Doesn't it feel good when you get people to see the truth?

Jan 17, 2004
It sure as hell does.

On this hiphop forum i regularly visit, there has been lots of threads about MJ. Whenever there was 'news' about Michael, i was there do debunk the lies
and fill them in with the truth...(with of course much credit for MJJC,thanks guys). Many times i have been called all kinds of a MJ Stan (referring to Eminem's song about the obsessed fan) but i didn't care, i just kept on going.

Lately more and more people are talking much different about MJ now, especially this dude who used to say the biggest nonsense you can think of. Now he thanked me for enlightening him and letting him see there absolutely was ZERO evidence of any child molestation from MJ. So you'd think he'll ignore and quiestion any report from a source from now on....let's hope so.

However,..he still believes MJ bleached his skin, i have provided him with the site and told him to look at everything that is about and related to him. Why is it so hard for people to understand that he had this disease. Man...the good man was already incredibly unlucky enough to even have that freaking frustrating must it have been for him when the media kept telling lies about it, and claiming he wanted to be white...damn.

Either way....this gives me more and more motivation to keep on doing this. If doubters wanna talk shit and challenge me, bring them on. I'll have
them looking like fools in no time.It's just sad..that after so many times already....and only after his death....people start to see the big picture now. But at the end of the day, that's only a good thing...MJ should be remembered for what he was. The king of pop, a multi-talented guy and
an incredibly, possibly best human being ever lived.
Thank you for doing this, you're doing a great service to Michael's legacy. I too wish people would've realized this before he died.
I think it's very needed and we should never quit doing so. Next monday
i'll be celebrating my birthday(although my real one is on the 12, for reaons i celebrate it on monday) and a aunt and uncle of mine will be coming as well. She knows me since i was like a baby...but recently during my bro's birthday she said some crap about MJ, i do not wish to hear next monday. And her seeing all the MJ stuff i have on display here might trigger her into saying crap like she did on my bro's birthday.

Things like 'I never did trust the guy, neverland was a whole big cover up' . But i would be pretty dissapointed if she does, cause she knows i'm a die hard fan, since my 5th birthday or even she probably won't dare. The hypocrit thing about it is ...that she loved the Royal family of the UK and never believed the tabloids about Diana...but those same tabloids about Michael..she DOES believe...ah well.
It sure as hell does.
However,..he still believes MJ bleached his skin, i have provided him with the site and told him to look at everything that is about and related to him. Why is it so hard for people to understand that he had this disease. Man...the good man was already incredibly unlucky enough to even have that freaking frustrating must it have been for him when the media kept telling lies about it, and claiming he wanted to be white...damn.
I was in the supermarket last Saturday and I actually had my first real-life encounter with vitiligo. I of course saw MJ's pictures and other pictures in the past on various sites, however I never saw anyone with the condition in real life up close.

I was standing very close to this teenage girl (probably between 16 and 20 years old of African descent). The distance was probably about 1m or 3ft. She had quite big patches of really "Caucasian" patches at various places over her body, including her face, arms, hands, shoulders. The patches were very light, really the skin color of a "Caucasian" person.

Her case looked quite severe to me already, the patches were quite big and obviously very noticeable.

Factors like stress and so on are never good for any condition, especially not for skin. Seeing Mike had a lot of stress in his life, I can imagine it drastically worsened his condition over the years.

I think eventually it got easier for him to use "white" make up instead of "black" make up just because the majority of his body simply became "white" due to the progressing condition.

Could Mike have used some creams to lighten his skin a bit? I truly don't know, I wasn't around him to verify.

I can however imagine that when you need to put a lot of make up every day to make your skin "white", it could be beneficial and just less of a hassle to deal with on a daily basis to use some creams to lighten the still dark patches or to obtain a more regular tone on the affected patches.

I am no doctor and not sure if all is possible with the conditions Mike suffered from to actually use such creams, but I believe that IF he did use them (which I truly don't know), he didn't do it because he "hated to be black", but only because it would make it less of a hassle for him in everyday life.

If I would've been in his shoes I would've probably used creams when I had the chance if it would make my daily life easier and less of a hassle with the tons of make up that would need to be used.

When you use a lot of make up it really looks very artificial and fake, so I can imagine having a more "even" tone could drastically reduce the amount of make up needed and give you a more "natural" look.
Great, you should come to Québec in Canada.. you would have plenty of work.. I've given up on that here.

It really is that bad? Damn. I'm not the best talker in the world, but i am doing my best here. And i am a rather shy person, so to explain lots of things like this to a whole group of people would probably be hard.BUT it's for a good if it ever comes to that, i am down with that a 100%.
Well done you. And kudous to those willing to listen and learn.

There have been a few instances with friends where they have suprised me by spouting the vile rubbish that the media has fed into them, and I've been suprised as I thought they were more intelligent than that. So I've literally sat down and explained the facts to them, the stuff about the accusations, the skin condition, even his children. I've had arguments, in some cases I've got incredibly angry with people's ignorance and stupidity. But you know what? Most listened, and accepted what I had to say, I always end the conversation with 'If you feel that strongly to say Michael was this/that/the other then I suggest you do your research and make your own mind up rather than believe everything the media tells you to, I thought you were more intelligent than that' That little sentence usually shuts them up.

On other forums I've said my piece also, and have shut people up.

It can be incredibly waring. And I've been accused of being obsessed blahdeblah but I feel it's important to change peoples perception of Michael, even if it's one person at a time.

I salute you for doing the same :)
lol my family calls me the MJ reporter, most of my family don't believe the negative stuff about MJ so I don't really have to tell them much. It's amazing how people will believe everything they hear. I know someone that thought Rebbie Jackson was 69 and Katherine was pregnant with Rebbie at age 10. lol
Great, you should come to Québec in Canada.. you would have plenty of work.. I've given up on that here.

Hey I thought they said that, for the most part, Quebecois didn't believe that MJ was guilty and many of them were supporters...Apparently they did a poll.. Wasn't he considering moving to Montreal? No idea if this is true though..
Great job Staffordshire Bullterrier!!!!!

I am doing what I can to set people on discovering the truth instead of blindly accepting what the media is putting out. Sometimes I can't believe how gullible people are!

I commend you so much for telling the truth about Michael!!
It sure as hell does.

On this hiphop forum i regularly visit, there has been lots of threads about MJ. Whenever there was 'news' about Michael, i was there do debunk the lies
and fill them in with the truth...(with of course much credit for MJJC,thanks guys). Many times i have been called all kinds of a MJ Stan (referring to Eminem's song about the obsessed fan) but i didn't care, i just kept on going.

Lately more and more people are talking much different about MJ now, especially this dude who used to say the biggest nonsense you can think of. Now he thanked me for enlightening him and letting him see there absolutely was ZERO evidence of any child molestation from MJ. So you'd think he'll ignore and quiestion any report from a source from now on....let's hope so.

However,..he still believes MJ bleached his skin, i have provided him with the site and told him to look at everything that is about and related to him. Why is it so hard for people to understand that he had this disease. Man...the good man was already incredibly unlucky enough to even have that freaking frustrating must it have been for him when the media kept telling lies about it, and claiming he wanted to be white...damn.

Either way....this gives me more and more motivation to keep on doing this. If doubters wanna talk shit and challenge me, bring them on. I'll have
them looking like fools in no time.It's just sad..that after so many times already....and only after his death....people start to see the big picture now. But at the end of the day, that's only a good thing...MJ should be remembered for what he was. The king of pop, a multi-talented guy and
an incredibly, possibly best human being ever lived.

that's the spirit and this is the greatest way we can thank him for just being the talent that he was...
That makes me smile. :] That's awesome Staffordshire.
Sometimes people need that umpf & push to see the light... and to unveil away from the garbage they are constantly surrounded in. & you're one of those people to help them do that. Well done.
That is great _ i love when you can change hearts with the truth

I made this video to prove MJ had Vitiligo
Feel free to use it if you think it will help
my original Vid was lost when my channel was suspeneded
it had over 500,000 views and changed many hearts. I
reloaded it to my backup channel ..

Vitiligo?? Did Michael Jackson REALLY have this skin disorder??

not under these circumstances it doesnt,but i guees pple are seeing the light. and ive always been called a mj stan lol,i wear it proudly haha
Thank for this!
This is what I've been saying to many fans and on many differente forums. Now when Michael is gone I as a fan fell it's just as important to make sure the memory of him is not what the tabliod said. I don't want people to remember him based on all the lies that they made up about him, good or bad.
So I, like you, will do my very best to spread the truth as we here know it and hope people will start seeing the light.
I give you all a heart warming thank you and great big hug. Maybe you are the MJ guardian angels that I always imagined. I get hurt looking at all the headlines and MJ specials on TV programs...I can't take it anymore. My heart is bleeding. Like you, I do my part to change people heart with truth. I never get tired of it. I post comments on other forums and facebook etc. Why people are so naive, believe everything they read or hear or see. Why can't they question them? why can't do research. They can see the media crap all conflicts on from other obviously. I love you all. Keep MJ's pride alive. :) cheers
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It sure as hell does.

On this hiphop forum i regularly visit, there has been lots of threads about MJ. Whenever there was 'news' about Michael, i was there do debunk the lies
and fill them in with the truth...(with of course much credit for MJJC,thanks guys). Many times i have been called all kinds of a MJ Stan (referring to Eminem's song about the obsessed fan) but i didn't care, i just kept on going.

Lately more and more people are talking much different about MJ now, especially this dude who used to say the biggest nonsense you can think of. Now he thanked me for enlightening him and letting him see there absolutely was ZERO evidence of any child molestation from MJ. So you'd think he'll ignore and quiestion any report from a source from now on....let's hope so.

However,..he still believes MJ bleached his skin, i have provided him with the site and told him to look at everything that is about and related to him. Why is it so hard for people to understand that he had this disease. Man...the good man was already incredibly unlucky enough to even have that freaking frustrating must it have been for him when the media kept telling lies about it, and claiming he wanted to be white...damn.

Either way....this gives me more and more motivation to keep on doing this. If doubters wanna talk shit and challenge me, bring them on. I'll have
them looking like fools in no time.It's just sad..that after so many times already....and only after his death....people start to see the big picture now. But at the end of the day, that's only a good thing...MJ should be remembered for what he was. The king of pop, a multi-talented guy and
an incredibly, possibly best human being ever lived.
Much props to you for doing this!:clapping: I wanted to do the same thing but ever since he passed away, I haven't been able to find the energy to do it. I know I'll start when I feel ready enough to calm myself down faced with those ignorant remarks, instead of just cursing them out and arguing with them.

I go to this one hiphop community and find more and more folks say things like, "MJ is a gangsta" (of course, in a positive way) and "He's a proud black man". Many of its members are young African-American males and some of them do seem to look up to Michael as a "brotha". It's a beautiful thing:)
Much props to you for doing this!:clapping: I wanted to do the same thing but ever since he passed away, I haven't been able to find the energy to do it. I know I'll start when I feel ready enough to calm myself down faced with those ignorant remarks, instead of just cursing them out and arguing with them.

I go to this one hiphop community and find more and more folks say things like, "MJ is a gangsta" (of course, in a positive way) and "He's a proud black man". Many of its members are young African-American males and some of them do seem to look up to Michael as a "brotha". It's a beautiful thing:)

That's great, that's a very good thing. The hiphop forum i am on is and from there it's forum. Lots of ignorant but also simply very unfriendly childish people on there.