find that story again, but I found the story about the dogs instead.

I work in a laboratory and years ago when I studied we could choose 5 directions, 4 of them included tests on animals.
Of course I chose the one without animaltesting
Guys, c'mon, please? Things can happen in life that makes a person turn from God. The same thing can happen that makes a person cling to him even more. It's the differences in people. Can we please let people hold on to whatever they want that brings comfort to them with out resorting to sly attacks of their beliefs, no matter which side?

Thank you all so much. :flowers:

Now, back on topic.
those poor living breathing thing should EVER be put through things like that. Animal cruelty pisses me off..and to think that the government knows about it and actually PAYS for this stuff to happen. Animals are living breathing things that feel pain just like people do...the human race should be ashamed of itself.!!
True, Ashtanga....

Technology is so extremely advanced, ad nauseaum, actually,, so to resort to such primitive measures still is indeed unnecessary... I also think of the poor animals entertaining us at circuses, or those contests with those dancing horses, and you can see just how tired and forced they seem to be, with their tongues out and everything... Just horrible. ...


And what you said highlighted in red...

Yes... :( This is also another big problem. These animals go through a painful and violent process of learning for entertainment people. They use very cruel methods to train these animals. It's sad. These animals should be free in their habitats.