Does ur friends respect you for being a MJ fan?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've had this problem ever since I've been a fan. Through little school people were like "why do u like michael, do u fancy him" its because they all read the newspaper and the lies they print. I was NEVER afraid or ashamed to tell everyone that I was an MJ fan and in my village and school I became known as the N.1 MJ Fan.
What hurt me the most though was the fact that my friends keep questioning my loyalty to MJ which really hurts me. All my friends are into heavy metal, or rock music so of course they think any other type of music is crap. Whenever I went to my friends house watchin the music channel, we'd flick through and everytime MJ came I'd go hyper lol, but all my friends would have that look on their faces like " god do we have to listen to this" then I'd feel guilty and let them change it back to their music prefrence. Even in my birthday party Id put MJ on but all my friends would have that bored look on their faces and I'd always fee guilty and change it to their music.
Everytime I'd talk about him lovingly they would roll their eyes and just tell me to shut up or try to start a debate about him.
The jokes were the worst, they would tell me horrid jokes about him knowing damn well I'm a fan. They would make snide comments and stuff everytime his name was mention. one day I finally cracked, I banned them from even mentioning his name, I told them never to say anything about him in my presence, but then my friends would have this "new" joke about him and they'd whisper it amongst themselves, and I knew exactly what they were doing.
I didn't speak to one of my friends for nearly 2 weeks once because, we were watching the music video for will you be there then my friend suddenly aksed me " did u like michael better when he was black or white" I was deeply offended, disgusted and hurt by this question, how could someone be so shallow minded, and I never though my friend was like that. But Michael's death has taught me that my friends were just like the media, they were shallow, they never saw beyond the lies and contreversy.
What angers me the most now is that all my friends are being nice about MJ, they start listening to his music and stuff, I mean its too late now, they're only doing it for me, and maybe because they feel a tad bit guilty. I feel betrayed in a way , the way my friends pretend that they've always liked Michael, ( well they didn't hate him, some of my friends did but most kinda liked him, but that didn't stop them saying nasty stuff)
All my life people have question my loyalty to him , and try to put me off him but the truth is , I love Michael with all my heart , NO ONE, NOTHING will break that love I have for him. He was a beautiful person, IS a beautiful person I miss him terribly. I don;t think I'll ever recover from this and I'm not willing to forgive my friends for all the things they said about him.

I was just wondering if anyone else here had the same problem.
Sorry for the long post , I got a bit carried away, lol.
This is something that i think we've all had to cope with. I've had similar experiences so i can totally relate to you and how bad is it that even though people knew well that you adored him, they still found the time and effort to slander him in front of your face?
They have been conditioned by the media, and unfortunately, this is Michaels' image as a general consensus of the public.
I guess it's easier now since i don't really have any friends. I've become really withdrawn from people on purpose because i just can't stand how simple minded and Ignorant a lot of people are. People are so simple these days, they should seriously think a bit more deeply and most of all sensitively to other people.
Some of my friends respect that im a fan- some dont

But when the news came out bout michaels death, they knew not to say s***it bout him around me at that time....otherwise i would have kicked some asses!
There's only two types of people in the world. Those who understood Michael, and those who didn't. Be proud you were on the right side.
I'm sorry your friends were like that :( It's really sad some just can't respect others.
I'm thankful that all my best friends respected before and still respect my fandom.
Generally my friends respect me being an MJ fan, even if they don't like MJ and they think I'm weird. Most will just avoid giving comments.

My current roommate is an MJ hater though. She posted something on facebook about Michael which is so hurtful. It makes me so sad. :(
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear your story :( I had a lot of that in school too, throughout the trial it was awful and I would come home and cry. One of my best friends in particular really really thought that he was guilty, so I had to stand up in front of the whole class to defend almost daily. Luckily, I had 'transformed' another of my friends to like him too, so she would help defend him with me, but it was still difficult, sometimes the teacher would have to get involved when we were shouting at each other :(

I don't understand though, if people are your best friends, then they should respect your decisions and your opinions and your love for someone.

I wouldn't push all of your friends away, I think that it a bad idea, but just 'accept' now that they at least respect him. It doesn't take the hurt away from before but at least they won't be (hopefully) slagging him off in front of you anymore.
Oh, my friends know better. They are all replaceable! They are secondary to my love. HAHAHA (but seriously, they are all replaceable).

I argue with my friends, family (sometimes) and random strangers (like yesterday at borders) about MJ.
I do think my friends (close friends) are clear about the things that I am passionate about, so we try to avoid those mine fields. But it doesn't mean we don't talk about our views.
My friends and family are fans (except 1). My sister is probably a bigger fan than me to be quite honest. Whenever we go on road trips, she always plays her MJ CDs.
My friends and family are fans (except 1). My sister is probably a bigger fan than me to be quite honest. Whenever we go on road trips, she always plays her MJ CDs.

Wow you are really lucky. I have like one family member that thought he was okay and liked a few songs. The rest didn't understand him, most though he was totally off his rocker. I remember back when Michael and Lisa got married and the news grandpa went NUTS, saying Elvis was rolling over in his grave etc.

Most have been really good since he died. I had one cousin that outright told me he sucks. She felt bad later when she realized it had affected me and made it up to me by shipping all sorts of mags from the US that had dedications to him. It was nice she apologized, I can forgive.

It has never been easy being a fan of Michael. Never.

But it's made me stronger as a person :)
I have one best friend whom I've known all my life who knows how much Michael has meant to me for so many years, and she would never say anything disrespectful about him, not around me anyway, I don't know if she does around anyone else. People who I considered to be my friends have said some hurtful things about him, but they didn't know how much of a fan I really was because he was never really brought about in conversation but after they get a piece of my mind they typically don't say anything again lol. It's a sad world though isn't it? I think it's something that almost every MJ fan has had to deal with unfortunately. It's almost impossible to convert these people into "fans" because a lot of them are hard headed about their beliefs about him and will believe anything the tabloids have to say.
The only friend that I have where I live is my cat. And she doesn't care that I am a MJ fan. Even when I was in school I didn't really any friends. Because of the fact that my school was full of MJ haters. I was the only MJ fan in my entire school. And none of the kids liked the fact that there was a MJ fan in their school. But I had learn to ignore whatever names they had call me. But the one thing that I could not ignore was when they were making fun of Michael. Now that really angered me. And did I ever defended Michael back then. I remember I had almost gotten thrown out of school for it. But I really did not care. I remember during my senior year of high school this one girl who I thought was a friend started to make of Michael. I had told her that she better stop it. And when she didn't I gave her a friendly little reminder of what happens when you cross a MJ fan. I had slammed her in to some near by lockers hard. I probably could have easily put her in to the hospital. OMG was I ever angry because I was just so sick and tired of Michael being call all of these horrible names. But it was until we had a mock wedding reception after we had a mock wedding. Because we were learning about relationships in health class. Well during the wedding reception I hated the music this one kid was playing. So I went over to him and ask him if he could play one of my cds. So he said yeah go get it. So I went over to my desk where my school bag is. And pull out my Blood On The Dance Floor cd and I gave it to the kid to play. I told him to play the first 2 songs. So he did and all of the kids were like saying awesome cd and all of those haters knew it was a Michael Jackson but they still thought the cd was awesome. The boy playing the cd told them that it was mine. And they all told me what an awesome cd it is. I just smile and said why do you think I like Michael Jackson. None of the haters in that classroom ever say they were sorry to me for making fun of me and him. But I did get those MJ haters to see why I love Michael like I do.
most of my friends dont respect it nor understand it. it used to be bother me but now i try not to let it bother me because everyone feels differently and if they dont understand thats their failing, not mine.
If your 'friends' know that you are a Michael Jackson fan and they make condescending remarks about him, knowing very well that they are hurting your feelings you are wrong to consider them your friends - they aren't.

Most people are like sheep though - they just follow the flock. Many kids in school no doubt like Michael Jackson but fear to be ridiculed and they give in to peer pressure. It's easier to pretend that you like a rock group or a rap act and be considered cool and 'one of the guys.'

Not speaking from personal experience because I'm an old fart who's school days are long behind him, but some things never change and you had the same thing happening when I was a kid. There were artists you were supposed to like and artists that in reality most people liked as well but some kept quiet about because they were afraid to be ridiculed.
Though I have been an MJ fan for years, I wasn't one of the hardcore fanatics, but I still love his music and I loved him as a person. And if I were to have ever had that chance metting with him I would have went INSANE, lol.

My family and friends knew I listened to Michael's music, but they had no idea just how much I liked him. Throughout my life I have had a lot of trouble expressing myself to people. I've always been known as being a Gloria Estefan fanatic. When the news broke of his death nobody really knew how much I was really hurting. I kept a lot of that to myself for fear of being ridiculed. I mean, I didn't even know the guy personally. They probably would have thought I was a nut even if it would have been Gloria Estefan. I've said in my Myspace status that I've been taking MJ's death pretty hard (and it's been on there for over two weeks), but nobody knows just how hard I've really been taking it.
if someone is a friend they do, anyone who would not, is no friend of mine
I'm not really a fan, I mean i love his music, moonwalk and stuff but I never loved "him". Generally Poland has an eticquette of a very intolerant "country" and that we hate everyone who is different(well some people are like that), but to be really honest : Never, ever in my whole life non of my friends, or even just "people that I know" ridiculed MJ or said that his music sucks. We never really even talked about his personal life. Whenever there was a party and I played Thiller or Billie Jean(my personal favourite of his solo albums) everybody were dancing, and only comments you could hear were "oh,I love this song". And really those people were never MJ fans.
I guess we all grew up listening to his music, so it's hard not to respect him. Guy became a legend while he was in his twenties, thats freakin' amazing. And he loved his devoted fans, so I guess they were a part of his amazing work, then if anybody have any respect for him, he/she also have the respect for his fans :)
Thanxs for ur comments guys. Its so frustrating when people don't understand just how much I love Michael. I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that my friends just don't understand and probably never will :(
None of my friends understand :( My girlfriend tries, bless her, but its just not the same as coming from another fan.
Luckily when I was growing up a lot of kids at my school WERE into Michaels music. It was only in the last year or two that they began "converting" to Eminem, and in my opinion they only converted in order to look "hard". I remember me and my brother liked Michael but my parents thought he was "weird". In fact, they didn't just get it from the media, my dad kind of made stuff up, like one time there was a massive bomb scare in London, and because we had seen Michael that day in The Natural History Museum, he told us he had gone to a telephone box and reported a bomb on purpose. Shows how lies and rumours start doesn't it?

What I have found hardest is the attitude from other people SINCE he died. My mother told me I shouldn't take my son to the vigil because "Michael liked little boys". A "friend" called me a "saddo" for going and that everyone who went was "a bunch of saddos". Another "friend" even told me I was "gay" as all Michael Jackson fans are "gay". I'm actually glad I found this place, or I might have started believing that I was "weird" too without you guys :)
At first none of my friends admitted to liking Michael when i explained to them that that theres nothing wring with being different and listing to different styles of music they then came out and admitted they were MJ fans.
xxwelshfanxx im sorry about those friends that hurt ur feelings. i dont understand people like that.
my friends have been mixed, both good and bad. but i tend to keep my admiration of michael jackson to myself and only tell like 2 or 3 close friends. everyone else is weird coz they have moments where they accept him and moments where they say really superficial mean things.
but in the end it doesnt affect me much, coz mjjc is where i go to talk about mj stuff
Wow... I've NEVER had a problem with family or friends.. but then again, I'm the type that you never ever want to be on the bad side of. LOL

We might argue on religion or politics.. but NO ONE that I personally know of would argue with me when it comes to Michael Jackson.