Does or did anyone have braces?

I had braces as a child and Invisalign as an adult because I didn't wear my retainer. My teeth do not like to stay in place! I feel your pain!
my braces were removed in april (after almost 3 years wearing them), and now i wear retainers :)
I had braces for just under two years. I had to wear headgear at night and then a retainer at night after they were removed. After several years, my bottom teeth started to move again and I got a special retainer for them. Now I have a slight gap between two of my top teeth and I might get a retainer for those at some point.
omg, i wore a headgear too :bugeyed but never in public lol
^ omg did you!! lol
that thing that goes round ur head?!!!
:lol: crazy!!
i wore a retainer 7years ago for a year. lol
...i still have it in my drawer as a wee memory lol
I wore it when I was asleep. :lol:

I had no choice. I had an overbite. :(

Same here, no choice because of an overbite. My jaws sometimes got stuck because of it, couldn't open my mouth. Happened once with my toothbrush still in my mouth. That was hilarious.

Had braces for about 6 years. Been almost 12 years since I had them and my teeth didn't keep straight. Even over the last year my front teeth started moving again...... If it gets worse I might look to get them straightened out again.
6 yrs? :blink: I had mine on for about 2.5 yrs. Only had them taken off because I was sick of them too, and I had always heard it was a 2 yr deal. I probably still would have had mine on, if I didn't say something about it. So hey maybe if you just ask, they'll let you have them taken off. If your teeth are already straightened out that is. I don't get these orthodonists/dentists sometimes. Perfectionistic, really expensive...
Yeah takes a long time when you have different kind of braces. First the headgear for 2 years, then normal braces for like 3 years. I think they had t stay in that long as I was in my teens. Cause my dentist told me if I wanted to get my teeth straightened now it would only take 6 months because I'm an adult now.
yup I wore braces for 3 years..I had that stupid head gear at night when I slept...I hated that thing..:lmao:.....I got my braces off and then got my retainers.....well...the day I got my retainers mom tok me to get some hot weiners and I took the retainers out of my mouth to eat...and oh boy...I accidentally through them away..:bugeyed:....My mom had a fit...I didnt eve realize it until i got home and then seh tried to call the restaurant..they found only the top ones in the garabage.....Of course I never did go get it. So yeah that was my experience with braces..:)
They still make the head gear thing?

I never had braces. My mother could never afford them. I had a crooked front tooth for many years but it was nothing a good dentist, crowns and humongous credit card bills couldn't fix. :mello:
I've had my braces going on 6 years next Summer and i'm sooo tired of them.

6 years - whoa, good on ya for sticking to the treatment! You'll thank yourself later :punk:

I had braces when I was 15 for about 18 months. Mine was just a case of crowding at the front, so I had 4 premolars extracted. I'm 22 now and I have a little fixed retainer on the inner surface of my lower front teeth :)
gosh Im so happy I never had to wear head gear or any other kind of sh!t :lol:
^^LOL ikr


Yeah my orthodontist told me that I would probably need to have a retainer or something, that would go behind my two front teeth. I had a huge gap. LMAO.
I had them for 2-3 years as a young teen. Longer than I was supposed to, but actually never got the complete work done with them. We had moved about half way into however long I was supposed to wear them. We hit hard times and couldn't afford trips to the ortho anymore. So for the longest time I had them on with no regular visits for tightening etc. Finally when we were able to go to a new ortho, he said we just needed to take them off and start all over. I was like, um, NO! So I got them off and never back on, and hated my teeth anyway from there on out.

As an adult I finally got the gap filled (bonded) between my two front teeth that bugged me so much that I NEVER smiled with my mouth open. Those bonded teeth have chipped twice and stain easily and are a financial nightmare to maintain. My dentist says at some point we'll have to do something else with them. So no matter what I will always be dealing with teeth problems. And what is funny (well, not funny to me) is that I still smile with my mouth closed, even though I don't have the gap anymore. I spent 30+ years smiling that way, so I find it impossible to smile (on purpose) any other way. It's annoying. ;)
I had braces as a teenager & I have completely forgotten what its like!
I still have a few wires behind my lower teeth but I dont notcie them & have to wear a plate every now & again at night (well I am meant too :s haha)

I am so happy I had them though. I would be a completely different person if I hadnt. I love smiling & people still comment on my nice smile today :D
I've had mine on just over 1 year now, I have a double row of teeth in my jaw and the two front teeth are only just in the jaw so I don't know when I'm getting them off, they said I would only have then on for 2 years
I had braces for roughly around 18 months when I was a young teenager. They weren't fixed braces, they were the ones you could remove so I had a mouth full of plastic. After this, I wore my retainer but I can't remember for how long.
My orthodontist was rubbish though... I mean, just ridiculously bad. He hardly spent any time with me and rushed through any checks I had. I stuck to wearing my braces and retainer, I never cheated and took them out... yet not long after removing them, my teeth began to move again. By this time, my orthodontist left and now, 8 years later, I'm wanting another brace. I might as well have not bothered the first time round. Having just finished university, I can't afford to get a brace just yet, but I'd love my teeth to be perfectly straight.
I used to have them, for 2 years, but not anymore, I still have to wear a retainer during bedtime, but stopped doing that because I got too tired or too comfortable on a couch or on a bed to to brush my teeth and put the retainer on.