Does my ex Girlfriend want me back?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My girlfriend broke up with me back in May saying she felt our relationship had run its course and that she had basically lost feelings for me. She is 16 and I am 18.

About a month later she started going out with this boy who i dont particularly like, as he had liked her for ages and would text her all sorts of things when she was with me.

She cut of contact from me, saying that it would be best this way as I would be able to get over her easier.

But in the past week, she re-added me on MSN. Just to tell me off for hitting on her friend. Once that was out the way we started talking like we used to when we were going out, and before we were going out. Things seemed back to normal.

Little things she said lead me to think she might be missing me and want me back. I let her know that she can talk about her new bf if she wants, and she simply told me theres not much to talk about really.

Also when the subject of 'you know what' came up, she suddenly felt the need to tell me she hadnt done it with him........Lots of things lead me to believe something is going on. Even just the overall way she talks to me now.

Why would she feel the need to tell me she hadnt done 'it' with him. Why has she felt the need to add me again at all? Why does she suddenly have any interest in talking to me again at all?
Well, maybe it's not so nice to hear but reading this I think she might want to get the attention or feeling to be 'loved' back, the feeling from what she had with you. Probably the relationship with the other guy isn't working out so well, and that's when people need to find a proof for themselves that they actually still are loved or can get attention. Most of the times when this happens and you 'fall for' her wanting for attention, and if you guys up end together again, she'll be satisfied and it could end up being in the same situation again when you guys broke up. :( She's probably not aware of this feeling and just thinks she need to get you back.
But she'll be realizing what she the time you admit to her again.

Ofcourse it's just what I read from it, don't pin me on it, haven't experienced it myself but seen it a dozen times.

Tough situation though, take care! :hug:
Well, maybe it's not so nice to hear but reading this I think she might want to get the attention or feeling to be 'loved' back, the feeling from what she had with you. Probably the relationship with the other guy isn't working out so well, and that's when people need to find a proof for themselves that they actually still are loved or can get attention. Most of the times when this happens and you 'fall for' her wanting for attention, and if you guys up end together again, she'll be satisfied and it could end up being in the same situation again when you guys broke up. :( She's probably not aware of this feeling and just thinks she need to get you back.
But she'll be realizing what she the time you admit to her again.

Ofcourse it's just what I read from it, don't pin me on it, haven't experienced it myself but seen it a dozen times.

Tough situation though, take care! :hug:

Thank you. :) Yeah thats the way ive been seeing it. The thing annoying me most is that I dont know for sure. I need to know either way if she does or she doesnt :\
Thank you. :) Yeah thats the way ive been seeing it. The thing annoying me most is that I dont know for sure. I need to know either way if she does or she doesnt :\
True...just have to wait and find out, that's all you can do.
Try to not let it get you so much. :)
She obviously still has feelings for you. Were you her first boyfriend and did she lose her umm V to you? If so, then it makes sense for her to still be feeling some sort of connection to you. You say she's 16 - that's young; she's still young and I reckon she's been finding it hard to get over you tbh. This new BF of hers is just a way of showing you that she's moved on. You shouldn't have hit on her friend though; that must have hurt her feelings. Yeah, it may have hurt you to see her with another guy but come on, you're the male in this relationship and older than her so you should be stronger too. Call me traditional.. lol

So like yeah; she still likes you. Ask her if she's happy with her new BF and whether she feels comfortable taking things further with him.

Oh and ask her straight what she wants. Girls aren't mind readers. :doh:

sounds like she might still like you, but its not fair on you for her to do this whilst shes still with the other guy. its not fair on him either to be honest.
sounds like she might still like you, but its not fair on you for her to do this whilst shes still with the other guy. its not fair on him either to be honest.

Yeah your right. I will feel slightly sorry for him to be honest. Even if he did text her stuff when i was with her.

Yes she did lose her V to me. I hit on her friend, but I didnt know she was that clsoe to her. I thought she just spoke to her the odd time, apparently not. Didnt think it would bother her anyway if shes off with some other boy.

After we broke up, I was like trying to change her mind about it. Up until she got a new boyfriend and then I gave up and didnt speak to her at all really. People told me that if I stay out of contact then she will end up missing me. It may have worked?

By the way, thanks for helping me with this. I know there are people with far worse problems all over the place and I feel stupid seeking advice for this :\ lol
don't let her lead u on. if she likes u, she needs to leave the other guy. she can't have both. whilst shes still with him, its not fair for her to make u renew these feelings for her if she isn't going to get back with u.
don't let her lead u on. if she likes u, she needs to leave the other guy. she can't have both. whilst shes still with him, its not fair for her to make u renew these feelings for her if she isn't going to get back with u.

Well perhaps she is planning on leaving the new guy. I got the impression that she has lost interest in him. My guess is shes waiting for the right time to end it with him.

Your right, its not fair. But she wouldnt do it on purpose. Maybe at the moment she is seriously considering getting back with me and therefore leading me back to these feelings is doing no harm. But who knows, she might change her mind.

Im just trying not to get my hopes up, then if it turns out she does want me back. Ill be pleasantly surpised :)
I asked her, she doesnt :\

She misses talking to me, but doesnt miss me in the way I want her too. She started talking to me again because she heard about me liking another girl and thought it was over her, and that she wouldnt be making me miss her more by talking to me.

So we were debating whether we should just stop talking.

I mean I adore this girl.......I would give anything to get back with her! But it just seems impossible to get her to gain interest in me in that kind of way again! :(
if she doesn't appreciate you then why waste time on her?!
Based in your last post I think it would be a waste of time for you to keep your hopes up... she wants you as her 'friend' which is totally unfair to you.

Break ups are always messy, even when they're not. My advice is for you to cut contact with her again and try to move on; if she wants you back for real...she's gonna say it, if she doesn't say it, then you're just risking getting hurt for nothing by talkig to her.
I think that you need to give it time...right now she is with this other guy...who knows maybe if you dont make yourself so accessible to her she will start to miss you too. I dont know...because I dont know the girl. ....In my opinion...I think you should try to move on but not with her friends....that will only make her mad...and then she will never want to go back with you.....Try dating other girls.....or maybe you are not ready to move on yet in which case you need to give yourself more time. But the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay away from her and keep yourself busy with other things.
My girlfriend broke up with me back in May saying she felt our relationship had run its course and that she had basically lost feelings for me. She is 16 and I am 18.

About a month later she started going out with this boy who i dont particularly like, as he had liked her for ages and would text her all sorts of things when she was with me.

She cut of contact from me, saying that it would be best this way as I would be able to get over her easier.

But in the past week, she re-added me on MSN. Just to tell me off for hitting on her friend. Once that was out the way we started talking like we used to when we were going out, and before we were going out. Things seemed back to normal.

Little things she said lead me to think she might be missing me and want me back. I let her know that she can talk about her new bf if she wants, and she simply told me theres not much to talk about really.

Also when the subject of 'you know what' came up, she suddenly felt the need to tell me she hadnt done it with him........Lots of things lead me to believe something is going on. Even just the overall way she talks to me now.

Why would she feel the need to tell me she hadnt done 'it' with him. Why has she felt the need to add me again at all? Why does she suddenly have any interest in talking to me again at all?

In my opinion she feel guilty cause she broke it off with you trying to see if she can move on with out you she knows she loves you dearly she at that age where she wants to explore what I mean is do her own thing but she realize that she truly love you something about you gets her attention and makes her have these strong feelings for you. Play your cards right this time and take it really slow to see where her heads at cause love is not a game to be playing around with its serious and heartbreaking but when its real its some deep within you feel with that person you have a lot of love for you can let go.
if she doesn't appreciate you then why waste time on her?!

Its not easy to see it like that in this position.

I think I will talk to her next time shes online and see how it goes. :\

Its just that, theres nobody in the world that I get a long with as well as her. We literally just gel and we can talk for hours and hours without being bored or struggling for conversation. But unfortunately she knows this, but cant seem to find it in her to miss me or want me back. Thats why its so frustrating.

SO yeah, I will talk to her next time she is on and then ill see how that goes. Most likely I will break of contact with her again though.
if she doesn't appreciate you then why waste time on her?!

That's what I was thinking, and seeing that you said this......

Well perhaps she is planning on leaving the new guy. I got the impression that she has lost interest in him. My guess is shes waiting for the right time to end it with him.

.. just like she lost interest in you one day and left you? Sorry I don't think you'd want to hear this but I'd steer clear. The last thing you need right now is to be a rebound for an ex who hurt you in the past. Personally I think she likes the attention she's gets from you, which is why she got angry (jealous?) that you were hitting on someone else.