Does MJJ Productions & MJJ Music Still Exist?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

What happened to MJJ Productions and MJJ Music? I see the MJJ Productions logo was on the T25 DVD so I take it it still exists but it doesnt appear to be as big as it was in the 80s and early 90s. (And yes Im aware MJJ Productions was never as it appeared in Moonwalker, as a Hollywood studio lot!)

And in the mid 90s>, MJJ Music signed a number of artists from Brownestone to Nathan Cavaleri to 3T but none of these artists have been heard from again and havent released any albums through MJJ Music.
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mjj productions was replaced bythe MJ company a year or so ago. and yeah mjj music was just a subsiduary of sony when it hit the fan with sony the label went aswell
Forget about the MJ Company: since Raymone Bain is out, the company will never be active.

MJJ Productions still exists as en entity, that's the company MJ uses to produce his releases.
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MJJ Productions is still around..

Put in your THRILLER 25 DVD.. the logo comes up..
Anyway, MJJ Productions does exist and produces music and albums, despite earlier announcements of closure, while MJJ Company shows no activity.
Forget about the MJ Company: since Raymone Bain is out, the company will never be active.

MJJ Productions still exists as en entity, that's the company MJ uses to produce his releases.

are you going by what's been said by a certain Fox columnist or another source..

please be clear and factual...where is the source of this info?
MJJ Productions is still around..

Put in your THRILLER 25 DVD.. the logo comes up..

I noted this in my first post that I noticed on T25 DVD MJJ Productions logo was used, but I didnt know to what capacity it was used seems it doesnt seem to be the entity it was in the 80s and 90s.

Thanx for all the additional info guys.

As for Raymone, that was just a rumour that is months old and never confirmed which Im sure it would have been if she was let go.
"MJJ Productions Inc.": I was the one who reported about MJJP's closure several months ago, because it was shutted down for real. However some folks here noticed (and they were right) that for some unknown reasons MJJP has been re-opened about 2 months ago. So MJJP is active now and operated by a management company called 'Corporation Service Company'.
As well "MJJ Ventures Inc." has been re-opened. Their registered address is (surprisignly) Hayvenhurst.
However according to my research I can not confirm that the company has any actual tasks to do. My guess is that MJJP has been opened for administration/tax reasons.

"MJJ Music": Still active and registered in New York. MJJM is after a lost court case about a New York flat they rented from a real estate company.
The company is financially inactive since 2001, there are no new releases or additions at all.

Note that "The Michael Jackson Company LLC" is still active and registered in Delaware.
Just one more thing about Raymone Bain's involvement in MJ's business: I know for sure that she was around late February, and she is still a principal in one of MJ's assets.
"MJJ Productions Inc.": I was the one who reported about MJJP's closure several months ago, because it was shutted down for real. However some folks here noticed (and they were right) that for some unknown reasons MJJP has been re-opened about 2 months ago. So MJJP is active now and operated by a management company called 'Corporation Service Company'.
As well "MJJ Ventures Inc." has been re-opened. Their registered address is (surprisignly) Hayvenhurst.
However according to my research I can not confirm that the company has any actual tasks to do. My guess is that MJJP has been opened for administration/tax reasons.

"MJJ Music": Still active and registered in New York. MJJM is after a lost court case about a New York flat they rented from a real estate company.
The company is financially inactive since 2001, there are no new releases or additions at all.

Note that "The Michael Jackson Company LLC" is still active and registered in Delaware.

Fantastic info there thank you kindly.

MJJ Ventures is registered at Havenhurst? That is surprising. Wonder if any of the Jackson family have any involvement in that or its just a mailing address being as MJ owns Havenhurst. What does MJJ Ventures do for MJ then may I ask?

And MJJ Productions must have reopened due to MJ knowing he was about to have new releases starting with T25.

And why is MJJC registered in Delaware? Seems random. Cant help but think if Waynes World when I hear Delaware.

Again thanx for the great info.
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All new tracks still registered on "MJJ Productions" at BMI and elsewhere. The company still functions (though the degree is not clear) and it is fact, not suggestion.

Probably whole "Thriller 25" project went though monetary and operational transactions of "MJJ Productions" -- even payments to Quincy Jones for his multiple interviews for promotional videos and media. No other company had anything to do officially with production.
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LeslieMJHu: did not Raymone also issued press-release about "Michael Jackson company"?

Also, could be one of the reasons why "MJJ Productions" is still active that Jackson for "Thriller 25" album prolonged his 1991 contract with SME (now with Sony-BMG ME)? And since "MJ Company" was not established as legal/juridical "successor" of "MJJ Productions" all intiatial contracts actually happen to "stuck" with original organization, which is "MJJ Productions"?

The idea is that original "six albums" conract expired, however, both parties can agree to prolong it forever for other albums.
Both MJJP and MJJ Ventures names it's address as Hayvenhurst.
I guess that this is the only permanent address MJ has nowadays.

"MJJ Ventures Inc." was involved in the financial part of producing the videos. As well MJJV was involved setting up "Neverland Records" back in 2002.

MJJV owns rights for the following releases:
HIStory on Film - Past, Present, and Future Book I (VHS, DVD)
HIStory on Film - Volume II (VHS, DVD)
Dangerous - The Short Films (DVD)

Yes, Raymone was the one (and only) who issued statements on behalf of MJJC. Your ideas sound great and logical, however unfortunately we have no evidences right now.
Just another tidbit: the "dancing feet" logo (what is basically the MJJ Productions logo) has been renewed this February, and is still copyright protected.

The categories are: "phonograph records featuring music and entertainment, pre-recorded audio tapes featuring music and entertainment, pre-recorded compact discs featuring music and entertainment, [ blank videotapes, video cassette recorders, exposed movie film, sunglasses, protective safety goggles and decorative magnets for attaching notes to refrigerators"

So maybe You are right...
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^^ Wow thats is all amazing info. I really, really appreciate that.

Can you tell me so more please about 'Neverland Records'? What was its purpose, how long did it last etc?
ote that "The Michael Jackson Company LLC" is still active and registered in Delaware.

this is something i find intrresting. isnt one of the loan companies,i think the ones who are invovled in the ranch come from delaware. just seems abit of a coincdence. i wonder if the 2 are connected in some way.

MJJP may still be around because of thriller 25 because all the original music etc is registared under MJJP?? maybe its just business releated as others said. that its for certinan things and mjjp needs to be active.i dunno at the end of the day all these business companies dont really matter when nothing is happening on the outside

neverland records did nothing tmk just one of those many companies mj started that just faded away. think that director who did the dodgy film that mj was in was involved in some way. i think it was around that time when mj was going on about doing films and animations
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Forget about the MJ Company: since Raymone Bain is out, the company will never be active.

ive just got an email in regards to this. presume its new info and not coming from old RF stories. waiting on more info/source
About "Neverland Records": MJ teamed up with a company back in early 2002 right after Sony stopped "Invincible"'s promotion. They wanted to set up a record label called "Neverland Records". Later this year MJ cancelled the project, however the company had to pay MJ a significant amount of money based on the Record Label Agreement.

Below You can read this Agreement:

"In May 2002, the Company [Blastgard International Inc.] sold 1,000,000 shares of its restricted common stock to
an individual for gross proceeds of $500,000. $400,000 of the proceeds were paid
to MJJ Ventures, Inc. ("MJJ") as an inducement fee pursuant to a Label Term
Sheet Agreement ("Label Agreement") dated May 11, 2002, between the Company's
subsidiary, ToolTrust Corporation ("ToolTrust"), and MJJ, as described below.
The Company intends to change its name to reflect its new business initiative.

The label Agreement contemplates that ToolTrust and MJJ will form a California
Limited Liability Company to operate a music label, tentatively called
"Neverland Records". The Label Agreement obligates ToolTrust to pay MJJ a total
of $3,800,000 as an inducement fee, which is non-refundable. Of this amount,
ToolTrust had paid MJJ $400,000. The label Agreement also obligates ToolTrust to
have a minimum of $1,500,000 in funds for the initial year of operation of the
music label. ToolTrust must also provide a minimum of $2,000,000 per year to
fund the overhead portion of the music label's annual budget for the remaining
six years of the term of the Label Agreement.
The Label Agreement contemplates the substantial involvement of Michael J.
Jackson, and provides Mr. Jackson with discretion to grant or deny approval of
any artist seeking to sign a recording agreement. Mr. Jackson also shall have
final approval of all creative elements in connection with master recordings and
videos. Ultimately, however, Mr. Jackson's level of participation with the music
label, if any, shall be determined at his sole discretion. MJJ may "opt-out" of
the Label Agreement if the music label is unable to secure a distribution deal
or the music label has not substantially satisfied any material goals set forth
in its business plan. Mr. Jackson may opt-out for any reason after three years.
In any such case, ToolTrust is obligated to but-out MJJ's interest in the music
label. All trademarks, label names, domain names, and logos associated with the
music label are to remain the property of Mr. Jackson, and while the parties may
negotiate ToolTrust's use of certain trademarks associated with the music label,
there is no obligation for Mr. Jackson to grant such rights to ToolTrust.

The Company is in immediate need of funding to complete the music label venture
described above and to carry out day-to-day operations, including funding of the
online medical records business. If the Company does not secure financing to
sufficiently fund operations, it may lose all amounts paid to MJJ Ventures."
Seems Mike had a pretty sweet deal in regards to Neverland Records. Thanx again for the fabulous insight in MJs business dealings. I love how shrewd MJ is.