Does School kill creativity (video)

that was very interesting to hear. i completely agree with him on the bigger picture that our current education plan serves the expectancy of others and of the community. i also agree and believe that we are all born artists and i think the system is quite biased against those who have the ability to flourish into a particular creative route. being creative doesn't only support artists or musicians or dancers but everyone else in their craft whatever it may be. i hope we can put more emphasis
on this in not only schools but also at university-level and throughout work.

thanks for sharing.
Yes, it does. Most school systems are designed to follow the Prussian method of organizing the army. The idea is that independent thought is dangerous, and society would not function is we had a population of intelligent people who actively questioned their world. I feel quite angry about it when I think about it. I mean, imagine all of the things people would be capable of if they weren't stunted emotionally, creatively, and intellectually by their public school systems.
look at this link, it's really scary