Doesn't the whole TII movie/soundtrack all seem very orchestrated??


Look at the clips we've seen so far from the film and compare it to the Dangerous rehearsals... the TII clips look so much more professional and it's shot in a way that suggests they had every intention of using it - very strange for rehearsal footage...

I'm not one for crazy conspiracy theories, but what do you guys think of the possibility that it was AEG's intention all along to release this film and DVD and soundtrack and they had no intention of these concerts taking place?

Perhaps they KNEW he wasn't up to a big tour, but knew they could exploit him in this way.
I think they said from the beginning (before Michael's passing) that they would make a DVD out of the rehearsals. But I understand your suspision. But maybe they shoot rehearsals this way nowadays.
The dangerous rehearsals were something like 17 years ago. Quality in cameras and filming has come a long way and also they probably were going to release one of the concerts on dvd and the rehearsals would be extra footage, but now the rehearsals are gonna be the main thing on the dvd
The dangerous rehearsals were something like 17 years ago. Quality in cameras and filming has come a long way and also they probably were going to release one of the concerts on dvd and the rehearsals would be extra footage, but now the rehearsals are gonna be the main thing on the dvd

I was going to say something like this, so I'll just nod with your post :yes:
I think the plan was to always have a "making of the tour" released. Thats why it was all filmed in such great quality.
I think they said from the beginning (before Michael's passing) that they would make a DVD out of the rehearsals.
yeap. they said at the begining they were gonna make a docu type film of the whole this is nothing new
Look at the clips we've seen so far from the film and compare it to the Dangerous rehearsals... the TII clips look so much more professional and it's shot in a way that suggests they had every intention of using it - very strange for rehearsal footage...

I'm not one for crazy conspiracy theories, but what do you guys think of the possibility that it was AEG's intention all along to release this film and DVD and soundtrack and they had no intention of these concerts taking place?

Perhaps they KNEW he wasn't up to a big tour, but knew they could exploit him in this way.

...Okay, first of all, its better than the Dangerous footage because, well, its the 21st century now and technology has come a looooong way. It was filmed in very high quality for two reasons:

1. AEG were using it almost an insurance incentive, prove MJ was able to withstand rehearsals and make sure they could cash in on a follow up concert-movie.

2. MJ wanted everything to be captured because he knew that quite literally this was it. No more shows, not more "you ain't seen nothing yet," this was the last time he would do the very thing that made him famous. If he wasn't up for the shows, why would he want all rehearsals filmed?

I get what you're saying about them never having the concerts, but I really don't believe that. I do think they pushed too hard with 50, but the big gap in the middle would have given MJ some down time too and he never had two nights in a row. They never thought the concerts wouldn't happen at all, maybe an incident canceling the last few or something, but I don't believe they would have put so much money into it. If MJ hadn't died (and I hate to say this as a true MJ fan) there would be only a fraction of demand for such a project.
Also, dont forget the dangerous tour rehersals are i believe quite early on, as its not a dress rehersal and there are some big differences from the acctual tour. Also mike forgets the moves at some points (i.e. working day and night) sugesting all the material is very recent. I believe that later rehersals on all his tours would have been professionally recorded, so mike could view how the performance looked from the audience's perspective and make changes from there.
Yes I remember reading in early June about rehearsals being on DVD...and that they're filming everything.
Yes it was always planned only this time on a bigger scale
becuase they were incorporating so many special effects
and 3D into the show -plus using film for a back drop to the
performances_ They said it almost got cut becuase of buget
but they decided to go forward with it _ Im so glad they did
so that the world can see Michaels vision his art and hard work
he put into his show _ He wanted to THRILL the world once again
and bring LOVE ..

Is sad this is the only way they can see it now but I know this film
will be awesome and will show Michaels beautiful talent, Genious and
Amazing heart to the world and help seal his great legacy for all
time ...
yes i heard ti amost got cut due to budget thank god it didnt, maybe mike has always recorded all his rehersals and watched them back to see how it is looking from the audience's perspective, make sure he is doing the moves corectly and he can tweak things
Maybe there is loads of rehearsals tapes lying around somewhere
Also, dont forget the dangerous tour rehersals are i believe quite early on, as its not a dress rehersal and there are some big differences from the acctual tour.

I was just thinking the same thing. this would have been one of their last full rehearsals before heading off to London so it would have been the same standard as the show. Plus as everyone has said the technology has advanced and it was recorded in HD so they could make a documentary.
Look at the clips we've seen so far from the film and compare it to the Dangerous rehearsals... the TII clips look so much more professional and it's shot in a way that suggests they had every intention of using it - very strange for rehearsal footage...

I'm not one for crazy conspiracy theories, but what do you guys think of the possibility that it was AEG's intention all along to release this film and DVD and soundtrack and they had no intention of these concerts taking place?

Perhaps they KNEW he wasn't up to a big tour, but knew they could exploit him in this way.
i was thinking about that also, everything seems so planned

but i remember someone on the project saying maichael wanted everything filmed.
A film was planned of one of the concerts, so the rehearsals would probably have been a DVD extra.

I have heard that there was a documentary planned all along. They've done the same with Kylie and Madonna's most recent tours.